Anyway, the people's thirst for the truth has formed a huge business opportunity. Even without Li You's guidance, many mainstays of Li's industry have also noticed. 207

And anyway, it's not always like this, and the "Datang Daily" itself is not very expensive, but within the limited few days, the curiosity and enthusiasm of the people have not subsided, so naturally it will be published six times in a row. Are willing to buy!

If it is absolutely possible to have sales, then this money will not be made in vain!

Therefore, the host of countless monasteries soon suffered!

"Master, are you the abbot of Bainiu Temple? I'm a reporter from the "Datang Daily", I wonder if you can accept my interview?"

As soon as he heard the name of "Datang Daily", the abbot of Bainiu Temple immediately turned black.

Because of the previous events, "Datang Daily" is notorious in major Buddhist temples. When "Datang Daily" is mentioned, countless monks and monks grit their teeth.

"I don't accept it! Donor, please come back!"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple snorted coldly and refused.

"Why did the abbot refuse our interview?" the reporter asked eagerly, "Does the master have something to worry about?"

"Buddhism is a quiet place, and some villains are not allowed to enter at will!"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple smiled coldly and waved his hand directly: "Send off your guests, you are not welcome here, if you continue to entangle, then don't blame us for showing the wrath of King Kong!"

As soon as the abbot of Bainiu Temple finished speaking, dozens of guarding monks poured out of Bainiu Temple, all of them holding iron rods and looking hideous.

The reporter had no choice but to retire, and soon the first issue of the report came out.

"Abbot! It's not good! Take a look at this issue of "Datang Daily"!"

In order to investigate the enemy's situation, the monks of Bainiu Temple quickly got the first issue of "Datang Daily", and several young monks rushed in in a panic.

"What are you panicking about?" the abbot of Bainiu Temple reprimanded with a stern face. "Today, the old man refused the interview with the "Datang Daily". Could it be that they can still spread rumors out of nothing?"

"This... I don't know if it should be considered a rumor out of nothing..."

The little monks embarrassedly touched their bald heads. This reaction also made the abbot of Bainiu Temple extremely strange. He took over the "Datang Daily" and went straight to the page about Bainiu Temple.

Seeing this, the abbot of Bainiu Temple almost vomited blood!

I saw that it was written: "Today, the reporter went to Bainiu Temple to request an interview, but the abbot of Bainiu Temple seemed to be secretive, as if there was something unspeakable, and firmly refused the reporter's request. Silly..."

"Bullshit! It's just bullshit!"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple was so angry that he was about to go crazy when another monk saluted and entered.

"Abbot, there is another reporter from "Datang Daily" outside the door, hoping to conduct a follow-up interview with our Bainiu Temple..."

"He still has a face?!"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple spewed fire from his eyes, and rushed out in a turbulent manner. He was just about to scold someone, but found that the reporter who came this time was not the same person.

"Master, are you the abbot of Bainiu Temple? I'm a reporter from the "Datang Daily", I wonder if you can accept my interview?"

This new reporter asked exactly the same thing. After all, many of the reporters' thinking and skills were also trained by Li You, so the resemblance is normal.

But when the abbot of Bainiu Temple heard this, he was furious and gritted his teeth: "You damned "Datang Daily", no matter what, you can never get the permission of the old man!"

"Why did the abbot refuse to be interviewed so firmly?" the new reporter immediately asked, "Now that Buddhism's reputation is at stake, wouldn't it be better to be interviewed for clarification?"

Having learned the lesson from the last time, the abbot of Bainiu Temple did not dare to say any more ambiguous words this time, and snorted coldly: "It was your "Datang Daily" who wanted to slander our Buddhist reputation. You've lost your teeth!"

"Let's go back!"

Having said that, the abbot of Bainiu Temple took the lead to return to Bainiu Temple and closed the door directly.

The only new reporter left outside the door nodded thoughtfully, and immediately went back to write the report.

Another hour passed, and the previous little monks rushed in again in a panic.

"Abbot! Not good!"

"What's wrong?" The abbot of Bainiu Temple began to feel a headache.

This time, the little monks didn't talk nonsense, but handed the newspaper directly to the abbot of Bainiu Temple.

The abbot of Bainiu Temple glanced over and saw that in one of the reports, he wrote: "The abbot of Bainiu Temple personally admitted to reporters today that their Buddhism is very biased towards this newspaper and stressed that no clarification is needed... …”


The abbot of Bainiu Temple spat out a mouthful of old blood!

Chapter 737 The fear of being dominated by news (third more)

"Someone! Get those bastard reporters here! Let them do as many interviews as you want!"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple was furious!

Under his extreme anger, he had forgotten that an hour ago, he had said that "Datang Daily" would never try to get his interview permission.

Soon, a third new reporter came over and asked sharp questions.

"A few days ago, Anshan Temple was exposed to imprisoning women in the cellar to express their desires and detaining children for sale. I wonder what you think, Master?"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple was choked for a moment, and said with an unnatural expression: "That's a shame of Buddhism! We used to be both famous temples in Chang'an, but when I think about it today, Lao Na only feels extremely shameful. "

The reporter nodded when he heard the words, and wrote it down in his notebook.

The abbot of Bainiu Temple was very reluctant to accept an interview with "Datang Daily", so after reluctantly doing so, he stubbornly drove the reporter away and sent him back.

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