"How is my life, don't you know best?"

The old horse gave Yu Xiangcheng a blank look: "It was you who helped me before, but I'm almost finished with the food you gave me."

"So fast?"

Yu Xiangcheng was taken aback, then saw a petite figure in the corner of the room, and smiled clearly.

"Oh, no wonder I have one more mouth to eat."

Hearing the words, the old horse showed tenderness on his face, and stretched out his hand to call the petite figure over, which turned out to be a timid little girl.

"As the saying goes, people gather people by like, I think we are like this..." Lao Ma said with emotion, "It's like you are obviously not doing well by yourself, but you will still help me, I am obviously starving to death. But I can't leave her alone."


The little girl nervously grabbed the old horse's clothes, and Yu Xiangcheng also touched the little girl's head when he saw this.

"This girl is born with water spirit, why, do you still want to train a successor or something?"

The old horse shook his head and said, "How can a girl do this? Besides, you don't know how difficult it is for a storyteller. Wouldn't it be death to let her go this way?"

"Then you are going to let her...?"

Just as Yu Xiangcheng was halfway through speaking, the old horse's expression immediately became serious.

"Although she can't tell books, but you're old, you still need someone to take care of you, right? Then you can accept her to fight for you. A girl's family can't eat much of your food!"

Yu Xiangcheng said in surprise: "Why are you so lonely all of a sudden?"

"As the old saying goes, if you are old and know your destiny, I can also foresee that I will have a good life in a few years, especially now that there is no restaurant to live in, maybe I will starve to death in a few days... Then instead of letting her follow If you suffer by my side, I might as well leave it to you."

As he talked, the old horse glared: "Just tell me, do you want to accept her? I promise she is very well-behaved and obedient, you can do whatever you want, just ask her to eat!"

Yu Xiangcheng looked at him strangely, then shook his head.

"No, I won't accept her."

"Lao Yu! The child is still young and has no ability. If she is left alone, she will definitely starve to death!" Lao Ma said eagerly, "I have never asked anyone in my life. The last time I wanted to go to your place was rejected, this time You have to promise me anything you say!?"

When Yu Xiangcheng heard the words, he laughed so hard that the old horse was inexplicable, and finally became angry.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny about 077!"

Yu Xiangcheng wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said, "I reject you because I don't need to accept her. You should keep your adopted child to take care of yourself."

"What are you talking about?" The old horse said at a loss, "Didn't I just say it all, I can't even support myself!"

Yu Xiangcheng patted the old horse vigorously, and said firmly: "Not now! After all, you old fellow is also a very good storyteller, and you lost all your skills because of starvation. What a pity? It might as well be used to serve His Royal Highness the King of Chu!"


Hearing this, Lao Ma was confused, and said rudely: "So what is going on here? I won't give you any money. I'll put away your cheating and tell me what's going on!"

"Good good..."

With a happy smile, Yu Xiangcheng said slowly: "Don't be so impatient, you must know that this is a big happy event, a big happy event!"

PS: Ask for a full order.

Chapter 211 Five Surnames and Seven Hopes

The two old friends chatted happily, only the little girl was ignorant and didn't know what Grandpa Yu and his grandfather were talking about.

She could only see that her grandfather seemed very happy and would laugh from time to time, something she hadn't seen for a long, long time.

It must be a very good thing to make grandpa laugh so happily, right?


Yu Xiangcheng's progress here is rapid. After developing the first batch of members through personal connections, the first batch of members went on to develop the second batch of members, forming a virtuous circle, which finally made the Storytellers Association grow stronger and stronger. .

And Youzhou is surging in the dark, and the big officials on the bright side are not idle at all.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In Sima Tian's house, there was a sound of flushing the toilet.

He came out of the thatched hut at home with a happy face, but the gloomy look in his eyes could not be stopped.

I have to admit that although he hates this Chu King Li You very much, the toilet bowl and straw paper invented by Chu King Li You are really easy to use, even after he tried it, he couldn't help but buy it back.

"Master, Lord He and Lord Liu have already arrived and are waiting for you in the hall."

A servant came over to report and interrupted Sima Tian's thoughts. Sima Tian nodded and said, "Then take me there to meet them."


After a while, Sima Tian, ​​He Yao and Liu Hong met in the living room.

After the three chatted for a while, they went straight to the point.

"Now that Chu King Li You is becoming more and more powerful in Youzhou! Wouldn't it be possible that sooner or later, he will completely control Youzhou?"

He Yao's face was full of worry, and Liu Hong also frowned.

"Yeah, who could have imagined that he could invent something like the Quyuan Plough〃〃?"

Sima Tian shook his head and said, "This is a big surprise. After all, who can predict something that has never appeared in the past?"

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