As he spoke, Li You's tone became a little aggrieved.

"Look, after the court, Erchen not only didn't fall asleep, he didn't even take a nap just now, and he was all writing the revision of the "Zhenguan Law". His serious attitude towards this is simply admirable!"


Everyone at the scene fell into silence.

The corners of Li Shimin's mouth twitched even more. You just didn't go back to sleep and take a nap. As for what you said so great?And most people don't go to sleep and take a nap and take a nap!

And having said that, you are taking naps in addition to sleeping in the cage. Are you a sloth who sleeps all day in your life? ?

Of course, there were still no sloths in the Tang Dynasty in this era, and Li Shimin must have never seen such an animal, but this did not prevent his raging desire to complain in his heart.

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Shimin didn't think of how to complain, and finally twitched his cheeks and said: "...Nonsense! The auxiliary machine and Xuanling spent eight years of meticulous work, and you just changed it without even thinking about it. , do you think that changing the law can be done with a stroke of a pen?"

Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng also nodded their heads after hearing this, yes, even when they were revising the "Wu De Lu", they had been discussing with each other for eight years, how could you just start to madly change Specially modified?

This is simply disrespect to the laws of the Tang Dynasty!Are you a child's play to change the law? ?

"Actually, when I digested and absorbed legal skills yesterday, I already had new ideas, and now I'm just working overtime to write them down..."

——Although Li You wanted to explain it like this, in the end, he really couldn’t say it.

After all, just thinking about it for one night and changing the "Law of Zhenguan", and just changing the Law of Zhenguan without thinking about anything, must be nothing in the eyes of Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and Xiao Yu (good money). The difference is equally sloppy.

So after thinking about it, Li You decided to start talking.

"My father's words are wrong. In fact, my father does not know anything. My son has been studying the "Zhenguan Law" for a long time, so he has a draft in his heart!"

Li You's voice is powerful and plausible, don't you think I'm too hasty?Then I'll just talk nonsense and study it myself for a long time!

"The "Law of Zhenguan" that you have studied for a long time?" Li Shimin looked at Li You strangely, "The "Law of Zhenguan" was released last year, how long can you study it?"

Li You's voice suddenly weakened, and he scratched his hair and said, "Haha, about half a year..."

In Li Shimin's heart, [-] grass and mud horses galloped past, do you dare to point your eyes to me and say this!

Chapter 499 I want to sue the emperor!

"Oh... You are so diligent?" Li Shimin laughed angrily, "Why didn't you know that you were doing this and that in the first half of the year, and at the same time assiduously studying the "Law of Zhenguan"?"

Fang Xuanling and others were even more angry when they heard the words. It took them eight years to perfect the "Law of Zhenguan", and it took you half a year to study it thoroughly?Are you kidding me?

And this is still [-] steps back assuming that Li You really has studied "Zhenguan Law"!

Xiao Yu said unceremoniously, "His Royal Highness the King of Chu, since you have been working hard on the "Zhenguan Law" for some time before, why did this minister listen to you just now that you are going to sleep and take a nap? "

When Li You heard the words, he became excited and turned on the dumping mode.

"You all don't know, all of this is because my father forced me to stay up all night to write "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" for him to read! It is because of this that I am so sleepy during the day, and I need to go back to sleep and take a nap. Recharge your energy!"

After he finished speaking, Li You still felt very proud, and the suffocation that he was madly urged to draft some time ago suddenly came out.

Li 220 Shimin was stunned when he heard it, is this wrong? It's the first time in history!The prince actually reported the emperor's status to the important minister! ?

It was just Wei Zheng and Xiao Yu who sued Li Shimin about Li You, and now Li You has sued them about Li Shimin. What kind of complaint meeting is this?

Under the atmosphere of this remark during the Zhenguan period, Li You's complaint was extremely effective!

All of a sudden, Wei Zheng's bad eyes were fixed on Li Shimin.

This His Majesty said that it is not appropriate to go to the court for recuperation, while dragging His Highness the King of Chu, who has to go to court every day to handle state affairs, into the water to write novels all night. Isn't it the same as dragging down the handling of government affairs in a disguised form?

And if you have the energy to read "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", why don't you quickly relieve His Royal Highness the King of Chu from the regent and supervise the country, and go to the court yourself?

This is simply the emperor himself playing with things and losing his mind!

Feeling the eagerness of Wei Zheng, Xiao Yu and others to remonstrate, Li Shimin quickly changed the subject and aimed at Li You.

"Yang Jie, since you said that you can revise the "Law of Zhenguan" because after studying the "Law of Zhenguan", I have a deep understanding of the "Law of Zhenguan", then I want to test you!"

Li You confidently smiled and said: "Then please feel free to test it, just a few adults can also listen to it, so as to verify whether my understanding of "Zhenguan Law" is profound or not!"

Speaking of this, Li You was not afraid at all.

You must know that the "Law of Zhenguan", as the classic law of later generations, has been studied over and over again by the legal circles at home and abroad for countless years, and it is also a compulsory content of the course "Legal History". Who in the world can compare to Li You?

This is the same as the text in the Chinese textbook. Many details that even the original author did not notice have been excavated by scholars eagerly. Therefore, Li You can be said to be better than Fang Xuanling and Zhangsun Wuji's "The Law of Zhenguan". "The editor-in-chief of "Zhenguan Law" even better!

After all, "Zhenguan Law" is a serious legal clause, not like those reading texts that can be freely understood, and there will be excessive interpretation of the original author saying "I don't think so at all".

Li Shimin said sternly: "Well, since you are so confident, then I will come to ask you carefully! "The Law of Zhenguan" is a change from "The Law of Wude", it can be said that the auxiliary machine and Xuanling's eight years of painstaking efforts, All on top of this change!"

"That's right," Li You took the initiative to pick up the words, "Compared to "Wu De Lu", "The Law of Zhenguan" is indeed a big change. It can be said that it is more in line with the needs of the current era and environment, balancing the law and the Love, law and humanity, law and virtue.”

"Before this, although "Wu De Lu" had some profit and loss on " Kai Huang Lu ", it was basically the same as it was, and there was not much development, so Datang only needed the latest "Zhen Guan Lu"! I think the emperor is reviewing In the "Law of Zhenguan", it should have adopted the benevolent political thought of Master Wei of 'specializing in benevolence and righteousness, and prudent in punishment and sympathy'?"

Saying that, Li You glanced at Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling and others also looked at Li You, and listened to Li You's words silently.

After Li You talked about this, they began to vaguely feel that Li You was not just talking nonsense when he didn't know anything, on the contrary, he seemed to be very familiar with "The Law of Zhenguan"!

Li You continued: "Looking at the "Law of Zhenguan", we can find that it still continues the legislative thought of 'morality is the mainstay of punishment', and based on the "law of the emperor" as a reference, it has made a very big revision to the "law of Wude" , for example, adding extra servitude as a commutation for capital crimes, and also distinguishing two types of crimes against rebellion, narrowing the scope of death by fate..."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's expression was also moved, and he was a little proud in his heart, after all, this was the suggestion he gave back then.

Unable to suppress the desire to pretend, Li Shimin pretended not to care and asked, "You just said it in general terms, I don't know if you can tell more details."

Li You smiled slightly and said: "Of course, take these two types of crimes against rebellion as an example, I can confirm that the original makers believed that there are two types of rebellion, one is 'invigorating the public', and the other is 'violating the law by malicious words'. The severity of the plot is different, and the handling should be different.”

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