Li Shimin was very moved when he heard it, and asked, "Then what do you mean, when the plague of locusts comes, let the people drive the chickens and ducks down to eat the locusts?"

"That's right," Li You nodded. "In addition, you can also popularize the knowledge that locusts can be the staple food of chickens and ducks, and let the common people take the initiative to catch locusts. After all, locusts are easy to catch and don't cost money. If it goes all the way down, many people will definitely catch it, and in disguise, the number of locusts will be reduced."

"This method is good!"

Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh, but he soon became worried.

"However, this method is still a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause. The number of chickens and ducks is only so small, and the body size is not large and the appetite is small. How many locusts can be eaten?"

"Father, don't worry, I haven't said the second point yet."

Li You raised his second finger and said, "Back to the topic just now-since locusts can be eaten, why not promote them as a staple food?"

"Eh? wait for me..."

Li Shimin pinched his brows, and he couldn't keep up with Li You's thinking for a while. Not only him, but all the officials present were stunned.

They thought just now that Li You was referring to chickens and ducks that can eat locusts, why are they going around and going back to letting people eat locusts? !

"Actually, the reason is very simple," said Li You, who was stunned. "Since the locusts have destroyed the food crops, then we can use them as substitute food. It is undoubtedly a great savior of the great famine!"

"And think about it carefully, after the outbreak of the big locust plague, the locusts will be inexhaustible, and they are quite easy to catch, so you don't have to worry about running out... Besides, even if you run out of locusts, then Wouldn't it be better to mean that the plague of locusts was eaten up abruptly?"

Li You's words made all the civil servants and generals in the audience look at each other. Li Xiaogong hesitated for a while and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Chu, are you just making this proposal with a revenge mentality? Come with a revenge mentality. Calling on the common people to do an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth..."

"You are wrong, Mr. Li."

Li You interrupted him and said, "Locusts are really edible! And they are nutritious and delicious!"

In the modern age where Li You lived in his previous life, locusts were a good dish on the Mexican state banquet, but under the cooking skills of Li You's chef, they would only make locusts even more delicious than the state banquet version!

Seeing the seriousness on Li You's face, Fang Xuanling asked tentatively, "His Royal Highness King Chu, are you serious? Are you kidding me?"

Li You sighed helplessly and said, "Does Mr. Fang think this situation is suitable for 5.0 jokes? Don't look down on locusts. As far as this king knows, locusts are nutritious and tender, delicious as shrimps, just like flying shrimps!"

Li You is not talking nonsense. It is for this reason that in Hong Kong and other regions, locusts are also called "flying shrimps", and not only in Moscow, but also in the United States, "insect banquets" are held to entertain VIPs, among which are locusts!

Chapter 547 What a noble sentiment this is (Second)

Therefore, it can be said that locusts have become a favorite ingredient of people all over the world in later generations. Whether it is used for cooking, canned, or made into biscuits, ice cream and other foods, they are very popular.

Seeing the vividness of what Li You said, all the officials and officials were amazed.

His Royal Highness the King of Chu, why are you so skilled?How many times have you eaten locusts?

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, you are so familiar... Could it be that you have eaten locusts?"

Finally, Gao Shilian couldn't help but ask, which was also the voice of everyone present.

Facing everyone's gaze, Li You nodded tactically: "Of course I've eaten it! I'll tell you, the taste is just one word, praise!"

In fact, Li You has never eaten locusts, but he has the skill of a god of cooking, and he can be called a "god". It's no joke, maybe he can even cook bark deliciously.


There was a burst of exhalation in the Tai Chi Palace, Li You's acting skills exploded, and he sighed with emotion.

"Oh, originally, when I was reading the history books, I found that there were many locust plagues in history, and I was extremely worried, suffering for the difficult situation of the people in the world! Under such circumstances, this king naturally hated the locusts that caused the locust plague, and wished to live. Eat its meat!"

"But after I ate it, I found out that locusts are actually edible," Li You said with a great sentimental expression of "Shen Nong tastes a hundred herbs", "So this king took the lead and tried countless locust practices by himself, and finally determined that the locusts were completely determined. It can be eaten as a main meal!"

These words gave the ministers and officials a reason to explain why Li You knew that the locusts could be eaten and were delicious, and it also convinced them that this was not a groundless act of Li You's mouth.

Moreover, when Li You's voice fell, he found that Wei Zheng and Xiao Yu and other courtiers who were devoted to the Tang Dynasty were looking at him with incomparable emotion.

--My goodness!In order to relieve the suffering of the people and avenge the people, His Royal Highness the King of Chu dared to eat locusts many times. What kind of ideological realm is this?

It is simply a royal role model for the world and the people!

"It's great!"

Many people even started to sob a little. When everyone avoided locusts like snakes and scorpions, His Royal Highness the King of Chu dared to try it for himself. This kind of spirit was like the legendary Shennong tasting all kinds of herbs, which moved them extremely!

This also caused them to look at Li You, which made Li You, who was full of mouths running on the train, a little embarrassed, and his eyes shifted slightly.

"His Royal Highness Chu's move is earth-shattering!"

After a while, Fang Xuanling said with a trembling voice, and Li Shimin nodded, looking at Li You with satisfaction.

"Very good, this is the representative of the people in the world! That means, Yang Jie, you can now fully confirm that locusts can fill up instead of food?"

Li You said: "Father, if you say that you only eat locusts and don't eat other things, then of course it's not good for your health. Just like you can't just feed chickens and ducks to eat locusts, people need to eat locusts together with other food. Eat to achieve nutritional balance..."

"Nutritional balance! This is an unheard of new word, after all..."

The imperial physician made Liu Shenwei's eyes light up. He naturally wouldn't think that Li You was talking nonsense. After all, even his master, Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, had asked Li You for advice.

Seeing that Liu Shenwei was just like Sun Simiao, he immediately wanted to ask questions, and Li You quickly staggered the topic.

"...However, it's not a problem if you just starve to death."

"As long as people don't starve to death," Li Shimin nodded. "Once this famine is over, then the Tang Dynasty will naturally be reborn!"

"Exactly," Li You smiled.

"It's just..." Yu Shinan said worriedly at this time, "Although we know these things about locusts, the common people don't know? And we can't tell them in advance that the great locust plague and famine are coming? Chaos caused by panic!"

Before Li You could answer, Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "You are wrong. When people are extremely hungry, they will even eat bark and soil, not to mention locusts? There is no need to worry about it at all!"

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