Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 923: Last cycle

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Chapter 923: Last Reincarnation

Great Galaxy Author: ecstatic dream machine

Updated: 2014-08-2017: 18:50 Word Count: 3156

The power of the long river of destiny, landed, did not destroy Hongchen Heaven, fearing to provoke a rebound, but swept down. Take the river away and incorporate it into the long river.

As soon as I entered the long river of fate, I turned my head upside down and could not turn back.

In history, no one can challenge fate and succeed. Even Yuanshi Tianwang cannot succeed, not because the strength is not good, but because the opportunity has not yet arrived.

"The river of destiny, your will wants to kill me, but I can absorb your power." Jiang Li is up and down in the river of destiny, only to feel that all sides are silhouettes, seemingly ancient, even up Each reincarnation, the tyrannical characters that appeared in the last reincarnation, all appeared, attacking their own bodies.

Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓! Under the pressure of the river of fate, his body began to shatter and confuse, and it would be absorbed by the river and become a part of the river.

He is the destiny betrayer, challenger, the strongest punishment that destiny has fallen, to kill him.

If he is killed, the long river of destiny is the strongest river in history, surpassing many cycles.

Because he has a lot of opportunities, there are many opportunities that have not appeared in many reincarnations.

"Assimilate the fate, the blood of the child of fate!" Jiang Li's body was broken, but his infinite path suddenly changed, and the blood of the child of fate was condensed in his body. The power that crushed him was absorbed by him at the same time. At the same time, his Deep in the brain, there are millions of vortices, and in the center of the vortex, there are ancient wells.

There was a lot of chaos in the depths of Wugujing.

Then, the chaos of anger came.

In the long river of fate, a human face appeared. This face had a long beard, majestic features, vicissitudes like the ancient giant, the king of epic.

Humming ...

The heavens and the heavens change, the sun and the moon have no light, the innate ghosts and gods, the yin and yang are all awkward.

Minjiang Li forcibly summoned the ancient atmosphere of chaos, and also attracted the wrath of chaos. He wanted to use the power of chaos to drown the long river of destiny, because chaos is supreme, and destiny seems secondary.

Only when he is in crisis will he exercise this ability, and only he can use such a power.

This is where the opportunity lies.

He performed once against the three-dimensional universe.

Xun performed another battle on Hongmeng battlefield.

Now this is the third time.

The results of the first two times were good. Successfully made himself complete the plan. This time, it depends on whether Fate can resist it.

However, at the moment when chaos came to fate, the river of fate suddenly squirmed: "Stupid man, although chaos is the enemy, his current strength has not yet eroded fate. He must brew to the extreme before he can reach the top When killing the world, every reincarnation is a turning of his thoughts. It will take a long time for him to wake up and turn this thought to wreck the world. The power of chaos will get me out of here! "

Bang bang bang ...

Under the divine power of the river of destiny, all the vitality and power of that chaos were squeezed out in an instant, just like squeezing a sponge, sending all the water away in an instant.

The long river of destiny is not threatened by chaos at all.

At least the chaos now cannot threaten him.

Ordinary people have to take action, kill someone, or make a martial arts skill. First of all, they trigger a thought deep in their hearts, the thought controls the body, and they make a big move.

The time from triggering an idea to making a big move is very short, maybe in an instant.

But chaos is different. Chaos is born from an idea and put into action. It is a cycle. From the Hongmeng era to the last moment of the last generation, it is the time when the idea is fulfilled.

The thought of chaos will move for so long.

This is the gap between man and chaos.

Now, the idea of ​​chaos has not been fulfilled, that is, in the process of triggering. Of course, the power is not very great. Jiang Li summons chaos and causes anger, but it is only a natural instinct reaction.

"Actually squeezed out the power of chaos!" At this time, Jiang Li was shocked, and he really knew how strong the power of the river of destiny was, even beyond the three-dimensional universe.

I have to challenge him and condense the 101 rule of Infinite Avenue in it. Without any rule, it is even more difficult, it seems impossible.

Uhhhhhh ...

The world is shaking.

Qiujiang is out of it and can no longer summon the power of chaos, but he has the power and is still fighting the long river of fate.

"Destroy it. No one can fight against fate, and no one can challenge fate. Even if you are a coincidence, you will get the inevitable rule that no one will get in thousands of reincarnation. It will not threaten fate because you The fate itself is also under the control of fate. "Between the long river of fate, the will once again penetrated every particle of Jiang Li's body.

Zizizi ...

A lot of green smoke emanated from Min Jiangli's body, which seemed to be turned into nothingness.

But he didn't take it for granted, and his whole body trembled again. Each particle used a lot of mantras. At the center of the mantras, a new self was born again.

"I am for me, infinite rebirth, infinite body, infinite life, infinite will ..." Jiang Li shined brightly in the center of the spell, and seemed to surrender the dragon of fate.

He is the Supreme God, the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Buddha, the Supreme King.

"Do you think that this struggle can help me?" The long river of destiny condenses inward, and an infinite number of masters are born in the depths of the long river. The strong man in the reincarnation of the world will attack Jiang Li again.

"I can manipulate the fate of reincarnation!" Fate is long.

Infinite fist bombarded Jiang Li and immediately destroyed the spell.

The puncher is a strong man who has a robe, feathers and star crest. There are billions of planes in the depths of his eyes and the twinkling of stars and rivers.

Tapping his boxing skills, they have come out one after another!

"This is the Era God Fist. In the last reincarnation, the strongest overlord, the King of Era!" Said the voice of fate.


Minjiang Li only felt that this will was indestructible, and his roots began to break, and the decadent appearance appeared everywhere.

"Infinite Fist!"

His boxing methods also killed and collided with the king of this era.

The King of Puppet Era, with his axe and punches, as the strongest player in the last reincarnation, his strength even surpassed that of Yuan Shi Tian Wang. Although it is branded, this will can make Jiang Li collapse immediately.

"All destruction!"

Zhijiang Li knew that at this time he was at the critical juncture of life and death. If he couldn't withstand it, he would melt into the long river of fate and become a victim.

However, his cultivation at this moment, how could he be so vulnerable, even if he was the strongest in the last reincarnation, he couldn't help him.

"I am infinite and absorb everything. Although the martial arts of the king of the era can destroy my roots, but it will not destroy my will. On the contrary, my will can absorb the martial arts of the king of the era!" Jiang Li suddenly opened his mouth and boomed When he swallowed the king of this era, many sounds were heard in his stomach.

Jain is the king of the era showing martial arts in him again.

Taking this martial art and introducing new ones, it seems that there are many changes compared to Paliming's martial arts.


When Jiang Li swallowed the brand of the king of the era and suppressed it, suddenly, a stronger king appeared outside.

王 The king, dressed in leather, with muscle mass on his body, is full of the strongest power and Shinto in the world.

"King of Power!"

The voice of the long river of destiny passed on again: "This is the strongest overlord in the last reincarnation, the king of power. He is pure power, even without martial arts."

Power is strength, martial arts is martial arts.

Martial arts is the root of martial arts. Martial arts is a change of strength. Any change of each other is martial arts. The emergence of the king of strength actually abandons martial arts directly. As long as the strength, do not change.

This way, the power is even more pure.


The footsteps of the King of Power have come, he has not performed any boxing, any martial arts, is a momentum, and reached Jiang Li's head.

Minjiang Li's body cracked again, the infinite curse no longer existed, and it turned to ashes.

"Awful power, no martial arts power, no power of change!" Jiang Li shouted again and again, the imprint of the King of the Age just swallowed in his body, and now there is another King of Power to suppress him He is even more difficult.

"Infinite Lotus!"

莲花 On top of his head, a lotus flower appeared, and this lotus entrusted the King of Power to prevent him from being suppressed.

"Do you think there is only the King of Power and the King of Ages? The King of Hope, the last reincarnation, appeared!" Another man appeared, this woman is a woman, eyes full of flowers, full of hope, the breath on her , Far more than the fruit of desire, even the tree of God, she is the embodiment of all good wishes, but also the hope of all people's hearts.

She is the king of hope ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the last reincarnation, this person gathered all sentient beings, gathered all sentient beings with the highest hope of hope, gathered all sentient beings, tried to escape from reincarnation, but died.

At the moment when Chaos finally came, hope turned to ashes.

众 All the beings in the world, all hopes, all destruction, there is no chance, so the three-dimensional universe says that the concentrated hopes and beliefs of all beings cannot fight chaos.

Jiang Li also understood the idea of ​​the three-dimensional universe's heavenly will, that is, to find opportunities, get through the robbery, and wait for chaos to change.

But now, it is true that Chaos has changed, waiting for countless reincarnation, and finally until today.

The girl of the King of Hope appeared, and the momentum was even stronger, vaster, and larger than the King of Ages.

Min Jiangli knew that when this woman appeared, she could not resist, and even if she was strong, she could not resist the brand of these strong.

However, at the juncture of crisis, he suddenly turned into a mighty idea.

"You great beings, your strength and will are so powerful, you are struggling in reincarnation, and you have done everything you can." Jiang Lidao said, "However, you still cannot escape reincarnation, that is chaos itself. The rules are too strong. In this reincarnation, chaos has finally changed, and internal decay is the best opportunity. All opportunities are concentrated on my body. Do you choose to destroy me or to pin all your hopes on? What about me? "

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