Because of this, Li Youcai gave this other set of rhetoric.

However, it is undeniable that Li You did not talk nonsense. The rhetoric he gave was still very reasonable. All of a sudden, Li Shimin, Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, Xiao Yu and others fell into deep thought!

After a long time, everyone gave Li You a deep look.

Unexpected, unimaginable... In their original opinion, Chu King Li You, who was young and arrogant, not only has an extremely profound understanding of the law, but now it seems that he may even surpass them!

"Chen... I am amazed!"

Xiao Yu, Wei Zheng, and Zhang Liang all took a deep breath and bowed their hands to Li You.

Fang Xuanling also struggled for a while, and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Chu is so proficient in the law, it is beyond the imagination of the minister, and the minister has nothing to say about it!"

The fall of these people's voices means that they have recognized Li You and are qualified enough to revise "Zhenguan Law"!

Then the next step is to see how the results of Li You's revision are.

"Since that's the case, then this king will excuse me first. After all, there are many provisions in the law, so I have to race against time to write them."

Li You bowed to Li Shimin and the others, and slipped back to the Chu Palace in a dashing manner, and continued to reform the "Law of Zhenguan".

In the room, only Li Shimin and a few confidants were left to peep at each other, silent for a long time.

"Sure enough, Yang Jie's seemingly nonsense things must be justified!"

Suddenly, Li Shimin smiled.

"As the saying goes, if you know your son Mo Ruofu, I know it will be like this!"

Everyone: "..."

Forget it, don't complain, the emperor is happy if you are happy.


The second time, Li You yawned and went to court.

As for the rest of the officials, they were still in the mood of scrutiny, wanting to see what answer Li You could hand over, but when they saw Li You's attitude, they were so angry...

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu...isn't he just kidding us?!"

"Look at this, what good things can you come up with!?"

"I think His Royal Highness the King of Chu is simply taking this reform as a child's play!"

Among the indignant civil servants and generals, only Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, Xiao Yu, Zhang Liang and other important officials who went to see Li Shimin yesterday did not know what was going on.

"Huh? What's so loud about it?"

Li You also felt the dissatisfaction and commotion below, and yawned again and asked casually.

Zhangsun Wuji immediately seized the opportunity and sneered: "His Royal Highness the King of Chu, I don't know what you said about reforming the law yesterday. What is the result now? It won't be fruitless, right?"

Li You glanced at him lightly and waved: "If you want to know the result, then you can see for yourself."

Zhangsun Wuji was stunned when he heard the words, but before he could react, several carts of books were pushed from outside the Taiji Palace.

All of a sudden, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were also stunned, and Li You said: "This king stayed up all night to finish the revision of the "Zhenguan Law", and quickly printed it into a book with movable type printing. Let’s take a look, and if you have any opinions, you can put forward them.”

After speaking, Li You seemed to be reluctant to speak for a 0.7, and began to close his eyes and rest.

The civil servants and generals below heard the words and looked at each other in dismay. After a while, Wei Zheng and Xiao Yu took the lead to get the revised version of "The Law of Zhenguan".

"Good guy, it's so heavy!"

Fang Xuanling got the revised version of "The Law of Zhenguan" next, but felt that his palm sank, and when he looked at the "Law of Zhenguan" again, it was more than twice as thick as the original!

"His Royal Highness King Chu wrote so much in just one day?" Fang Xuanling said in surprise, "Even if there is the original "Zhenguan Law" as a foundation, it's too much!"

If you want to write so many legal provisions in such a short period of time, it means that Li You basically did not stop to do any thinking in the middle of writing, but wrote all the content in one go!

Chapter 502 The Brick of Justice

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Fang Xuanling thought about it again, and it took him, Changsun Wuji and others to revise the "Wu De Lu", but it took a full eight years, and his heart was very complicated.

If it was before going to His Majesty's place, Fang Xuanling would undoubtedly feel angry, which simply shows that His Royal Highness the King of Chu is treating the sacred "Zhenguan Law" like a child's play!

However, after going to His Majesty's place, Fang Xuanling had to put away this idea, because Li You11 was undoubtedly an expert who studied "The Law of Zhenguan" more profoundly than him!

Therefore, looking at the revised version of "The Law of Zhenguan" like a brick in his hand, Fang Xuanling only felt that a mixed mood came to his heart.

Unlike Fang Xuanling, the eldest grandson Wuji, the editor-in-chief of "The Law of Zhenguan", thought of the same thing when he got the book, but what appeared in his heart was full of anger!

"What a joke, even if you need to practice so much, you don't have such a fast speed, right?! Then what does King Li You of Chu take my hard work!"

While trying to suppress his anger, Changsun Wuji was about to lose the sneer on his face.

"But that's fine, let all the officials and officials see with their own eyes, what the hell is the revised version of "Zhenguan Law" that you rushed out of work!"

In this way, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty opened the thickly revised version of "The Law of Zhenguan" in full of anger.

For a while, the court became silent, only the sound of flipping books was left.

It took a long time to see this, and Li You just took this opportunity to close his eyes and rest, dozing off while waiting for them to finish reading.

And the civil servants and military generals who are reading the revised version of "Zhenguan Law", but one by one, the more they look at it, the more surprised they are!

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