Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 924: Infinite becomes

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Deep in Destiny, these "King of Hope", "King of Power" and "King of Epoch" are not true, but Destiny has experienced many reincarnations. The brand that it has seized, that is, the projection, every Reincarnation will dry up and disappear, and then with the birth of life, fate will appear.

I can say that it is indestructible. In fact, it is constantly changing the dynasty, but some essential things have not changed.

The destiny itself always exists, but its spirituality is constantly changing.

Although the strongest of the samsaras are projections, they also have spirituality and unyielding will. Whoever dares to challenge them will have to die.

However, Jiang Li started his own idea. He wanted to change the chaos, realize the infinite avenue, and change all kinds of ideas. Pass out these spiritualities, so that the strongest in these reincarnations no longer attacked themselves. , But to help yourself.

Because if they strangle themselves, that is to cut off the hope of transcending chaos.

Conversely, if you help yourself, that is to obtain the strongest opportunity, so that you really have the opportunity to break free from reincarnation and enter a new world like never before.

In fact, Jiang Li saw through it. With his current cultivation as his destiny, Changhe wanted to kill himself. It was already very difficult. It's the best killing trick, and it's these imprints.

的 The strongest in each reincarnation, exhibiting invincible incomparable learning, it is definitely not comparable to any master.

The "King of Hope" is even stronger, more horizontal, more focused, and more profoundly aware than the King of Heaven. If it is her body, Jiang Li has lost many times, even if it is branded, he can carry out his thoughts and soul. Wear away forever.

Sure enough, Jiang Xie's thoughts and will, and the mystery of the Infinite Avenue, these marks have stayed, it seems hesitant.

They know the particularity of Jiang Li, and they know the commendability of Infinite Avenue.

In the course of thousands of reincarnations, and even hundreds of millions of reincarnations, Qijiang Li, a chance that was hard to come by, was born with a wonderful work. If he died, there would be no hope and no chance to go beyond reincarnation.

Therefore, Jiang Li cannot be wiped out.

"Do you think that the strongest of these reincarnations will help you? Even they may stop attacking you. You are too naive. These strongest are not the body, but I take their brand. Existence that was born by themselves, they are mine, not yours. In some ways, the strongest are my martial arts, come on, kill, more powerful, appear again! ' The King of Time and Space `` King of Heaven '' and `` King of Xuanxuan '' all appear! "


In the depths of the long river of fate, three strong men before many reincarnation emerged again.

The king of space at that time is either a human figure or a piece of space and time gathered to form a will, which can bind everything, cāo everything.

The King of Heaven and the King of Xuanxuan are different. The breath of the King of Heaven is supreme and possesses everything. It is really like the strongest God. The King of Xuanxuan is a profound mystery, elusive and known for its mystery.

This is again the strongest of the three samsaras.

离 The strongest in a reincarnation gathers upside down and suppresses all invincible air transporters. Jiang Li is not the strongest in this reincarnation.

According to the truth, the strongest in this reincarnation should be the King of Heaven.


The strongest among the three reincarnations have rushed to kill Jiang.

"All of you, I can be killed by you, but you have severed your hope. It is wonderful to break away from reincarnation and break the chaos." Jiang Li's will flashed rapidly, and evolved infinitely: "Come on Everyone, I am with you, we are with hope, we are with infinity, we are with the Tao, we are with eternal life ... "

Qi Jiangli's will has no regard for life and death. He is a caller, a promoter, and let everyone detach himself from reincarnation to see the world after the destruction of chaos. In the days without chaos, what a wonderful future is.

His infinity is sent out.

Suddenly, these three strong men also stayed and seemed to be thinking.

They were also shaken by Jiang Li, not Jiang Li, but mainly by the birth of Infiniteness, because they all know what Infiniteness is.

If infinity is not allowed to come out this time, I am afraid that reincarnation will continue.

Therefore, the spirituality of these imprints has begun to change. We must support Jiang Li.


长 The long river of destiny violently trembled again, erupting to kill, urging these imprints to fly out one by one, between the changes, the emptiness of the shock.

"Fate, you are bound by you. You are the strongest of the reincarnation. How are you willing to be bound by fate? You are the proudest being. With me, transcend the cycle and destroy chaos. This is your mission, otherwise yours. Existence does not have any meaning. Your meaning is to be with me and to escape from the samsara! ”Jiang Li simply gave up his life completely, but instead devoted himself to the way of infinity, condensed infinity, and let these people see clearly.

"Infinite, beyond reincarnation."

Suddenly, the king of the era made a voice: "It is a beautiful will. I am the strongest of the last reincarnation. I thought I could fight chaos, but when the will of chaos finally came, I was completely destroyed, knowing The power of chaos is not what I can compete with. I really want to see what else is outside of chaos ... Chaos is a fish pond. We are all fish in a fish pond. Besides, there should be more ... "

The voice of the King of the Era era made a sound and penetrated into Jiang Li's body.

Minjiang was shocked, and it seemed to see the person's thinking. The last note of the strongest reincarnation, his cultivation, was almost invincible and stood at the highest position.

However, he still perishes. He is not willing, the unwillingness, unyielding, immortal, immortal will permeate into the body, it seems to be transformed into a supreme existence, flying out of the air, out of chaos.

"There is something outside of chaos?" Jiang Li seemed to be shocked. He thought that chaos was everything, but when he thought about it, it was really true. Chaos was a chicken egg, and these people were all in it. Breaking the chaos, a wider world exists.

Suddenly, he remembered the eternal ancient well, the well of all beings.

Maybe, you are the frog at the bottom of the well, and everyone is the frog at the bottom of the well. Chaos is a well that binds all people in it. What you see is considered everything. If you jump out of the well of chaos, then you are no longer there. Not a frog at the bottom of the well.

Oh ha ha!

Minjiang Li suddenly realized.

His infiniteness, suddenly, seems to have been completed.

At this time, the strongest of the six reincarnation did not attack Jiang Li, but issued a voice at the same time: "Infinite caregivers, you have finally appeared in the reincarnation of thousands of times. This is indeed This is our great opportunity. In this case, we will give you our experience, our strength, our understanding, our understanding of chaos, and our savings in the last cycle. We will give you all our hopes. On your body. "

The King of the Era, the King of Power, the King of Hope, the King of God, the King of Xuanxuan, and the King of Hope all began to imprint the brand into Jiang Li's will.


Minjiang left in an instant, and finally it was complete.

101 rules appear in the body, breaking the destiny, appearing in this material world, not dreams, nothingness, but true existence.

Infinite Avenue finally became the first and surpassed destiny.

Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓 ...

In the world of martial arts, Wan Qianqiu's body cracked, and his face was frightened: "Fate, fate has some problems, fate is not the king of kings, the king of kings, has been surpassed by the infinite road. Consolidating the 101 rules, why is this? Why does Infinity fail? Why does this happen! "

"Destiny has been surpassed!" The strongest military man stood up first, his whole body trembling, he was really scared.

No matter how strong Li Jiang is, he doesn't care, because he is very strong. As long as he restores his strength, he can compete, but now he is not an opponent.

I defeated destiny. This is a legend, a myth, a thing no one can do.

"Destiny, you have been surpassed by me!" Jiang Li stood up in the long river of destiny, his body stepped on and on continuously, bursting out the strongest power, and punched empty.


The fate of the long river is rolling, among which countless forces exploded. It seemed that Jiang Li was blown by this punch and penetrated the big hole.

"Unexpectedly, you actually surrendered those imprints and got a few memories of reincarnation. This time, you won, but you won't win forever ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fate for a long time.

Enormous strength entangled and squeezed Jiang Lipai out.

Minjiang Li could not even grasp the long river of fate.

Although he now pushes the infinite road to the extreme, with 101 rules, but the power of the river of fate has accumulated too much, and he has not reached the point of devouring the river of fate.

But at this moment, his own strength is enough to compete with the river of fate. Even if the three-dimensional universe comes, he cannot suppress him.

His cultivation is truly peaking.

By coincidence, he has become one of the strongest in this era. As long as he has the opportunity, he will fight against the Yuanshi Heavenly King. If he wins, he will be the strongest person, no one.


Minjiang Li left the void world and returned to the red dust world again.

And this moment.

The true meaning of the Infinite Avenue has spread to every plane, every space and time, so that all tangible and intangible beings are known.

The most serious changes have taken place in the world view of Wan Wanjie.

Everyone knows that destiny is not the first, and infinite is the strongest.

以后 In the years to come, everyone will practice the Infinite Avenue.

This is the most important thing. When all living beings practice unlimited moments, that is when the infinite river merges with all the rivers.

(To be continued)

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