Seeing Li You's hesitant expression, Sun Simiao became anxious instead.

"His Royal Highness, when the smallpox broke out, people were suffering all the time. I implore you, for the sake of the whole world, and be sure to help!"

Having said that, Sun Simiao bowed towards Li You, which surprised Li You.

"Mr. Sun is very polite. For the sake of the common people this day, what this king said is to give it a try!"

Li You stepped forward to help Sun Simiao. He has now figured it out. If you try it, it may be useful or not. If you don't try it, there will be no hope of being useful!

"Your Highness is merciful!"

Sun Simiao was overjoyed when he heard the words, as if he had already seen that the prevention of smallpox was imminent, and immediately said: "The grass people will immediately accompany His Highness to the palace to face the holy!"

Sun Simiao also knew the rules that the prince could not go to court, but with his company, the situation would be different.

"Okay, it's not too late, let's go!"

Li You nodded and rushed towards Tai Chi Palace with Sun Simiao.


At this time in the Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin sat on the dragon chair with a serious face. His face was haggard and his brows were furrowed. It was obvious that he had not been able to sleep for several days. He was dealing with various emergencies caused by smallpox.

Not only Li Shimin, but all the ministers and officials looked exhausted, and the sudden surge of massive government affairs made the entire court run at a high speed and almost collapsed.

"Let's all report, what is the situation of the epidemic now?"

Li Shimin squeezed his eyebrows and said that the situation of the spread of the plague was expanding and changing every moment, and Li Shimin had to listen to it and formulate corresponding countermeasures at any time.

"Go back to your Majesty, the epidemic has now spread outside Chang'an City, and the news has gradually reached the ears of the Chang'an people, making the entire Chang'an City panic!" Wei Zheng first stood up and said.

Li Shimin asked with a headache, "Why did the news spread so quickly?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, because there are a large number of refugees fleeing towards Chang'an, the first people who came in passed the news, and a large number of ordinary people were blocked outside Chang'an City, because the officers and soldiers could not confirm whether they were alive or not. Suffering from smallpox, now there is mourning outside the city!"

"What a nonsense!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth. "Wouldn't it be that I would be criticized for disregarding the lives of the people? To actually block the people out of the city, what's the difference between that and letting them wait to die?!"

Changsun Wuji reluctantly stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, this is really a helpless policy. If everyone is rashly put in, then Chang'an will eventually fall, and the entire Tang Dynasty will be completely paralyzed!"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Fang Xuanling also stepped forward and said, "The current Chang'an has become extremely depressed. A large number of shops in the east and west markets have closed, and the people have left Chang'an with their families to take refuge. There is no one on the street, and now it's like an empty city!"

Li Shimin was silent after hearing this. The people who came to take refuge outside Chang'an City had run out of ammunition and food, and urgently needed to go to Chang'an City to supplement their living, but Li Shimin could not let them in.

The people in Chang'an City panicked and wanted to leave Chang'an for refuge, but Li Shimin had no choice but to let them go, otherwise there might be a riot caused by fear in the city!

This is really no wonder for the fragility of the people of Chang'an, and even the fragility of the people of the Tang Dynasty. There are many of them who can fight to the death for the Tang Dynasty and resist foreign enemies during the national disaster of the Tang Dynasty. Foreign enemies are ten times more terrifying than enemies!

Ordinary enemies attack, swords, lights, swords and shadows are all visible, and if you want to die, it is just a neat splash of blood, but smallpox is an invisible enemy. Died after a whole week!

Even if he is lucky enough not to die, he may drag his family into the abyss together, and there will be pits and pits left on his face, and he will never be able to easily marry a wife and have children to pass on his lineage for the rest of his life!

"Your Majesty, it's already in a state of urgency!" Tang Jian, the minister of households, said with a deep face, "Chang'an is already like this, and the rest of the city is like a dead city. [-] or more!"

Li Shimin's face was ashen when he heard the words, Datang was already short of money, and the poor could starve to death of mice, and now this plague is a fatal blow to Datang's economy!

With the spread of the plague, [-] yuan is definitely not just the limit. In the future, it may be possible to lose [-] yuan or even more than one million yuan a day!

"What about the number of casualties now?" Li Shimin asked with red eyes.

"This...reporting to Your Majesty, there is a serious shortage of people in the government offices around the world, so the statistics may not be complete, but even so, the number of deaths that can be confirmed so far is already over a million!"

Li Shimin felt like he was hit hard all of a sudden, his head was dizzy, he just felt the world was spinning, and he fell powerlessly on the dragon chair!

"Could it be that my Great Tang is really dying!?"

Chapter 113 Maybe His Royal Highness King Chu Can! (fourth more)

What Li Shimin said was no exaggeration at all.

The plagues recorded all over the world, such as the plague, have easily killed [-] million people in Europe, and the most serious plague even killed hundreds of millions of people!

Even within the scope of the Celestial Dynasty, more than [-] million people died due to the plague during the Qing Dynasty, and how many people were there in the entire Tang Dynasty?But more than [-] million, this death might kill the whole country!

Although these are things that happened in the future or in foreign countries, Li Shimin is enough to know how terrible the outbreak will be from the large and small plague records recorded in the history books!

To know the strength of a country, there are two most significant factors, one is the national economy, and the other is the population of the country, both of which are crucial-important factors.

At present, although the Tang Dynasty was seriously short of money, under the rule of Zhenguan, the people would not be too poor, but the population was in short supply all the time in the Tang Dynasty. Governments all over the country were encouraging more wives and children, and even new ones every year. The increase in the population is added to the examination of the Ministry of Personnel as a result of political achievements.

Just from a single city of Chang'an, which occupies nearly one-sixth of the country's population, it can be seen how short the Tang Dynasty is. , is a very exaggerated and incredible thing!

Now, under the huge blow of the plague, both the economy and the population will suffer a devastating blow that is difficult to recover!

No, it's already been hit hard now!

"Your Majesty, there is actually one more question..."

Before Kong Yingda came out, he hesitated for a while, after all, Li Shimin's face was really bad, and now this news might hit Li Shimin again.

But after struggling for a while, with Kong Yingda's upright personality, he decided to stand up and report truthfully.

"What else?"

Li Shimin's eyes were bloodshot, like a powder keg that was about to explode at any time.

Kong Yingda gritted his teeth and said, "Because of the outbreak of the epidemic, the people of the whole country are suffering, so now there are rumors that it is because today's son's wickedness caused the anger of the sky, which has affected thousands of innocent people in the Tang Dynasty..."

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