As soon as Sima Tian finished speaking, the three of them sighed silently.

After a while, He Yaocai said quietly: "Not only that, King Li You of Chu has greatly developed this new-style thatched hut, and then announced yesterday that people can rely on the official registration to go to the corresponding place to collect compost, but it made Youzhou a sensation again. ."

"Damn it, the food problem that I thought would make him devastated was actually solved easily by him!" Liu Hong gritted his teeth and slapped the table, "In this way, isn't his reputation in Youzhou unparalleled?"

The importance of the food issue, even a sloppy official can fully understand.

This is the key factor that determines the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty!

Therefore, Ma Zhou said before that this move can be compared to the prevention and control of smallpox, all of which are great fame and fame that can last forever.

Although Li You is not a great scholar, but with his current reputation, he is afraid that he will not lose any great scholar in the whole world. Even if scholars dare to criticize him, he is not afraid that he will not be scolded to death by the common people!

In this era of undeveloped information, the reputation that can be spread is so important, so as long as they foresee the situation after the reputation is fermented, the three of them shudder.

Because then they will not have any capital to fight against Li You!

After being silent for a while, Sima Tian said, "Just to prevent this from happening, the officials who suffered because of King Li You of Chu nominated the three of us as representatives to discuss countermeasures with the local tyrants?"

He Yao and Liu Hong's expressions softened when they heard the words, and nodded: "Yes, does King Li You of Chu think that he can do whatever he wants after gaining some popular support for a while? It can only be said that he is still too tender and naive! Real power, never It's not in the hands of those poor people at the bottom!"

Sima Tian agreed: "That's the truth. Although Li You, the king of Chu, has spread his prestige among the people at the bottom, but the local tyrants of the upper class are powerful, he has not done much work. This is his negligence and loophole. It's also his greatest weakness!"

Since ancient times, those who have truly mastered the local resources are undoubtedly those local tyrants who have developed in the local area for countless years.

Therefore, Sima Tian and the others are sure that as long as they negotiate with the local tyrants, the general trend and advantages will still be in their hands!

"As long as the negotiation is done this time, we can even get the help of one of the five surnames and seven Wang!" Liu Hong was obviously excited, ".~ Compared with the five surnames and seven Wang, he is a lost prince, what is it? ?"

The Sui and Tang dynasties were an identity-based society, and aristocratic families enjoyed high prestige and status in society.Among all the noble families, there are five most noble families. Among them, the Li family and the Cui family each have two prefectures, so they are called five surnames and seven Wangs.

The energy of these five surnames and seven Wangs is incredible. The average prince wants to fight against one of the five surnames and seven Wangs by himself. Will go to the five surnames and seven hope to show goodwill!

"However... for all of this to come true, the premise must be that the local tyrants can cooperate with us, but at present, the king of Chu Li You is extremely powerful, and he also holds the position of the prefect of Youzhou. Why should they cooperate with us to fight against Chu? What about Wang Liyou?"

After laughing, He Yao said with some worry.

"Don't worry about it, it's inevitable." Sima Tian said confidently, "If you want to say why, you can only blame the King of Chu, Li You, for being overly self-sufficient. It touches the interests of the local family!"

He Yao asked curiously, "What's the meaning of this statement?"

"Think about it, did the curved plough invented by Li You, the king of Chu, greatly reduce the cost of farming for farmers themselves? And they don't have to rely on the cattle lent by the owner. In the current situation where there are few people in the land, There is no need for the owner to provide corresponding land..."

After a pause, Sima Tian showed a sneer.

"That is to say, a large number of farmers will open their own doors, and the cost of hiring farmers in those local families will also increase! Not only that, when the food becomes cheaper, the local tyrants who control food sales will also suffer!"

Chapter 212: Difficult to Build, Easy to Destroy

On the second day, Sima Tian, ​​He Yao and Liu Hong met the representatives of the powerful family, the same three people.

The leader is Lu Xuanji, the head of the Lu clan in Fan Yang. The Lu clan is a family of five surnames and seven Wangli with Fan Yang as the county governor. It is in the territory of Youzhou, so it can be said that Youzhou is the base of the Lu clan.

Naturally, what Li You did directly affected Fan Yang Lu.

In addition, there are Gao Lin, the head of the Gao family, and Jiang Hongkai, the head of the Jiang family. They also have a relationship with the Fan Yang Lu family, so they can be regarded as the most powerful royal family in Youzhou.

Of course, the leader of them must be Fan Yang Lu, and because of this, Fan Yang Lu suffered the most damage.

After some chat, the six of them went straight to the topic.

"I already understand the intentions of the three adults." Lu Xuanji said calmly, "but before that, I still have a question, which I hope the three adults can answer."

Sima Tian stretched out his hand and said, "Please speak."

Lu Xuanji nodded and said, "As your lord said, the curved plough and compost promoted by King Li You of Chu have greatly harmed our interests, but it is unwise to be 153 enemies with the governor of Youzhou for this reason. ."

As the head of the Fan Yang Lu family, Lu Xuanji had to consider many things, including the future of the family.

Sima Tian's face sank when he heard the words, and he thought that he was indeed the head of the Fan Yang Lu family, and it was indeed not that easy to convince.

"Then is it possible that the losses suffered because of this are enough?" He Yao said, "Can you bear this tone?"

Lu Xuanji said lightly: "I hope Lord He can know that such a loss is not unbearable for Fan Yang Lu, who has a great family and a great business, and he is even forced to go to war with a prince who is also the prefect of Youzhou. ."

"On the contrary, if we endure this loss, maybe we can befriend Chu King Li You, so as to obtain greater benefits. I only hope that the three adults can know that the Fan Yang Lu family, which has been passed down for so many years, has a strong heritage. It's not that he doesn't have the ability to fight against King Li You of Chu, it's just a question of whether it's worth it."

Liu Hong snorted: "Since Chu King Li You came to Youzhou, he hasn't taken the initiative to make friends with befh's aristocratic families. I'm afraid he doesn't have this intention!"

Sima Tian thought for a while, and said, "Before you say it's worth it, you may have overlooked a question."

Lu Xuanji, Gao Lin, and Jiang Hongkai were stunned when they heard the words, only to hear Sima Tian continue: "You must have heard that on the first day after Chu King Li You came to Youzhou, he aggressively attacked our original prefect, right?"

Gao Lin nodded and said, "I have heard of this matter. The King of Chu, Li You, is very young, but he is really a means of thunder."

Sima Tian sneered: "Listening to what you said, it's like staying out of the way... Haven't you thought that the king of Chu, Li You, even dared to start the prefect without hesitation, not to mention the powerful families in your place?"

"Today, you may think that it's none of your business, but who knows if Li You, the king of Chu, will take action against you tomorrow because of his own reasons? Even the prefect doesn't care about him, so presumably the noble family is no problem!"

As soon as Sima Tian's voice fell, Lu Xuanji and the other three fell into deep contemplation, and their expressions became extremely serious.

Indeed, if you say this, it is indeed very possible judging from the actions of King Li You of Chu!

"Then what Lord Sima means..." Jiang Hongkai asked tentatively, "We must be strong first?"


Sima Tian nodded and said, "Before the King of Chu Li You has not yet become a big one, before Youzhou becomes one-handed, and before we still have the strength to resist, we must first start to be strong!"

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