"Could it be that His Royal Highness the King of Chu is not only proficient in official script, but also in regular script?"

Sun Simiao took a deep breath, suppressed his surprise, and began to formally read the contents of the "Disease Prevention Manual".

"First, set up an isolation ward to prevent the spread of the disease..."

"Second, establish epidemic prevention management and establish border quarantine..."

"Third, pay attention to dietary hygiene and keep personal hygiene..."

Sun Simiao read page by page, and his expression was sometimes puzzled, sometimes thoughtful, and sometimes suddenly realized.

After reading the entire manual, Sun Simiao was completely silent. In his mind, he kept comparing the knowledge summarized in the manual with his experience in practicing medicine and treating diseases, and found that there were many things that he had not noticed before. , has become very clear!

This is something that has never been systematically sorted out in the past. Sun Simiao found that it was basically consistent with what he saw, and even in many places, it also solved his many years of doubts!

"Your Highness, this manual is really...!"

When Sun Simiao spoke again, his voice was already trembling, and there was no doubt that this was due to excitement.

"There are still some things that the people of Caomin still don't understand," Sun Simiao asked earnestly after trying to calm down, "Why do we have to ensure the circulation of air here? Normally, shouldn't the doors and windows be closed to prevent the intrusion of wind and cold air?" ˇ?"

Li You explained: "Because closing the doors and windows tightly will cause the virus to stay in the air..."

Having said that, seeing Sun Simiao's expression of confusion, Li You changed his words.

"...It is the so-called epidemic poison gas, which will be trapped in the stagnant air for a long time, and eventually lead to more and more accumulation, and many patients have difficulty breathing, which will also help them relax more easily. Get some fresh air."

Now Sun Simiao understood, showing a clear expression.

"I see. Is that why you scattered the imperial doctors who surrounded Princess Runan in the first place? The effect was really immediate. At first, the grass-minders still wondered about the meaning of this move, but this is actually the reason behind it!"

After realizing this, Sun Simiao asked: "What about this so-called epidemic prevention management..."

For half an hour in a row, Sun Simiao kept asking Li You various questions, feeling more and more educated.

This is the feeling that Sun Simiao has not seen for a long time after he became famous!

In the past, only Sun Simiao taught people, how could anyone else be qualified to teach Sun Simiao in this regard?

"Today's Caomin has really benefited a lot. I didn't expect that there is such a great knowledge in it!"

After the question, Sun Simiao seemed satisfied, and Li You also felt a sense of accomplishment. After all, not everyone can have the opportunity to teach the King of Medicine.

"It's good that Mr. Sun can understand the importance of this manual, but the most important thing now is to get the emperor to pay attention to it and implement the method in the manual nationwide."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness!" Sun Simiao said solemnly, "This handbook is a blessing for all people. Caomin will do everything possible to make His Majesty pay attention to it and promote it to the common people. This is a great merit!"

Li You laughed and said, "How can Mr. Sun be so exaggerated..."

Sun Simiao shook his head and said, "His Royal Highness is still too modest, or in other words, he has not been able to see what great merit he has done! What Caomin said is true. Who did you learn from..."

Speaking of this, Li You said solemnly: "It was taught by the immortals through dreams."

Sun Simiao: "..."

He decisively skipped this topic and cupped his hands: "Then the Caomin said goodbye, I will first go and sort out the manual in detail according to the epidemic situation, and then I can go directly to meet His Majesty. Please rest assured, Your Highness, the Caomin will definitely be half-hearted. There will be no delay!"

Li You nodded. The epidemic prevention and control he wrote was aimed at the general concept of plague, but the situation of each plague was different, and Sun Simiao really needed to summarize it again.

Thinking of this, Li You asked casually, "...I don't know what the symptoms and characteristics of this epidemic are?"

"His Royal Highness, this time the epidemic is raging. All the patients have fever for several days, sweating all over the body, and rashes will appear on the forehead, cheeks, wrists, arms, trunk and lower limbs, which start as red macules, and then turn into papules. After two or three days, the papules will turn into herpes, and then the herpes will turn into pustules, which will eventually dry and shrink into a thick scab, which is extremely painful!"

What Sun Simiao said was extremely terrifying, but Li You was stunned when he heard it.

This symptom...why does it sound so familiar?

Suddenly, Li You's eyes lit up and he quickly asked, "Mr. Sun, is this epidemic called smallpox?"

Sun Simiao nodded and said, "It is indeed recorded in ancient books that this disease is called smallpox. Could it be that His Highness has also been involved in this?"

Li You didn't answer, but Li Li was completely relieved.

He is more than just dabbling in smallpox, he even knows how to completely prevent smallpox!

"This king really knows a lot about smallpox," Li You nodded slowly after a while, "Also, this king also knows how to perfectly prevent smallpox and completely curb the spread of smallpox!"

"Is this true, Your Highness?!"

Sun Simiao was instantly excited and stared at Li You with burning eyes.

"If Your Highness really has this method, it will be a blessing to all the people in the world, and it will even be able to stand the worship of all people!"

If it was someone else who said that, then Sun Simiao would have to be suspicious, but if it was what Li You, who was famous for his appearance, life and personality, said, then there is no doubt that he has the power of miracles to turn the impossible into the possible. Sun Simiao is convinced at this point!

Chapter 112 My Tang Dynasty is about to die! (third more)

"Blessings for all the people in the world" and "Worthy of being worshipped by all people", no matter which one sounds exaggerated, it seems to be suspected of killing.

Li You was taken aback and said, "Isn't it enough?"

Sun Simiao said solemnly: "His Royal Highness has not seen the scene of the epidemic with his own eyes, so he may not be able to imagine how many families were destroyed by this smallpox disease! Every time an epidemic broke out in history, it was a catastrophe for the whole world! "

Li You was a little hesitant when Sun Simiao said it so sternly.

He does know that the way to prevent and treat smallpox is to inoculate cowpox, but this is only at the level of knowledge, and Li You does not know the specific effect until he does it.

To know about medical matters, even if it is to develop a new drug, it must go through rigorous and complicated clinical experiments, and if it is different from what you imagined, wouldn’t it be a joyous occasion?

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