"Now that they have the interview they want, they can't talk nonsense any more, right?"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple thought to himself, and finally waited for the third issue of "Datang Daily", this time he took the initiative to read it for the first time.

After a while, the abbot of Bainiu Temple turned to the page about Bainiu Temple and fixed his eyes on it.

"After many difficulties and obstacles, the reporter finally had an interview with the abbot of Bainiu Temple. During the conversation, the abbot of Bainiu Temple took the initiative to tell the reporter that he looked down on the famous temples that competed with Chang'an before, and he was dismissive of these peers... …”

The abbot of Bainiu Temple thought about it for a long time, recalling whether he had said this.

This...what the hell is this writing!

"You're just here for the first time for an interview, okay? It's hard and dangerous?!" The abbot of Bainiu Temple no longer cared about the rules and regulations, and was so angry that he shouted swear words.

"And I just said I looked down on Anshan Temple, and I was ashamed that it was also a famous temple in Chang'an in the past. How can I expand the topic so deeply?!"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple only felt that the world was spinning. He trembled and let the reporter from the "Datang Daily" call over again, and decided to speak carefully and cautiously this time!

"...As for the question you asked before, the old man can only say that this kind of thing will never happen in Bainiu Temple, at least, because we are all monks, and we can't start with women!"

After finally sending the god of plague away, the abbot of Bainiu Temple breathed a tiring breath, and repeated the conversation in his mind several times.

No matter how you think about it, there seems to be no omission, and it should be no problem now!

In such repeated thoughts, the abbot of Bainiu Temple and others came to the fourth issue of "Datang Daily".

"Today, the abbot of Bainiu Temple openly told reporters that in response to the questions asked in the last issue, he can only say that everyone in Bainiu Temple has no interest in women, but avoids talking about children's problems, does it mean that Bainiu Temple represents Are the monks actually more interested in children?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The abbot of Bainiu Temple was going crazy, "Immediately! Immediately! Get him back! Why do you write like this!"

If it weren't for these reporters being strongly protected by the local government yamen, and every interview being followed by yamen, the abbot of Bainiu Temple would have wanted to tear them into pieces!

Looking at the reporter who reappeared in front of him, the abbot of Bainiu Temple was completely powerless.

"The old man said for the last time that we, Bainiu Temple, abide by the rules and precepts, will never attack women, and of course have no pedophilia!"

"Understood, understood," the reporter began to write in the notebook again, "I will report truthfully, please rest assured, Master."

Now, as soon as he saw the scene of the reporter's "shushushushu" notebook, the abbot of Bainiu Temple felt a pain in his head, and his chest was so tight that he could hardly breathe.

"It would be nice if you could report it truthfully!"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple has squeezed out the sound bit by bit from the gap between the teeth.

Another hour has passed. When the fifth issue of "Datang Daily" was freshly released, the whole Bainiu Temple was boiling, and everyone rushed to the abbot of Bainiu Temple with the newspaper in shock.

"Abbot, abbot, you must make it clear to him, and don't let the world misunderstand us because of this report!"

The blue veins on the forehead of the abbot of Bainiu Temple burst out, and he took the newspaper they handed over with trembling, and read it word by word.

"The abbot of Bainiu Temple specially found reporters today and specially emphasized to reporters that all the monks in Bainiu Temple have no interest in women and children. Obviously, they prefer men to women and children..."

Only halfway through the reading, the abbot of Bainiu Temple was blacked out before his eyes and could no longer read.

"Datang Daily"!The old man and you are inseparable—!


At this moment, the only thing left in the ears of the abbot of Bainiu Temple was the pleading voices of the disciples of Bainiu Temple, which made him very annoyed.

"Abbot, you can't ignore it! Our monastery has only men. Wouldn't this make them even more suspicious, thinking that we might have some random things with each other..."

"Shut up!" the abbot of Bainiu Temple shouted unbearably, "This is a bullshit! From now on, Bainiu Temple prohibits anyone related to the "Datang Daily" from entering, and if he sees a reporter, he will give The old man shoots out!"

For the last edition of today's "Datang Daily", the reporter took the initiative to find it this time, and proposed to conduct the sixth issue of the interview.

It's just that this time everyone looked at him viciously and almost couldn't help but want to shoot!

"Get out of here!"

In the face of countless waves of roars, the reporter did not insist or entangle at all, and left directly and decisively. Looking at the back of the reporter who seemed to flee in despair, everyone felt that they had made a comeback and laughed proudly.

In this way, they got the last issue of "Datang Daily" today with a victorious mood.

I saw on the headline, a few big bold black characters read: "The monks of the White Bull Temple are full of airs, shouting abusive reporters and coercing them with violence!"

Chapter 738 It's you monks who are bullying! (fourth more)


In the White Bull Temple, the only thing that can be heard at the moment is the indistinct voice of the abbot of the White Bull Temple because of his extreme anger.

The abbot of Bainiu Temple is so angry that he is so angry that he can be directly made into such a moth if he does not even accept an interview with a reporter from the "Datang Daily"? !

In this way, wouldn't it be okay to accept an interview, and it would be okay not to accept an interview! ?

In just one day, relying on six issues of "Datang Daily", the reputation of Bainiu Temple has plummeted!

In fact, the abbot of Bainiu Temple is definitely not the only abbot who has experienced the fear of being dominated by news reports today.

What they don't know is that the "Nine-Three-Seven" profession of reporter, especially in an environment where news reporting is very free and not subject to too many jurisdictional restrictions, has the nickname of the uncrowned king!

Even in the modern age, there are many local rulers who have been overwhelmed by journalists, not to mention that the journalists are only targeting Buddhist temples?

It can be said that under Li You's training, these reporters' ability to do things and distort reports is already perfect!

In particular, this news is not purely made up. The most serious part of misinterpreting the report is that it is a mixture of half-truths and half-truths, so it is difficult to be falsified, because even if people want to investigate, they will A lot of real evidence will be found!

It is under such circumstances that countless Buddhist temples have been planted on this day alone!

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