"Where did this come from?!"

"Back to Lord Khan, this was sent back by the messenger in Chang'an," said the servant.

"Someone told us that Datang has now created auspicious things called glass conservatories, which can grow vegetables and fruits in winter! It is said that in the cities of Datang, it is very fashionable to eat vegetables in winter. thing!"

"Cities in all parts of the Tang Dynasty?" Yi Nan frowned and asked, pointing to the baskets on the ground, "These things... Could it be that ordinary people can eat them?"

The attendant nodded and replied: "Yes, Lord Khan, as long as the common people with a little richer family background, they can find ways to get some of the freshest vegetables, not to mention the royal family and nobles of the Tang Dynasty!"

"It is said that their daily dishes are the same as those in spring, summer and autumn! And this does not only refer to the original land of Datang, but also the land that was conquered by Datang!"

"What did you say?" Yi Nan rolled his eyes, "Could it be that...!"

The attendant nodded, as if confirming Yi Nan's conjecture...

"It is said that places such as Jieri Road, Gaoli Road, and Tubo Road not only have vegetables sent from Datang, but the Crown Prince of Datang also ordered craftsmen to make some glass greenhouses for the locals to eat. Fresh vegetable food!"

"What about us?!"

Yi Nan hurriedly asked, he didn't want to eat dry vegetables every day in the future!

The attendant's face turned grey, shook his head and said, "Our messenger is said to have also applied, but because we are only a vassal of Great Tang, not a part of Great Tang, we do not have this qualification."

"That is to say, they won't send people over to make these glass vegetable greenhouses for Xue Yantuo, but it's okay for Lord Khan to eat vegetables, it's just not very fresh."

Yi Nan felt annoyed when he heard this, and waved his hand: "You all go down!"

Seeing the complicated affection on the leader's face, the attendants retreated silently one by one.

Yi Nan stood up, walked to the vegetable frame, picked up a white radish, wiped the mud on his sleeve and took a bite.


The taste is very crisp, but it has lost some moisture more or less.

"Am I... am I wrong?"

An absurd thought appeared in Yi Nan's mind. He looked at the half radish in his hand and frowned.

Maybe he should have directly merged his own country into Datang, so that Xue Yantuo could enjoy the technology that Datang could master!

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, Yi Nan sat back on the throne regretfully, took another bite of the radish viciously, and chewed it.

Chapter 1107 Li Shimin's private interview

There are hundreds of thoughts flashing in his mind, but in the final analysis, there are only two thoughts - just become a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Since his country of Xue Yantuo and Tang Dynasty got along peacefully, Yi Nan sent a lot of messengers to investigate the situation in the surrounding countries that had had conflicts with the Tang Dynasty.

This is because Yi Nan also faced similar problems in Xue Yantuo, so he believed that other countries would also face the same problem.

But from the perspective of the original nobles in Tubo and Goguryeo, as long as they did not openly resist the powerful and powerful of the Tang Dynasty, they are still the most prominent local nobles!

Not only did the quality of life not decrease because they surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, on the contrary, they also made life very colorful because of the inflow of various good things from the Tang Dynasty.

It can be said that all the nobles who merged into the Tang Dynasty have long forgotten the hatred they once had!

They are all immersed in the wonderful new life and the imagination of the future brought about by the great changes that are changing with each passing day.


Thinking back to this, Yi Nan has already put his hand into his hair 09 with some remorse.

In fact, after Xue Yantuo became a vassal of Datang, his real power was very small.

Moreover, the court of the Tang Dynasty has already conquered almost all the surrounding small countries and incorporated them into its own territory. If he dared to openly jump out against the Tang Dynasty, it would be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg!

Therefore, now his Xue Yantuo and his throne have become a very awkward position.

There is no room for improvement, and at the same time, he has lost many of the benefits that he should have had!

"This is really..."

Yi Nan swallowed the last mouthful of radish, rolled over and lay down, covering his head with the quilt.

In this way, he tried to let himself forget the troubles in front of him. As for meditation, he had not done it for a long time after Xue Yantuo became a vassal of the Tang Dynasty.

Because Yi Nan's ambitions had long since vanished that day.

In the next few hours, the other Xue Yantuo nobles were very shocked after they successively ate the rewards from Yi Nan.

They hurriedly asked about the origin of the fresh vegetables. When they knew that these things came from Chang'an, and they could only eat vegetables shipped from Chang'an, they couldn't help sighing.

Especially when they knew that the original nobles in other countries that surrendered to the Tang Dynasty were even more angry!

Not only have their aristocratic status not been exploited, on the contrary, their territory has also begun to install this kind of good thing that can produce vegetables in winter, which means that they can eat as much of the freshest vegetables as they want!

A nobleman patted the table after drinking and began to curse loudly.

"Our khan is too selfish! For the sake of our own little selfish desires, we are now overachieving!"

"If we had surrendered directly to the Tang Dynasty and became a part of the Tang Dynasty, we would not only be nobles now, but we would be able to enjoy more than just a little bit!"

"That's right! I knew that I should be loyal to the Tang Dynasty as soon as possible!"

The other nobles also sighed and sighed. In fact, after their country became a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, not only did the Yi Nan lose their fighting spirit, but these nobles also became even more depressed.

In the words of Yi Nan, they are like a group of pigs kept in a golden house, unable to do anything but enjoy!

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