And because Xue Yantuo became a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, their military strength was severely reduced, and the number of soldiers could only be maintained within the range of the number of troops given to them by the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, the power of the barbarians was greatly reduced on the original basis.

In the past, many nobles were still concerned about the army in the hands of Yi Nan, but now it is better, some nobles even dared to say something outrageous in front of Yi Nan!

The atmosphere of the entire Xue Yantuo country has become very strange!


Chang'an, Tai Chi Palace.

"Your Majesty, the situation in those places has greatly improved. The people have shelter and food, and it is full of harmony and beauty."

After the initial success of the glass greenhouses and cement houses, the situation in places such as Goryeo Road, West Turkic Road, and Jieri Road has been greatly improved.

"And now everyone is thinking of the goodness of His Majesty and His Royal Highness, and some people even spontaneously build temples for His Majesty and His Highness to worship!"

Fang Xuanling told the court about the situation of the two places with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the security situation in the two roads has also greatly improved!"

Li Jing's face was also full of spring breeze, and he said with a smile: "The riots of the residents in the past, and the fierce confrontation with the officers and soldiers of the court, all these are gone, and they are more and more like our people in the Central Plains!"

Li 803 Shimin couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and said, "It's good! This is the best! Now the people are stable. The world is peaceful, and I, Tang Dynasty, should be positive!"

"Okay, let's leave the court today! Medicine Master, Xuan Ling, Xuan Cheng... The three of you will come to my study soon. I have something to tell you."

Li Shimin was very happy today, the most thorny problem was solved, and their backup plan didn't need to be implemented, so naturally there was no big deal, so they announced the next court early.

On the contrary, the named Li Jing, Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng looked at each other, not understanding why His Majesty wanted to meet the three of them individually.

After a while, the three of them followed Li Shimin's chariot to the study.

"Don't be nervous, it's nothing important for me to call you here."

Seeing the restrained appearance of the three of them, Li Shimin said amusedly: "Because of these shabby things, everyone has been very busy these days, and I am no exception."

"Now that the overall situation is finally settled, and I heard that there is a wind of cement rising in Chang'an City, I am very curious. The few of you will disguise and come with me for a private interview in micro-clothing!"

After Li Jing, Fang Xuanling, and Wei Zheng heard it, they realized that they were all happy.

Chapter 1108 This is Chang'an! ?

They have been focusing on this matter for many days, and they are completely unaware of the changes in the outside world. It is time to take a good look at it!

In fact, this kind of private visit has always existed, after all, the emperor cannot live in the deep palace compound all the time.

Because once the distance from the outside world is too long, it will be divorced from reality, and it is easy to lose the people's hearts and minds.

After a while, Li Shimin changed into an inconspicuous black robe, and quietly left the palace under the protection of the three important officials and Zhao's servant.

In fact, this is not quiet, because not long after they left the palace, a Jinwuwei with nearly a hundred people all turned into casual clothes, closely following the footsteps of several people.

After all, the safety of the emperor is no child's play. In case of any accident, all of them will be buried with them!

At this time in Chang'an, the snow has not yet dissipated, and the world is white.

Li Shimin was walking between the pavilions and pavilions, his eyes could not stop looking from east to west, he was almost unable to recognize the nearest city he ruled.

"It seems that I really haven't been out of the palace for a long time... I vaguely remember that this place didn't seem to be like this before, right?"

Li Shimin looked at the unfamiliar street and said with a sigh.

In his words, there is a bit of sadness. Li Shimin calls himself a hero, but which hero in the world can defeat time?

The years in the deep palace and the millions of changes in the outside world are evidence of the passage of time.

Is he getting old?

"This...this is Chang'an!?"

In fact, Li Jing, Wei Zheng, and Fang Xuanling were also very shocked when they looked at the unfamiliar street.

Although they usually take this road in the previous dynasty and retreat from the dynasty, but in winter it is late in the morning, and they often go out to the imperial city before it is dawn.

In recent days, the affairs of the court have been heavy. When they came back, they were sitting in the sedan chair in a drowsy state. How could they be in the mood to see the scenery outside the window?

So when they saw the changes in front of them, it was also very shocking!

Li Shimin heard the voice of disbelief in their voices, and he couldn't help but straighten his face and start educating the three.

"You are all important officials of the imperial court, with great responsibilities, so you should pay more attention to the changes in front of you! Don't wait for the day when the people will not be able to eat before you react! If you make a big mistake, it will be too late to regret it"! "

Obviously they are three people who are not too young, but after hearing the words, they all look like children who made mistakes, bowing their heads in embarrassment.

At this moment, Chamberlain Zhao coughed softly and whispered in Li Shimin's ear: "Your Majesty, in fact, these changes have been made in the past month! Before this, it was the same as before you entered the palace! "

"What did you say?"

Li Shimin's eyes widened in surprise.

"How, how is this possible?!"

Attendant Zhao swallowed and said, "Your Majesty, although it sounds incredible, it's the truth! All of this is the work of His Royal Highness!"

Li Shimin closed his open mouth when he heard the words. Since Zhao Nei Shi said that Li You did it, then all these rapid changes are actually not that difficult to understand.

After all, Li You's various magical methods and all kinds of whimsical ideas, he has seen many cases.

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