Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 765: Peerless style 1 more

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Xinghe Emperor __765

Rule 100.


Infinite Avenue, become.

No heart, no thought, no thought, this is called true infinity.

At the moment when Jiang left and created the Infinite Avenue, there was a slight vibration in the meditation of all realms, and there was a tremendous wisdom and blessing. All the creators of the avenue will be rewarded. This is not a certain world. The reward is not a reward given by the three-dimensional universe, but a rule, the depths of ancient chaos, a highest rule.

In particular, the King of Pioneering Avenue has more benefits.

Infinite mighty divine power gathered on his body. His mental strength, as well as blood, physical strength, were rising steadily, and his mental strength reached 300 dimensions, equivalent to the master of three thousand ordinary roads.

His body is transformed into many large worlds, which are small universes that rotate and rub against each other, emitting endless light and heat.

Then he caught it.

The totem pole exploded completely, fragmented into the depths of the eternal heart, and all magic weapons were closely combined to truly achieve the human heart.

An entity of the Great Emperor appeared in the heavenly space. Alas, it seemed that it came from the chaos and came to earth and guarded the earth. This is the earthly emperor.

At this moment, the heart of the earth has truly achieved the emperor on earth.

Possessing the breath of the emperor, the cultivation of the emperor, the ability of the emperor, the means of the fortune of the emperor, and the calculating ability of the emperor.

Of course, it is still not comparable to the system of the immortal tower, the brain of the universe, which is beyond the existence of the emperor, and the emperor is also divided into three or six or nine. The soul emperor is comparable.

The power of the emperor on earth is just the beginning of the emperor.

Of course, the newly formed emperor is also an emperor. It is definitely not comparable to ordinary people and ordinary people, and the human world has begun to change infinitely. Qi has become stronger, management systems have been strengthened, and vitality has become more sophisticated.

However, all foreigners who do business in the human world can't feel it. They only feel that the human world is slightly shaken, but everyone is used to it, because the human world is often promoted, it is such a shock, and then the area expands, the space increases, and the underground Treasure veins also condensed into shaped bodies, and a large number of the spirits of plants and trees on the surface were derived, and even many spirit beasts appeared.

"Infinite Avenue is done!"

Meng Zhiyi opened her eyes, her face ecstatic, and looked at Jiang Li coming out of the heart of the world: "Good strong! Good person, and the heart of the world has completely changed to become the emperor of the world. If we are to be promoted in the human world now For the universe, you can be promoted anytime, anywhere. "

"Now the promotion is not the most appropriate time. The human world has its origins and has not solidified." Wu Fengdao said: "But Jiang Li is really strong. I don't know how strong he is now. He can absolutely kill God and tear it with his bare hands. Split a god! As the founder of the king of the avenue, the merit gained is boundless and boundless. If later people cultivate the infinite avenue, it will not be so powerful. "

"It is true that if Jiang Lishou apprentices also practiced the infinite road, the power of the road would be at most equal to the creation, and Hongmeng would not be as powerful. Only the founders would have this kind of luck and strength." Road: "Jiang Li, to what extent is your strength now."

"I can probably fight with the ancestors! Ordinary true gods will kill them at will!" Jiang Li has landed in front of the crowd: "Of course, how far I can escape from encountering the Supreme Master, this is my own strength, and it does not contain the emperor on earth .If you use the emperor on earth, the emperor will not kill me. "

"The power of the earthly emperor is still not good." Meng Zhifang said: "Now the earthly emperor has dominated the operation of the human world. If it uses its power, it will cause fluctuations in the human world. At the same time, we need to accumulate more. Strength, to prepare for world promotion, it is necessary to promote in one fell swoop and become a world like immortal, martial art, demon, and dragon. There is still a long way to go. No bit of energy can be wasted. "

"It's okay, now that I've been drawing power, I have to trace back to the origin, and learn the secrets of ancient chaos. I suspect that as long as I go further, I can reach the same level as the eternal ancient well. Angry. "Jiang Lidao.

"Impossible, only the eternal ancient well in this world can absorb the chaos ancient atmosphere. The eternal ancient well was created by the immortal magic star field, which caused a big explosion and caused a holy place to decline directly. You must not mess around, or you will Explosions are worth more. ”Feng Feng quickly said:“ Actually, the emperors throughout the ages have been studying to absorb the ancient atmosphere of chaos, but they have not been successful, even the immortal tower star field, the universe brain star field is also secretly studied. This taboo technique, but this seems to have been cursed by ancient chaos, as strong as the Yuanshi Heavenly King has not succeeded, I think you still do not mess around. "

"I will naturally be careful, in fact, I already know that the immortal magic lamp has almost succeeded, but the entire army is annihilated. This is equivalent to a huge number of robbery. The destruction of the immortal magic star field means that the number of robbery has passed. If you can find That ruin, with the research results in it, we can really start to learn the ancient chaos. In this way, we can become a real human being, and the energy will never run out. "Jiang Lidao:" To study the ancient chaos, we must In order to encounter the robbery, now the robbery has been resisted by the past, we should be safe. Moreover, I must get the immortal lamp to compete with the immortal tower and the brain of the universe. Today, I will leave here to find the eternal Ruins. "

"I have to follow it." Wu Fengdao said: "I am now very shallow, and the three unity is not completed, so I cannot go to the fairyland."

"No, you are going to the fairyland now." Jiang Lidao said: "The fairyland has a group of your old courtiers. You have to contact them, and you cannot let Prince Dameng act arbitrarily."

"This must be done. There are still some hidden hermits in the fairyland, some of them even become emperors, but they are afraid of cause and effect, they have been hiding, they dare not appear. The fairyland is huge, rich in resources, and there are many secrets. Even I have I do n’t know, I do n’t know what great existence there are, some of them still recognize my identity. But my strength is not enough, not enough to suppress them? They will only have enough respect for me, and I will not surrender to me. Therefore, I must go to the Immortal Lamp Star Realm and search for ruins, so as to gain the strength of the three in one, transcend the fate and establish the foundation of immortality. "

"Also, there is no power, even if you are the son of the immortal world, they will only respect you and will not surrender to you." Jiang Lidao said: "Then we will go to the immortal tower star domain, first enter the abandoned land, look for more, More powerful lantern magic, we can hunt the lantern magic, draw memory from it, and get the secret of the immortal lamp. "

"That is not necessary. In fact, in the immortal tower star field, there is the secret of the immortal lamp star field." Wu Feng said: "We go back to that star field before we make a plan."

"it is good!"

Suddenly, Jiang Li has disappeared.

He and Howling moved instantly, directly across the distant hundreds of billions, trillions of light years, and came to the immortal tower starfield. When he became the body of the realm and opened the curse, he had the ability to travel through the realm. Later, it was soared all the way.

Until now, he has practiced the Infinite Avenue, shaking the earth and surpassing the Infinite, and even achieved his dream.

Although the human world is far from imaginable to the immortal tower star field, he locked the coordinates and it did not take an hour to reach.

The two are now disciples of the Immortal Tower Star Domain. Jiang Li ’s pseudonym is called Ye Jin, he is a genius disciple, and Feng Feng is now the genius king.

This identity is still valid.

It is Wan Qianqiu who knows Jiang Li ’s identity, and Jiang Li, who is the master of the world, but Wan Qianqiu does n’t know where to lick the wound now, and Jiang Li has now become a member of the Ye family, and he is in charge of Qing Emperor Group, in the world of the wind and flourishing, Ye Jia rely on the resources he transported has benefited a lot, and formed the most stable interest alliance.

Howling Wind has many secret pieces in the immortal tower star field.

The status of the two is gradually consolidated, and it is not impossible to even **** the status of Qian Qianqiu in the future.

The big world of genius training camps.

Jiang Li returned to his own cave house, and Dong Feng's cave house was next to him. The two seemed to return to the scene when they first entered the immortal tower star field. At that time, Li Feng was full of spirits, and Jiang Li was just a small character, hidden in secret. Now that Jiang Li has become a giant, he can take advantage of the cheap existence from the emperor, and Feng Feng has begun to do three things in one, creating unprecedented achievements.

"You use the chip to search the immortal magic star field, there are countless data!" Feng Feng opened his own chip: "Yes, I forgot one thing, that is, you are still an ordinary member of the genius training camp. The chip has not been upgraded, and I have a lot of permissions that are not yet available. I am the genius king ~ www.readwn.com ~ The permissions are ten times greater than yours. "

"We don't need to use your permission." Jiang Lidao said: "I'm going directly to the **** of wood now. With his chip, the authority is greater, and I can find more secrets of the immortal lamp star ruins. "

"No, the immortal tower star field, 108 gods, have signed a contract with the immortal tower's owner, they are in fact breathing and sharing fate with the immortal tower. Although the wooden **** said that it will help you, it is impossible to You have one heart. "Howling wind quickly stopped.

"I naturally know this." Jiang Lidao said: "But with your authority, you certainly don't know too many secrets. The secrets that everyone knows are not good for us."

"That's not necessarily, we just need to find where the Immortal Magic Lamp Star Field is, and then go and search for it directly." Feng Feng Road: "It is said that the star field needs fate, no fate People die directly, and those who have fate can get the ancient ruins. "

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{Today's first change, according to the old rules, Dragon Snake 2 will be updated on the WeChat public account [], everyone pays attention to the news of the public account at any time, and give me a lot of publicity. I hope Dragon and Snake 2 can inherit the spirit of national art. This book is completely for commercial writing, because it does not make a penny, it is easy to write freely, but the content is heavy. I hope everyone can feel it. If you borrow the words from the first generation of masters, you will never forget, and there will be repercussions. }

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