When the time comes, the theater will invite some musicians to compose the music under the "[-]" on stage. Why can't he make a big drama beyond the times?

"A drama that requires acting skills...?"

Yu Xiangcheng muttered to himself again, to be honest, drama itself is a new word for him.

It was only in the late [-]th century that the Chinese script was introduced to the Celestial Dynasty, and even all the local operas and dramas of the Celestial Dynasty were officially formed in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, and now it is at most just a budding period, which means that there is almost no drama performance!

This is also the reason why Li You can be sure that the theater will be a big sell, because such an all-round viewing experience is fundamentally epoch-making and unprecedented!

And just like straw paper, once you have the pleasure of using straw paper, you will never go back to the toilet.

In Li You's previous life, when he was a child, he thought it was very interesting to play with sand and dirt. He could play for a long time, but when he grew up, after having a lot of multimedia entertainment such as computers and mobile phones, how many people can still play with dirt? Do you still think it's fun for half a day?

This is how people are. When there is a lack of entertainment, a little entertainment is enough, but after experiencing entertainment far beyond the previous level, things that were interesting in the past will feel boring, and follow the new entertainment like drug addiction!

This is not an idea that just appeared after Li You came to Youzhou, but Li You immediately came up with this idea after seeing the storyteller's powerful public opinion ability for the first time.

And after the actors themselves are resolved, another important story is the last thing Li You needs to worry about.

Because what Li You lacks the most is a good story and a good script. You must know that Li You can be said to be an invincible existence with countless stories from ancient and modern China and foreign countries. Books can be remembered word for word!

So from this point of view, there are almost a lot of good stories and good scripts in Li You's mind, and under the stimulation of these excellent works, countless talented storytellers can also innovate and write their own good storybooks, form a virtuous circle.

Of course, in addition to wanting to control this huge power of public opinion, improving the lives of these people at the bottom of the society is also one of Li You's goals. After all, they are also citizens of the Tang Dynasty and Li You's fief Youzhou.

And although many great works are born out of suffering, most of the artistic creations are made by the art workers who are at least not in danger of starving to death, so that they have the spare energy to write better works.

Not only the creators, but the people as well.

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, after satisfying basic material needs, one begins to pursue spiritual needs, and people want to live comfortably, both of which are indispensable. Otherwise, what is the difference between salted fish and salted fish? ?

In Youzhou, where there are now curved ploughs and composting, food will soon no longer be a problem, and the common people who will no longer be hungry will of course hope for higher spiritual happiness, so the popularity of this theater is basically It's a nail in the coffin!

"In short, His Royal Highness the King of Chu said that this market is like a huge bun, and a bun that has not yet been discovered!" Ma Zhou concluded, "If you seize the market at this time, then the future of storytellers will be greatly improved. There will be no need to worry anymore!"

Yu Xiangcheng was completely dazed, but fortunately, Ma Zhou's next sentence made Yu Xiangcheng sober up all of a sudden...

"Also, the president of this Storytellers Association is, of course, His Royal Highness Prince Chu, but the actual operation is your honorary president. Since His Royal Highness Prince Chu is the president, then the operation of the early association and the founding of the theater are all the same. It will be personally sponsored by His Royal Highness the King of Chu!”

"Wha! What!?" Yu Xiangcheng's eyes widened at once, "His Royal Highness the King of Chu means that he is willing to pay for us poor people at the very beginning?"

This is so dreamy that Yu Xiangcheng's voice is full of unbelievable tremors, for fear that he heard it wrong.

Ma Zhou nodded and said in a deep tone: "In a sense, you can understand this, but this is only temporary. His Highness the King of Chu hopes that you will eventually develop to be self-sufficient and be able to repay his efforts!"

"Definitely! Certainly!" Yu Xiangcheng almost burst into tears, "No...it is absolutely! We will definitely work hard to repay His Highness the King of Chu for his great kindness!"

As Ma Zhou said, it's really not easy for these storytellers to have a bite to eat.

If you are lucky, you can make a name for yourself, be accepted by the big restaurant, and meet a generous guest official, then you can live a better life.


But the storyteller's line of business is different from the restaurant and post station. I heard that books don't have to be paid for, and most people just listen to the book for nothing, but don't want to give a penny, so the storyteller can only starve!

This situation is not uncommon, to some extent storytellers are even worse than beggars!Beggars may not be able to eat a full meal, but they don't need to work hard to please the guest officials even if they are starving to death like storytellers!

Ma Zhou was also taken aback by Yu Xiangcheng's excitement. Seeing this, he sighed in his heart, thinking that the storyteller really had a miserable life.

"Fortunately, your Highness has come down," Ma Zhou couldn't help thinking, "If it is an ordinary official, who would notice such a low-level livelihood and think about how to change it?"

Chapter 210 The Earth-shattering Big Business

After sighing, Ma Zhou raised his hand and patted Yu Xiangcheng's shoulder: "Work hard, don't let down the expectations of His Royal Highness King Chu."

Yu Xiangcheng said excitedly: "Please don't let your lord rest assured! Please rest assured, His Royal Highness King Chu! Leave this matter to the little old man, and keep what can be done properly, for the benefit of all the storytellers in Youzhou! "

Yu Xiangcheng's face is extremely rosy now. This incident is a great good thing for the storytellers in the entire Youzhou, and even if it can develop to the whole Tang Dynasty in the future, it is the gospel of the storytellers all over the world!

However, Yu Xiangcheng will not think so far for the time being. At least this thing is done well, so that his colleagues will not worry about food and clothing, then Yu Xiangcheng's heart is already very happy.

After Ma Zhou finished speaking, he also left with anticipation in his eyes.

Li You instructed Ma Zhou to do things, and Ma Zhou went to find more professional people to do things. The way of doing things is the same, but Ma Zhou still has to do his best and regularly ask about Yu Xiangcheng. How's it going.

"Presumably after this theater and the association appear, Youzhou will be a little different, right...?"


Ma Zhou couldn't wait to see the results next time. Every time His Royal Highness made some novel things, the effect was amazing.

However, even though Ma Zhou already had this kind of psychological expectation, he could never have imagined what an earth-shattering undertaking that started today would eventually develop into!


Yu Xiangcheng acted quickly.

In a dilapidated house in the suburbs, Yu Xiangcheng met his friend who was rejected by him a few days ago.

"Lao Yu, you are not talking in the restaurant at this time, what are you doing here with me?"

The person who spoke was also an old man. His smile was very gentle, and he did not resent at all because Yu Xiangcheng rejected him a few days ago.

Because the old man himself knows that this world is really too difficult for storytellers, and Yu Xiangcheng is helpless. .

"Old Ma, see what you said... We are an old friend, of course we came here to see how you are."

Yu Xiangcheng also smiled. In the past, he would be sad because of his friend's miserable situation, but now it is different, and the smile on his face can't be stopped.

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