"Wha...! You... can you really see these things just by studying the "Law of Zhenguan"?"

Li Shimin's expression changed, because he really thought so at the beginning!

And Li You can infer these things in reverse just by simply reading the provisions of the "Law of Zhenguan", so you can imagine how deep his research on "Law of Zhenguan" is!

Chapter 500 Li You's Hundred Schools Forum

"Father, there's nothing strange about this." Li You smiled, "You must know that the intentions of the legislators are all reflected between the lines. As long as the research is thorough enough, it can be equivalent to directly communicating with the legislators. Face to face!"

Hearing this, everyone was speechless, what kind of realm is this?

"Then I'll go on. The changes in the "Law of Zhenguan" compared with "The Law of Wude" are also reflected in the determination of five punishments, ten evils, eight negotiation, invitation, reduction, redemption, as well as analogy, judgment of wrongdoing, and death penalty. The main principles of convicting and sentencing such as replay and quintuple…”

Listening to Li You's eloquent talk, before you know it, more than half an hour has passed.

In this half-hour, Li You explained the "Zhenguan Law" in a simple way, and said it so thoroughly that even Li Shimin, Zhang Liang and others have a feeling of sudden realization from time to time!

As for Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng and other original creators of "The Law of Zhenguan", it feels as if they are not the editors of "The Law of Zhenguan", and they are now taking the class of "The Law of Zhenguan" again-!

Many details that they had long forgotten, or even hadn't noticed, were deeply excavated by Li You, and this alone was enough to make them ashamed.

Even in some places, Li You still talks about the shortcomings of "Zhenguan Law" from time to time, and it seems to be well-founded and extremely convincing!

In fact, there is nothing unconvincing about this. After all, in the face of a master who knows "Zhenguan Law" better than anyone here, how confident are everyone present that they dare to say that what Li You said is wrong?

"Now this situation... is completely reversed from what I imagined!"

Xiao Yu secretly exclaimed in his heart that at the beginning, their imagination was that His Royal Highness the King of Chu didn't even understand the fart, and he was talking nonsense in front of these bigwigs.

As a result, after listening to Li You's words, Xiao Yu found that Li You was the one who was most familiar with the "Law of Zhenguan", and they looked like rookies who were learning "The Law of Zhenguan"!

"...To sum up, there are twelve chapters and five hundred articles in the "Zhenguan Law" which has both advantages and disadvantages. It is true that the "Zhenguan Law" has been modified compared to the "Wu De Law", such as abolishing the torture of toe beheading, but There are also many places that have not been covered, which gives those corrupt officials a huge loophole to drill!"

After Li You finished speaking, he felt a little dry, so he picked up the tea on Li Shimin's table and drank it.

Having said so much, Li You has the illusion that he has become a university professor and is teaching a group of college students.

And Li Shimin woke up from the shock after Li You drank his tea.

At this moment, Li Shimin was no longer in the mood to care about Li You's slightly disrespectful behavior, and hurriedly asked: "Yang Jie, can your reform really play the role you said? There won't be some sequelae of the reform, right?"

Li You smiled and said: "Father, regarding the reform, no matter what your minister promises, you can't fully believe it, right? Okay, so, do you remember the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that Father watched all night? Zhuge Liang, Marquis Wu of Zhuge Liang, you must be still impressed, right?"

As soon as he talked about this matter, Li Shimin's momentum became a little weaker, and he felt a little bit like he was caught on the spot by the head teacher while playing with his mobile phone during self-study at night.

Fortunately, Li You didn't dwell on this matter too much, and went on to say: "The first thing Zhuge Kongming did when he was governing Shu was to list Liu Bei and summon Liu Ba, Li Yan and other five people to jointly formulate a plan. "Shu Ke". This "Shu Ke" is a model of severe punishment, but after it was implemented, although it was harsh, it was supported by the people of Shu!"

"This makes "Shu Ke" directly the legal basis of the Shu Kingdom, and it also makes the people of Shu Kingdom stable, so that Zhuge Liang has enough confidence and strength to conquer Meng Huo in the South and conquer the Northern Expedition to strengthen Wei! Why is this? Because Zhuge Liang and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" "In fact, he is not too clever in using soldiers, but he is a good player in governing the country!"

When Li Shimin heard this, he felt a little lost for some reason. He felt a sense of pain that the myth of Zhuge Wuhou was broken by Li You, the original author himself.

"So Zhuge Kongming knows very well how to legislate reforms, and his view is that in troubled times, we should be more tolerant, and we should use the code to relax the world! Live a normal life, and this is exactly what Zhuge Liang thinks should be relied upon!"

After hearing the words, everyone thought deeply. Before that, because of the collapse of the former Qin Dynasty, they generally believed that it was wrong to govern the people with severe punishments and laws, but this was a wrong idea in itself.

As long as you are a scholar, you all know a sentence, that is, "there are no rules, no square circle", which in itself shows the importance of the law.

Today's Datang is called the rule of Zhenguan. On the surface, it seems that the country is prosperous and the people are strong, and the business is unprecedentedly prosperous under the intervention of Li You, but this has created a problem, that is, money is used to create chaos!

Li You raised a finger and said, "My son, let's take an example of a corrupt official making a profit. For example, if a rich businessman wants to do something convenient, will he definitely use money to bribe the relevant officials? And this , is one of the sources and channels for corrupt officials to use their power for personal gain!"

"Businessmen have money but no power, so they rely on money to obtain the assistance of power. Although there is a censor station, how big is the Tang Dynasty, how many censors are needed to cover it? The censors can really prevent all corruption from happening. What if even the Censor himself was bribed?"

Li You resolutely said: "So it is impossible to absolutely eliminate corruption! As the saying goes, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. If you do it too much, you will naturally have the sequelae that the father and the emperor said, but limit the corruption. On a very small scale, it can be done!"

"And the only thing that can do all this is better new laws!"

In fact, Li You's words are just superficial perfunctory words. Although there is some truth, it is not the real reason why he is not afraid of the sequelae of the reform...

Chapter 501 The future is in my eyes

The reason why Li You is really not afraid of the sequelae of the reform is because he knows that there will be a war soon!

In the nine-year history of Zhenguan, there were two wars in the Tang Dynasty.

The first was Tuoba Chici, the chief of the Party Xiang Tuoba Department who was married to Murong Fuyun, the king of Tuyuhun.

The second is the battle of Tang and Tuyuhun!

"Calculate the time, it should be almost the same." Li You thought to himself.

If history hadn't changed much, Murong Fuyun, the king of Tuyuhun, would soon start to die and refuse to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty. Li Shimin, who was irritated, was naturally furious, and immediately sent troops to conquer Tuyuhun.

Although Li You "May [-]" knows that he has done a lot of things in Datang and has become a big butterfly wing, in countries other than Datang, Li You believes that his influence should not be able to reach there. When the time is up, Murong Fuyun should die anyway.

And why is Li You not afraid of the sequelae of reform because of this war?

Because of the sequelae of the reform, in the final analysis, it is because of the turbulent situation after the change of the law, which will lead to severe conflicts between the court and the country. In the end, it will not only affect the Tang Dynasty itself, but Li You, the reformer himself, will have a headache.

Then, foreign wars are the best way to divert domestic conflicts!

In later generations, many scholars and experts studied the initial reasons for the Eastern Ying invasion of the Celestial Dynasty, and one of them reached a unified consensus.

That is, the domestic situation in Dongying was already very bad at that time, resulting in severe internal contradictions, so they urgently needed a foreign war to transfer the domestic contradictions!

In the end it turned out that they were successful if only for that purpose.

And for the same reason, the battle of Tang and Tuyuhun that broke out just at this point in time was the best magic weapon to completely remove the sequelae of the reform!

Of course, this is an advantage that belongs to the traversers alone, that is, the ability to predict the future and act according to the future, so it is absolutely impossible for Li You to tell Li Shimin directly.

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