And what's the matter?

He is a dignified emperor of the Tang Dynasty that no one knows, but a prince has already become a household name! ?


The next day, when Li You just got up and came to the barracks, he saw Li Shimin, who was resting on the bed before, walking out the door barefoot without even wearing boots.

"I've seen Father Father," Li You bowed, "By the way, Father Father, aren't you cold?"


Li Shimin was taken aback, only to realize that he didn't even wear shoes, so he immediately folded back to put on shoes.

"Your Highness, what happened yesterday?"

A side general asked worriedly: "Yesterday, when His Majesty came back, he seemed to be in a trance, and his spirit seemed to be much worse. Could it be that His Majesty is thinking about Chang'an?"

"may be……"

Li You twitched the corners of his mouth, he could probably guess the reason.

It's nothing more than that yesterday's disparate treatment by the common people has hit Li Shimin so badly that he couldn't recover for a while.

At this time, Li Shimin came out, and Li You thought about it and said, "Could it be that the dragon's body is ill? Do I need to rest?"

Li Shimin coughed and said, "What's the matter, as long as I see you, even if I feel unwell, it will be all right."

While talking, Li Shimin took Li You's hand into the temporary palace, and at the same time ordered someone to prepare a feast.

"Yangjie, you haven't had breakfast, have you? Let's have dinner with me later."

"Thank you, Father, that..."

Li You hesitated for a moment: "Father, in fact, regarding yesterday's events, it was mainly because I was involved in many national affairs such as "Datang Daily" and the theater, so the common people would be familiar with Erchen a lot, not them. There is no father in my heart."

"I understand," Li Shimin said lightly, "You are too heartless, how could I be such a small-bellied person?"


Li You nodded, and it was precisely because he knew that Li Shimin was not a small-bellied person, so the way Li You and Li Shimin got along became more and more casual.

It's just that before the voice of the last sentence fell, Li Shimin added: "." By the way, let's do an interview with me in the next issue of "Datang Daily"."

Li You: "...Oh."

"Also, remember to find the best painter and attach my portrait. By the way, it's good that I remember your realistic genre. Remember to draw some pictures of me without losing the majesty. The most prominent place in Datang Daily.”

Li You: "...Okay."

After giving these words, Li Shimin didn't blushed or was out of breath, as if he wasn't the one who frantically asked for exposure just now, so he directly changed his state and discussed the military situation with Li You.

Li Shimin took Li You to the hanging map, pointed at the map, and said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'm going to take the sea route from Laizhou, and land on the sea (good) to advance towards Goguryeo, what does Yang Jie think? "

Li You thought about it for a while, and said anxiously, "That's not going to work!"

Li Shimin asked curiously, "Why is this?"

Li You remembered that in history, the son of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, once led an army by sea to conquer Japan, but before he even landed in Japan, the wind and waves overturned the entire army.

Although we are going to the Yellow Sea now, the risks are indeed there, and the current level of warships is far less than that of the Yuan Dynasty. This risk should not be taken if it is not taken.

After all, Li You has always never fought unsure battles, so how could the army take unnecessary risks?

Although Li Shimin's idea was good, he didn't think about the details.

"My son thinks that it is possible to take Goguryeo without the need for two large armies, so why bother to travel by sea?"

Chapter 857 The Prince of the Tang Dynasty is already a great threat! (fourth more)

Li Shimin frowned, how could he lose his strategic advantage because of trouble? Does he have any novel tactics?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin was full of expectations.

However, Li Shimin also knew Li You very well, and understood that he would not oppose recklessly for no reason. There must be a deeper reason behind it.

"Do you think there are other hidden dangers in this plan?"

Of course Li You can't talk about the Yuan Dynasty that is still in the future, but he does have reasons why Li Shimin can't do it.

"Father, I have heard that Koguryeo had colluded with the Japanese people in Dongying a long time ago, and the Japanese were very good at water warfare. Goguryeo has also learned a lot, and this country has water on both sides, so how could it not be strong? Marines? Of course he will guard against us going by land and water."

When Li Shimin heard it, he suddenly realized that this was indeed a negligence that he did not expect.

Li You continued: "We don't fight with him, because this is our weakness, and our army is the strongest, and this is our strength, how can we use our weaknesses to fight the opponent's strengths? What about one side?"

Li Shimin nodded and said: 123 "This makes sense. If you hadn't reminded me, I really didn't think of it, and I almost missed a major event."

"The people of Goryeo, whether it's Goguryeo or Silla, have had water battles with each other and with the Japanese, so their Goryeo people have absolutely rich experience in water battles, and they also have famous water battle generals!"

Li You paused and said: "In comparison, we lack a strong enough navy, but we have more experience in land warfare. Besides, we have our father and emperor on land, how can we lose this battle? Besides, the water On the master's side, the father and the emperor have no reliable generals to use!"

Li Shimin couldn't help nodding his head and sighed: "I actually think so because of the Iron Tower Army. Didn't this Iron Tower Army hear that swords and guns are invulnerable? Since it is so mysterious, it must not be groundless."

Although Li Shimin owns that Datang has all kinds of advanced equipment, he does not need to be afraid of his iron tower army, but only a foolish general will give up all strategies to forcibly confront him because he feels he has an advantage.

Li Shimin, as a first-class general (ajej) who leads troops to fight, of course not only has advantages, but also wants to expand his advantages infinitely by means of strategies!

Li You smiled and said: "I have been with my father and emperor before, and of course I have heard a lot of information. Although the iron tower army seems to be powerful, when I go to the battlefield to see what this iron tower army is like, there must be The method of cracking, you must know that there is no shield that cannot be broken!"

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