After all, the products produced by the system must be high-quality products. Everything that Li You has drawn so far has no effect.

"In this way, every time you activate the mini welcome pine that can last for a day, the effect of itself can be used for a few days, which greatly increases the use time!"

Thinking of this, Li You's mouth twitched slightly.

The mini welcome pine with a total effective time of ten days has been played into the effect of dozens of days, and the function of the mini welcome pine has been maximized!

"Okay, the next step is to see how the drama works."

In this regard, Li You was very confident, and looked at the stage together with the ordinary people who came in.

Soon, the drama began, and the people who were talking about it all quieted down and stared at the stage with wide eyes.

I saw several scene props placed on the stage. This scene is common in later generations, but it is extremely novel for the people today.

"What are those things for? Could it be that the storytellers will sit there and perform? Why are they so unnecessary?"

A lot of doubts filled the minds of everyone present. Immediately, they saw several people dressed in different costumes coming out, but they didn't sit down and start telling stories as they thought.

"There are several storytellers at one time? How to say books like this... Isn't it a mess?!"

What has arisen in the hearts of everyone this time is a unified doubt. If these storytellers speak together, who should they listen to?

After a while, their doubts were answered.

Since no one started the storytelling, they went straight to acting!

Just listening to the leisurely music, it came from an invisible corner and surrounded the audience. Surrounded by special sound effects such as footsteps, a leisurely opening remark slowly revealed the background of the story.

Coupled with the previous actors and the vivid scenes, the story scene of "Painted Skin" suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

Chapter 233 The King of Chu Gives a Name! (Second more)

The show officially begins.

Under the unimaginable effect of the performance, the common people quickly forgot their previous dissatisfaction and immersed themselves in it.

The realistic sound effects, as well as the exciting soundtrack, plus the storyteller's own deep line skills and honed superb acting skills, all pull the common people into this world completely!

They don't seem to be watching the performance, but watching a real story, which is unfolding in front of them one by one!

"There must be something wrong with this girl!"

When they saw that the scholar was asked that it was impossible to tell others, someone had already whispered.

"Alas... indulging in beauty, it's stupid_stupid!"

And when they saw the scholar defending the Taoist priest in every possible way, someone shook his head and sighed.

When they saw the evil ghost revealing the truth of the painting, the whole audience exclaimed together!



"So it is!"

Another important factor in watching a performance in a theater is the surrounding atmosphere.

Just as some people like to go to Internet cafes to play games, the unique atmosphere of Internet cafes can greatly increase the experience of players.

The same is true in today's theaters. With the overlapping of atmosphere, performance, sound effects and soundtrack, the effect of the first performance of "Painted Skin" is unimaginable!

As the soundtrack became more and more urgent, the plot developed to a critical moment, and countless people held their breaths nervously, their heartbeats beating along with the characters in the plot.

Looking at what happened in another world so vividly makes people feel like a dream - how did the common people in the Tang Dynasty ever have such an experience!

Not to mention the ordinary people at the bottom of the society, even those high-ranking officials in the court in Chang'an, even the royal family, and even the current son Li Shimin himself, have never experienced such an immersive entertainment experience!

When "Painted Skin" was completely over, many people's faces were still pale, and they looked unfinished, apparently still immersed in the story just now and unable to extricate themselves.

After a while, countless discussions gradually sounded.

"Sure enough, pity for evil spirits is unnecessary..."

"If only my mother-in-law was as virtuous as Chen's!"

"It seems that you can't just take in people you don't know in the future!"

"That's right, it scared me to death after reading it!"

There is no doubt that the first time to experience such a huge entertainment, plus an excellent story, makes people all horrified and has a "so scary" feeling.

So much so that when the storytellers who performed the show came out to thank them, the common people all stood up in unison!

Seeing the black people in front of them, they all stared at themselves with burning eyes, and the storytellers on the stage were a little flustered.

Although they had experienced many battles in the restaurant before, it was the first time for them to face the audience in this way, so they were extremely uneasy.

"Can the guest officials accept the performance just now? I don't know what the effect will be?"

The huge pressure made everyone feel heavy. At this moment, Li You also stood up and took the lead in applauding.


The first person applauded, and the rest seemed to have reacted. The applause became louder and louder, almost toppling the roof of the theater!

The first person applauded, and the rest seemed to have reacted. The applause became louder and louder, almost toppling the roof of the theater!

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