Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 922: Devastation

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922 Chapter 922

Minjiang Li began to communicate with the long river of destiny before being promoted to 101 rules of Infinite Avenue. This is not a compromise, but a ceremony before a soldier. In other words, in order to become more familiar with each other, know each other, and win every battle.

Fate River has its own will and its own ideas, but it has no feelings, just the existence of a system, but it does not want to die, chaos will disappear, and Fate River will disappear, so it has its own plan.

However, Jiang Li is not arrogant enough to persuade Changhe of fate. What he has to do now is simple, that is, to accumulate strength, to become familiar with Changhe, and then to attack Xiuwei and fight against Destiny.

At this moment, the people in the demon world began to move closer to the red dust world.

Wudifu was inaugurated. Among them, a large number of demon heads were required to become managers, impermanence, impermanence, and bull heads and horse faces. The demon heads of the demon world are in order and can do this kind of thing.

I first came here to "cover the sun emperor" and led all the demon heads. Of course, a large cleansing was carried out in advance, leaving only the faithful, all others were internally refined.

"Zhi Ri Demon Emperor" became one of the Kings of the Prefecture.

古老 In ancient legends, the earth palace is an eighteen-layer hell, with ten palace kings, but now the underworld is expanded and can be divided into many palace kings.

Xunhong Heilin is not a king, but Supreme Master.

His subordinates are the kings.

Even if the Lord of the Demon Realm comes, it is also one of the Kings.

Only the emperor can be king.

Initially estimates that in the Hades, there should be thirty-six palace kings, and then gradually increase. Now, in terms of overall strength, the red dust celestial world has surpassed the union of the Immortal Tower Star Field and the Cosmic Brain Star Field.

Qijiang Li actually collected these two cosmic holy places. Once collected, it means that the yin and yang of the three-dimensional universe heavenly will be in his own hands.

It is a pity that these two holy places have now completely disappeared. Covered by the three-dimensional universe heavenly will.

If Jiang Li succeeded in challenging his destiny and his strength increased again, he would have the capital to compete with the King of Heaven. The moment he challenged fate, he would poke away the layers of fog of the three-dimensional universe, find two holy places, and then devour. Not only that, but Wang Chao could be called out.

In his sense, Wang Chao and the three-dimensional universe Tianyi are engaged in a battle, and they may even devour each other.

离 Since the ancestor of the martial arts, Ba Liming, became a martial arts river, Jiang Li knew that he had greatly underestimated Wang Chao. Wang Chao did not want to devour the universe's brain star system, but he wanted to devour the three-dimensional universe's providence.

He only deserves his status as the providence of the three-dimensional universe.

Alas, this kind of battle is long-lasting.

But Jiang Li can help him.

If Hongchen Tianjie devours the immortal tower and the brain of the universe, he can take the forged jade dish back and integrate it into Hongmeng Jindan. At that time, Hongmeng Jindan was not called Hongmeng Jindan, but infinite Jindan.

Infinite Jindan Dacheng, broke everything and evolved through eternity, only then can I have confidence to open the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, compete with the greatest existence in history, and fight against chaos.

As for Heavenly Father, Jiang Li also had to devour them one by one, only to show that his talents were roughly embarrassed, and convinced all realms.

Now, he is communicating with the long river of fate.

"Destiny, you can't control me now, my infinity has transcended you." Jiang Li's will, constantly communicating, tried to defeat fate.

"It is impossible for you to transcend me. Infinity is also a kind of destiny. Destiny has infinite possibilities. Destiny includes the past, the present, the future, and the future. There are many changes. Your infinity is only part of destiny . "Long River of Destiny continues to pass the will.

"No, infinity is the change that contains nothing, destiny is one of the possibilities, transcending fate is also one. Infinity also includes the path after chaos dies, and if chaos does not extinguish. How to go is also contained in it. And destiny will not exist after the chaos disappears. "Jiang Li's will is justified.

"No." Destiny Changhe's will bombarded: "No matter how the times change, destiny still exists, even if chaos itself has destiny, the destiny you see is the destiny of sentient beings, not the destiny itself, even in the next era Destiny still exists, but the sentient beings are different, just like in history, when changing dynasties, the name of the emperor is still the emperor, but not the same person, but for generations, the emperor is still the emperor. Chaos perishes, all beings perish, their destiny It ’s gone, and I still exist. Just sleep, waiting for the next batch of sentient beings to start, chaos will not destroy me, I have witnessed one cycle after another, the imprints of thousands of sentient beings have been deposited in me In the depths of the river, you can find endless exercises and cultivations, and there are even more boxing methods than your infinite road. "

"I won't believe it, and I won't see your imprint. Fate is upside down, and I'm best at deceiving. My word is the first in the world. Among the hundreds of millions of reincarnations, the first, there will be no doubt "Jiang Li said lightly:" I will accumulate strength and start challenging you, you just wait. "

"You have no confidence and dare not watch the imprints left in my body by billions of reincarnations. I tell you that this time in the universe, in fact, all creatures are not powerful. The behavior of the Yuanshi Heavenly King is just ordinary. Only, in many reincarnations, there is a stronger existence than him, and you are weaker and weaker. In countless reincarnations, your cultivation is only moderate, but your arrogance is simply unmatched. "The will of fate Passed down, the language is ridiculous, but the tone is very calm, which is a real analysis.

既然 "That being the case, then I challenge you and see how powerful you are! Time is long!" Jiang Li's will has reached the void, and in the void, he manifests his form.

Now his practice is that in a single thought, he is transformed into hundreds of thousands of people, and his split body is everywhere.

He stands under the long river of fate.

The long river of destiny is the largest, followed by the long river of time. The two long rivers, like twin dragons, are entangled with each other. They are also divided according to yin and yang. Destiny is yang and time is yin.

Entanglement with each other constitutes the trajectory of everything.

Now, Jiang Li has 104 immortal scriptures. If he composes 108 volumes, it is the book of time, which can summon the power of time, but Jiang Li is not the son of time. In the future, if the son of time appears to him, It is also a huge threat.

Therefore, he now needs to master a long time before he can compete with all powerful beings.

However, after he swallowed the immortal lamp, he communicated with Changhe River more easily. He could also use more power to resist the destiny of Changhe River through the attack of Changhe River.

"All the rivers, gather on my body." His body exploded, turning into light and many rules. Among them, there are 100 rules, and the last one is unintentional, but among the 100 rules, an embryo condenses into the depth of the embryo.

This cannot be ruled out. It does not belong to the material realm or the void realm at all, nor can it appear in any reincarnation, because it is nothing.

The appearance of Jiang Li on Jiang Li's body this time is not actually Jiang Li's wisdom.

It is in this reincarnation that chaos has changed. Something was born between heaven and earth. Because of the huge fate, entanglement, entanglement, and finally came to Jiang Li's body.

As a result, the chance coincidence turned into nothing.

This is an unmeasurable change caused by thousands of cycles, even the chaos itself cannot be guessed.

Alas, it is not so easy to condense.

Minjiang Li only felt that all his spirits and madness had gathered madly into nothingness. Not only that, but also the fortune of Red Dust, the power of Hongmeng Jindan, and even the strength of Wanjie began to gather wildly.

This law is unique in countless reincarnations, because fate appears on his body, making him occasionally understand the Tao, but it is not comparable to any law, nor can it be viewed by any avenue, even if it is thousands of avenues. Wang, it's less than one hundredth.

"Long rivers of fate, I will condense this omnipotent rule now, refining Infinite Avenue to 101 rules, completely exceeding the avenue of destiny, I now know, what is going on without any problem, hahaha ..." Jiang Li He laughed: "The Emperor Yuanshi also said that He created the Infinite Avenue, but it only made me learn it secretly. It is a joke. In thousands of reincarnations, no one can create the Infinite Avenue, especially It is the last rule that cannot be ruled out. Only I, after getting all kinds of opportunities, has become a body, and since then, there is no second person. "

His wisdom is so profound that he finally realized it at this moment.

It is true that nothing is impossible, and it cannot be created even if it is ten times stronger than him.

I came by chance.

It just happened to be on Jiang Li ’s body, like some ancient soldiers in the chaos, the tree of wishes, and other things, and they could n’t be created. Only waiting for the chance combination, when the chance arrived, the thing appeared naturally, and the chance could n’t be reached. Supernatural powers are invincible and useless.

So ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yuanshi Tianwang created infinite road, that is a lie.

Now, the opportunity has arrived, and if nothing can be done, it starts to condense.

Both the void and chaos began to shake.

I, especially Long River of Destiny, felt a great threat.

既然 "Since you are determined to walk alone, and you can't be united, you can only bear the wrath of fate." The river of fate seemed unbearable.

Wu Changhe trembled a little. Suddenly, the endless air of fate passed down, and he was bombarded at the moment, to break Jiang Li and Wu Nian into pieces.


Minjiang Li only felt that his whole body was shaking violently and his body was broken.

He returned to the depths of Hongchen Heaven again.

However, the power of the long river of fate will not give him any chance, even if he hid into the depths of the celestial sphere of the universe, he would be completely bombarded and killed.

There was only a flash of light, a long river ran down, and Hongchen Heaven Realm was so sturdy that the other side's defense could not be broken. In this moment, collapse collapsed.

Breath leaked.

As long as the place where the river of destiny gathers, everything will be broken and melted, which is a change of his own destiny.

Encountering the light of destiny, wrapped Jiang Li, and then swept.

Minjiang River disappeared without a trace and was absorbed into the long river of fate.

He is about to be overwhelmed, and will be extinct. (To be continued)

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