In the past few days, they only dared to defend the city and did not dare to face the haze brought by the head-on confrontation, which was almost swept away. Many soldiers of the Baekje Army regarded the content of Li You and Jiu's propaganda as nonsense.

Only King Yici was a little worried, because he had heard Su Wen say that Li You set fire to Xuan Dou City.

But Ye Qinhua has already promised that as long as they avoid short-handed encounters with the Tang army, and rely on archery to defend against the oil barrels thrown by the Tang army, then the tragedy of burning Xuantu City can't be staged in Juba City!

Only then did King Yici feel relieved, and he was drinking with the concubines and concubines of the harem in the palace, laughing at Li You and Tang Jun's self-awareness while drinking.

In the Baekje Royal Palace, a piece of singing and dancing rose to peace.

King Yici gathered all the uneasy ministers in the palace in the palace. The panic and anxiety created by Li You still affected many people, so what King Yici has to do now is to appease them.

"What is Tang Jun's behavior? Can't you understand it?"

He said to the uneasy ministers: "Our army has already guarded against all Li You's means. They just can't defeat us now, and they just want to take advantage of us verbally!"

"But coward! Drink too much!"

King Yici said, and boldly drank the spirits in the cup.

Then he patted the table and laughed: "We will stick to the royal city like this. When the reinforcements from the Western Turks arrive, and then the two armies will attack and kill them from both sides, we will definitely win a great victory! At that time, we will really sit back and relax. La!"

After listening to King Yici's words, the ministers also calmed down a little.

After all, even the lord of a country is not worried, so what should they worry about?

Anyway, even if the Tang army really invaded the city, they would not wipe out all the ministers in one go. As long as they surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, they would still be able to guarantee their high-ranking officials.


They were just a little worried before. Will the weapons of mass destruction in Li You's words accidentally kill them?


Three days later, a tent in the Tang army formation was slowly filled with incendiary bombs.

Although the number is not a lot, it is more than enough to use it in this decisive battle.

"Okay, generals, this is Lone's secret weapon!"

Li You pointed to the incendiary bomb and said to Yue Fei, Yuchi Jingde and other generals.

Yuchi Jingde was very curious, so he stepped forward to pick up an incendiary bomb with a bamboo and wood shell, and flipped it up and down in his hand.


He asked in disbelief: "Your Highness, can you break Juba City with just these wooden balls?"

"But don't underestimate this little thing, it's more than enough to turn this tent into a sea of ​​fire if only a few are lit!" Li You said with a smile.

"what did you say!?"

Yuchi Jingde looked at the incendiary bomb in his hand in disbelief. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't imagine how such a small thing that didn't seem threatening or even looked good could turn this tent into a sea of ​​fire?

The other generals also showed shocked expressions, but they were also mixed with doubts that they didn't believe much.

If it was someone else who said that, maybe they would have started to ridicule that person now, but now the person who said this is Li You, so even though their hearts are full of doubts, they dare not speak nonsense. .

"I only know that the generals will find it unbelievable... But it doesn't matter, facts speak louder than words. Now let's order our troops and go to conquer Juba City together!"

Li You said confidently: "Let's see how Gu burns this royal city of Baekje!"


The spring breeze was rustling, and Tang Jun lined up and moved in full force.

Looking at Juba City from a distance, I can only feel that a dark cloud is roaring from far and near! .

Chapter 1023 He is a demon from hell!

The battle flag follows the wind, and hunting and dancing is like a handkerchief to bid farewell to an old friend.The sound of the horse's hooves running, like thunder, made people feel cold when they heard it from a distance.

"Looks like it's coming for real this time!"

Ye Qinhua suddenly stood up and muttered.

Although this city of Juba is solid, if Tang Jun's coach is ruthless and fills it with the lives of his soldiers, it may not be really solid.

Up to now, he only hoped that Li Youren would live up to his name and be a gentle and kind gentleman, not a tyrant who would do anything to achieve his goals.

"Pass my order, the ghost bow mounts!"

Ye Qinhua's voice was no longer trembling, and he said firmly: "The rest of the corps are assembled in the city, and it is about our city of Juba... The battle of life and death for the Baekje country is just around the corner!"

"Twenty-seven" "Swear to coexist with the king city!"

Ye Qinhua raised the sword in his hand and shouted loudly.

"Swear to live and die together with the royal city!" The rest of the soldiers shouted together.

For a while, the voice was so loud that it slightly shook off the vigorous murderous aura that Tang Jun squeezed.

"Hmph... naive."

Li You straddled the war horse and stopped the entire army outside the range of the ghost bow. They naturally heard the shouts of the soldiers in Baekje City.

"Nine snakes, show our weapons!"

Li You shouted.The soldiers and horses behind them pushed out dozens of catapults and large baskets filled with incendiary bombs.

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