This iron tower army was rumored to be a nightmare for the enemies of Goguryeo, but when Li Youyi said it, it seemed to be nothing at all.

Li Shimin's heart was as if he had put down a stone, and he immediately said: "Then we will go see this iron tower army tomorrow! If it is vulnerable, then we can directly push it down and hit the capital of Goguryeo all the way to capture the treasure king!"

"No, the key to the real decisive battle is not the Treasure King of Koguryo Capital City," Li You shook his head and said, "If you want to destroy Goguryeo, then this is the first stop of Xuandu City, which is the final decisive battle that arrives ahead of schedule!"

"What?" Li Shimin was taken aback, and then he reacted, "What do you mean, if Na Yuan Gai Suwen can bring the Iron Tower Army over to defend Xuan Dou City in time..."

Li You smiled indifferently: "That's right, after Yuan Gai Suwen launched the coup d'etat, in fact, the real controller of Goguryeo is Yuan Gai Suwen! Compared with the puppet like the Treasure King, of course, it is to seize Yuan Gai. Only Su Wen can make a final decision!"

"And since the legends say that the Iron Tower Army belongs to Yuan Gaisuwen, and that Yuan Gaisuwen was originally the general of Goguryeo, then there is a great possibility that Yuan Gaisuwen personally led the army to go on the expedition! Therefore, the key is It's because of the battle of Xuan Dou City!"

Under the current situation, although arrangements have been made to guard against the Western Turks and other three countries, there is really no way to completely prevent them from making troubles, so it would be best if the fight can be finished quickly.

Li You's remarks also reassured Li Shimin. After all, the war is imminent, how can the commander-in-chief think wildly, and the leader of an army should be more mindful.

At this time, the waiter outside came in and said that the breakfast feast was ready.

The father and son looked at each other and smiled, and went to the banquet together. Although the banquet was simple, it was only two meat and three elements, but they still enjoyed it.


Western Turkic royal court.

In the palace, the khan of Xilishi summoned the envoys of the Jieri Empire and Xue Yantuo in the secret room.

The three of them were seated separately.

The Khan said: "Goguryeo had the intention of forming an alliance before, but I didn't agree, but I didn't expect them to be full of ambition, and they really did it with Tang. Now the two sides are fighting, and the envoys of Goguryeo must have met. Have you passed your king?"

When the envoy of Jieri saw the question, he got up and saluted, saying: "Respected Khan, this is the reason why my king sent me to your country. The envoy of Goguryeo said that as long as we send troops from the north, they will hold the main force of Tang in the east. , Tang Guo may not be able to resist..."

The envoy Xue Yantuo sneered a few times and said, "That's because they think they are right! My king got the information, but the Tang Dynasty did not send the main force!"

"But even so, Goguryeo still promises benefits, saying that as long as we send troops, we will divide the Tang Dynasty equally, and we are willing to divide the entire north of Yinshan Mountain of the Tang Dynasty to us. Isn't this equal to empty gloves and white wolves?"

The envoy of Jie Ri expressed his deep feeling: "Tang country really did not send many troops, this is actually not taking Goguryeo seriously. Of course, it can be seen that Tang country is very worried about us, so this strategy is used to take precautions."

Hearing the meaning of the two envoys, the Khan Yuri lost a smile on his face.

Sure enough, the heroes see the same thing. It seems that these two countries are also of the same mind.

"In the recent battles in the Tang kingdom, the Tang crown prince Li You has really been in the limelight, and almost every time he can complete an incredible quick decision! There is no need for this boy to say 'it will become a great weapon in the future and must be guarded against'. It's like that, because now he is already a huge hidden danger!"

Chapter 858 Countdown to Rollover (First Update)

The envoy of the Jie Ri Empire frowned and said: "This Li You is indeed a big trouble. The worst thing is that under his leadership, the Tang Dynasty has become more and more belligerent!"

"And the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, I must know that Khan must also know that we can't sit back and watch Goguryeo die, it is too bad for us."

The Khan nodded and said: "Of course I understand this, but I think it's better to let them continue to fight, and then we can reap the benefits?"

"But it can't be too cold to the hearts of Goryeo people. After all, everything is possible. If Goguryeo finally wins, we can talk about it in the future."

Xue Yantuo's envoy asked tentatively, "What does the Khan mean...~?"

"I discussed with all the ministers the other day, and decided that [-] Chen soldiers will be at the Tang border. As for whether to fight or not, the decision is entirely up to us! After all, Tang is fighting on two fronts, so we have to be wary, and at the same time, we can let Tang know about us. It's not only vegetarian, and can even eat people if necessary!"

The envoy of the Jie Ri Empire's eyes lit up, and this idea was not bad, and he immediately said: "If Goguryeo can win then, then we can go south to break down the Tang Dynasty, and if the Tang Kingdom wins, we have not done anything, and the Tang Kingdom is not good. Sample!"

"Exactly! This is a coincidence on both sides. I, the Western Turks, are willing to dispatch with you at the same time, and also help Goguryeo's prestige, not to mention that we are not righteous."

Xilisi Khan stroked his beard with one hand and nodded with satisfaction. Only a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Xue Yantuo's envoy, but he didn't say anything on the surface.

Now that the decision was made, the envoy of the Jie-Japanese Empire asked worriedly: "Since none of us will send troops to really help Goguryeo, how should they reply to Goguryeo? The caliber must be the same."

"What's wrong with that?"

Xilisi Khan smiled and said: "Let's just say that we are stepping up preparations, the army will start soon, and attack the Tang Dynasty from the north! In this way, they can also be assured of a decisive battle with the Han people, and they also dream that we will attack, which is beneficial to their military spirit. "

"As a matter of fact... our army has indeed reached the border, but there are many opinions about what will happen next!"

The three heard the words and understood, the army did not move when it reached the border, and there were too many reasons why it did not move.

If there is a shortage of food and grass, or if there is a shortage of military equipment, maybe you can get the financial support of Goguryeo, and by the way, you can make a lot of money!

At that time, they may still be able to bargain with Tang Guo. If Tang Guo wants them to retire, then Tang Guo will have to spend a lot of money. It is a perfect opportunity to extort and extort Tang Guo!

And if Datang is defeated in the end, then the three kingdoms will be able to continue to divide their kingdoms while taking Datang's money!

"I heard that the silk and women of the Han people are good!"

The three laughed loudly, taking advantage of the fire to rob and make a fortune in war, these people are naturally good hands!


At this moment, Li Shimin had led an army of [-] troops to cross the Liaoshui River, and the soldiers approached the city of Xuandu City.

"It seems that Yuan Gaisuwen has caught up...but this is also a good thing for us."

Standing under the banner, Li You looked at the apparently abnormal Goguryeo army in the distance through a telescopic mirror, and said with emotion.

Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for a small city of Xuan Dou on the border to have so many troops, which seems to be more than their Tang army.

Therefore, there is only one truth, that is, Yuan Gai Suwen reluctantly rushed back from Silla by marching in a hurry!

"Yuangaisuwen is courting death like this, it's really what I want." Li Shimin just snorted coldly, "Just take the city of Xuandu to catch him, it's really more effective than taking down dozens of cities!"

Li You nodded in agreement, and finally asked, "Father, are you sure you really don't need your sons?"

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