"it is good!"

"That's really good!"

"It's so pretty!"

The thunderous praise resounded through the theater, making everyone ruddy and extremely excited!

They could feel that the audience's compliments were genuine, and they had never received such compliments during their time as storytellers!

"Thank you! Thank you everyone!"

The applause and cheers in the theater also let the people waiting outside and Wang Teng hear it. Although they couldn't hear it clearly, everyone still looked into the theater in surprise.

"This is... the end of the play?"

"Is it so pretty?"

"Sounds great, I'm looking forward to it!"

Wang Teng also craned his neck to look, because the content of the previous rehearsal was confidential to prevent the content of the plot from being leaked, so even Wang Teng himself did not see it with his own eyes.

And now it seems that the response is surprisingly good!

After the applause ended, Li Youcai said loudly again: "Congratulations, it seems that you have been recognized by everyone, then all the storytellers who have signed contracts with Li's Pictures have a new identity today - your new identity. Occupation, called actor!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Yu Xiangcheng excitedly took the lead and knelt down and thanked, "Thank you Your Highness for your name! We can get such praise today, and we cannot do without His Highness's cultivation! Without His Highness, we would not be what we are today! "

This is the truth, but it also made the rest of the people discover that His Royal Highness the King of Chu was actually sitting among them!


"It's His Royal Highness King Chu!"

"His Royal Highness the living King of Chu!"

"It turns out that such a good-looking drama was created by His Royal Highness the King of Chu!"

"This unheard of form... I should have guessed that it was His Royal Highness King Chu!"

Since Li You came to Youzhou, everything he has done has been a pioneering move. Every day, while making the people of Youzhou extremely fresh, it also brings tangible benefits that benefit the country and the people.

However, some of these words made Li You feel ashamed. Is there still His Royal Highness the dead King of Chu?


When the show was over, the common people went out in twos and threes, still discussing the content of the drama excitedly.

"This drama is so beautiful! If there is another time, then I will definitely come!"

"Me too! Much more exciting than storytelling!"

This all-round sensory stimulation simply surpasses all the entertainment they have seen before, and they are completely addicted to it!

And as the screenings ended, a lost figure also unconsciously walked to the side of the theater.

If someone in the high-level of Youzhou is here, they will be very surprised to see him—because he is one of the most powerful people in Youzhou in the past, the head of the Fan Yang Lu family with five surnames and seven Wangli, Lu Xuanji!

Chapter 234 The whole city is hot (third more)

After Lu Xuanji approached the theater, the loud voice suddenly awakened him.

"here is……?"

Lu Xuanji looked up blankly and was startled: "Why did I come here unknowingly?"

Originally, Lu Xuanji was hit hard after the Jingyan incident. The confident businessman in the past, the patriarch who led the big family to ride the wind and waves, disappeared for a short time, and the confidence he built was completely destroyed.

In the confrontation with Li You, he failed again and again, making him wonder if he was really just a teenage boy?Or do you mean that you are no better than a teenage boy?

But by now, it's too late to think about it.

The hoarded salt has become even less valuable than the soil. Even if "[-]" wants to reluctantly dump it to other places, it will not be able to escape the threshold of paying another tax, which means that it will have to pay a lot of money.

The most terrible thing is, who knows when refined salt will become popular in the whole country?Maybe when they have just shipped out of Youzhou to sell, the refined salt that comes with them will make these salts worthless again!

By that time, Lu Xuanji was afraid that he would vomit blood, because it would be equivalent to paying an extra salt tax for nothing.

Such a heavy loss, although not enough to cause Fan Yang Lu's collapse, but also greatly damaged his vitality, making Lu Xuanji extremely confused.

Because all of this is due to his own decision-making mistakes, what should the Fan Yang Lu family do in the future?

In such a frustrated state, Lu Xuanji relied on instinct to walk in the city, and was gradually attracted by the effect of the mini welcome pine, and came out of the theater.

"Wait, I remember that this seems to be the theater of His Royal Highness King Chu?"

Lu Xuanji's expression suddenly froze, he remembered something, he knew more than the average person, and Li You's purchase of a brothel to renovate the theater, etc., he did it with great fanfare in the first place, and naturally he couldn't hide it from Fan Yang Lu's eyes and ears.

It's just that this theater is so popular on the first day of its opening, which is really beyond Lu Xuanji's expectations.

"The Storytellers Association and Li's Film Co., Ltd. jointly produced the drama "Painted Skin" with sincere dedication, and the ticket price is 30 yuan per person..."

Lu Xuanji slowly read out the words on the big sign at the door. He didn't know if the price had already been raised once, but he still couldn't stop the rapidly fermenting word of mouth and the enthusiasm of the people, which still made the theater crowded.

For Lu Xuanji, no matter what association, or any film industry, or any drama, it was all unheard of, and he couldn't help but move in his heart.

"This must also be something that His Royal Highness the King of Chu came up with? In the past, all the new things His Highness King Chu made were famous, and this time is no exception! It is necessary to see what it is!"

The ghosts and the gods made Lu Xuanji aroused the desire to go in and have a look, and he was still looking for reasons for himself.

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