If you can easily come up with a solution, it is not called a natural disaster!

"What's wrong? Don't you usually talk about each and every one of them? Why don't you say a word at this time!?"

Li Shimin became more and more irritable. He gritted his teeth and looked around at the officials present. Everyone bowed their heads in shame.

Seeing that the country is in trouble, there is nothing they can do. Shame!

Seeing this situation, Li Shimin barely suppressed his anger, knowing that they couldn't say anything.

"Yangjie, do you have any good prevention methods?"

Immediately afterwards, Li Shimin looked at Li You with hope, and now Li You is his greatest hope and life-saving straw.

Li Shimin knew very well that his son, in the past, was always able to come up with all kinds of amazing methods that he had never heard of before, and to achieve miracles that ordinary people could not do. Maybe this time he could do something good.

Unfortunately, as soon as Li Shimin asked, he saw Li You frowning thinking about something.

Seeing this expression, Li Shimin's whole heart froze.

He smiled wryly, shook his head and said to himself: "Yes, even if you are a genius like you, what can you do in the face of such natural and man-made disasters? My expectations for you are too high, and it is normal to have nothing to do. of."

This is not disappointment to Li You, but the helplessness and pain of Li Shimin after realizing the reality.

Hearing the words, the rest of the officials also gritted their teeth and clenched their fists. Their hearts were also aching!

I don't know how many people, but in fact, the mentality just now is the same as Li Shimin, especially after Li You personally regent and supervises the country to handle state affairs and government affairs, he saw Li You's powerful and unparalleled administrative ability with his own eyes, and countless people gave birth to the king of Chu. The illusion of His Majesty's omnipotence.


But up to now, their hopes have been dashed just like Li Shimin!

For a while, the Tai Chi Palace was filled with groans and sighs.

But at this moment, Li You's voice suddenly sounded.

"I... may have some ways to deal with it."

"Yangjie, don't say it anymore, I know you..." Li Shimin had just finished speaking when he suddenly reacted and looked at Li You in disbelief, "Wait a minute, what did you just say? Do you have a way to deal with it? !"

"Exactly," Li You nodded with a smile, "Erchen was just thinking about this method."

The rest of the civil and military officials also have their eyes brightened. His Highness the King of Chu will not disappoint them, nor will His Majesty be disappointed!

"What is the method, why don't you tell me quickly?"

In Li Shimin's anxious urging, Li Youxian raised a finger.

"First of all...I wonder if all of you adults know that locusts are actually edible?"

"Eat locusts?!"

When Li You said this, everyone was dumbfounded.

It is unheard of for such filthy pests to eat!

Chapter 546 Why did you come back again? (first update)

"You...are you talking about a joke?"

After a long silence, Li Daozong asked tentatively.

After all, this kind of thing that insects can eat has never been heard of, so everyone can't accept it!

"At such a serious moment, how can this king be joking?" Li You spread his hands and said, "If you want to control the locust plague, one of the most effective ways is to eat them up. Comes in handy."

After all, once the locusts lay eggs, there are tens of thousands. Even if Li You has three heads and six arms, there is really no way to directly target the locusts to lay eggs.

Then we have to wait for the locusts to mature before killing them!

As the so-called fattening can be slaughtered.

"What is "five nine zeros", it's actually chickens and ducks..."

When the officials heard the words, they all breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise they would not be able to say anything if they really went to eat worms.

But at this time, a new question arose - can locusts really be used as food for chickens and ducks?

"His Royal Highness, chickens and ducks have never eaten locusts in the past, is this really possible?" Xiao Yu asked worriedly, "Don't cause the food to become worse because chickens and ducks eat locusts and get poisoned to death. less..."

In the Tang Dynasty, the number of livestock was very small, and the most precious of them was undoubtedly the cattle.The imperial court strictly prohibited eating and killing cattle, because cattle could be used to cultivate the land and produce more food.

And pork is considered to be cheap meat, and no one will eat it at all. So from the staple meat of the Tang people is mutton, it can be seen that the second most expensive livestock is chicken and duck, and the bottom is sheep.

After all, compared to sheep, chickens and ducks can still lay eggs. Wagyu is also a type that can continuously produce food, so it is a pity that one dies less than one.

"Mr. Xiao has been worrying too much. If you have any concerns, just feed a chicken or a duck for a while and you'll know?"

Li You waved his hand and said, "As the saying goes, chickens and ducks eat small worms, so locusts are also worms, so why can't they eat them? Besides, chickens and ducks eat locusts, which is of great benefit to them! Not only can they mature quickly, but they can also lay more eggs. bigger!"

"Do locusts really have such miraculous effects?"

For a time, everyone present was in a trance. How come these locusts, which are disasters, are now sounding like a baby from the mouth of His Royal Highness the King of Chu?

"Of course."

Li You nodded, this is a feeding method that has been proven in later generations.

"But you can't just feed locusts, you have to mix some other grains... As long as you can rely on locusts to make chickens and ducks fatter, isn't it beautiful?"

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