"General, they are going to throw something into the city!"

When the soldiers of the Ghost Bow Army saw it, they immediately reported to Ye Qinhua.

Ye Qinhua sneered and said, "Tips for eagles! The whole army is on rockets. No matter what is shot, they will always greet them with feather arrows!"

The whole army immediately agreed, and then the whole army bowed and shot arrows together, waiting in full force.


With an order from Li You, the soldier who was manipulating the large basket of the catapult cut off the rope, and the basket was raised high, flying to the tower with countless incendiary bombs that ignited the fuse!

In an instant, countless incendiary bombs were thrown over the Baekje King City. From a distance, they looked like black dots one after another. When they lifted off together, it was as if the evil locusts covered the sky during a locust plague. fly to the rice fields!

"Fire arrows!"

Ye Qinhua was shocked and gave the order without hesitation.

The next moment, the flaming feather arrows flew out together, but these incendiary bombs were small in size, and there were still a lot of them, and they were thrown with great force, so the ghost archers were not allowed to aim at all!

Only a dozen feather arrows stopped some incendiary bombs outside the city, but this only accounted for [-]% of the total, and most of the remaining incendiary bombs still flew into the royal city!

"These things are...!?"

Seeing that the incendiary bombs hit by the rockets turned into a sea of ​​fire, Ye Qinhua secretly screamed bad and hurriedly looked back.

But seeing those incendiary bombs flying into the formation of the ready-to-launch Baekje Army Reserve Army, those soldiers had no idea what was going on, and even went up to pick up the incendiary bombs, their faces dazed.

"Hurry up!"

Ye Qinhua shouted loudly, but his words were still slow after all, one after another incendiary bombs suddenly burned violently, and in an instant, a sea of ​​fire appeared out of thin air in the army formation!

"what is this!?"


"What the hell?!"

The soldiers were caught off guard, and one by one they were on fire!


They screamed loudly and rolled on the ground as usual, but it didn't work at all.

The flames continued to burn, black smoke rose, and countless Baekje soldiers roared helplessly and desperately. In their roars, more incendiary bombs were thrown in by Li You!

"How to do how to do……?"

This was completely beyond Ye Qinhua's understanding. He stood there blankly, and had never faced such a cruel scene at all.

Black smoke billowed up, and after several throws of Li You's incendiary bombs, all of them were sent into the Baekje King City!

I saw that this northwest city was originally a prosperous and prosperous city. At this time, it was like a volcanic crater, with fire and black smoke billowing in the city!

The painful screams of human beings sounded like ghosts at this moment, and Tang Jun outside the city felt shivering when he heard it...

"Prepare for the captives!"

At this moment, Li You's voice suddenly sounded, even Yue Fei's face was dazed after hearing it - ready to welcome the prisoners?Who will be the prisoner?

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah...!"

Ye Qinhua watched his colleagues die one by one in the sea of ​​​​fire, and finally couldn't help crying.

They have already lost!

This is an indisputable fact... If we continue to defend like this, it will be nothing more than a few more charred corpses swallowed by the fire.

"I would rather die under the swords of Tang Jun than be swallowed by this flame, and die in such vain pain!"

Ye Qinhua roared angrily, holding his sword in hand, looked around and said, "If you have the guts, follow me out of the city and have a showdown with Tang Jun!"

However, the ghost archers were so frightened by the tragic situation in front of them that they couldn't even hold the bows and arrows in their hands, how could they still have the courage to move forward?

Ghosts know what kind of torture awaits them!

The Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty, Li You, is really terrifying. What kind of human are these methods?Totally the devil!It's the devil in Hell 1.5!

"If you capture the commander of the Baekje Army, you will be spared death!"

At this moment, Li You's light and fluttering words spread from outside the city into the city with the help of strong inner strength, and also fell into the ears of the soldiers.

As if the drowning people saw the straw for saving lives, the Ghost Bow Army immediately turned their attention to Ye Qinhua!

"You... what are you doing! What are you doing!? Rebellion is a serious crime of beheading!"

Ye Qinhua was furious at the eyes of these ghost bows, and slashed and roared with the sharp sword in his hand.

"I want to live!"

A ghost archer, who had long been resentful, glanced at the corpse of the soldier who was burning in the city, swallowed his saliva and screamed angrily, dropped the bow and arrow in his hand, and rushed towards Ye Qinhua! .

Chapter 1024 The court with rapidly changing attitudes!

Once the veil of hypocrisy is opened, ugly faces will be revealed one by one!

When there is the first resister, the resisters will appear one after another, so after the first Ghost Bow Army pounces on the spot, the second, and even the third, and more soldiers pounce!

"Assholes! Assholes! You bastards!"

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