Nowadays, even people who have never valued food can understand that the refined salt produced by Li's Chamber of Commerce is a hundred times better than his Wu Ya's salt, so who else would buy his miscellaneous salt?

"Lord Khan, it's not good! These people from the Li's Chamber of Commerce are trying to kill me..."

As soon as she entered the tent, Wu Yayun's plump body threw herself in front of Yi Nan, crying and saying, "Then when Li's refined salt enters the market, no one will buy my salt! Khan, you have to help me. Be the master!"

"Shut up! Such a big man is still crying, and he is not afraid that it will make people laugh at it!?"

Yi Nan's vicious voice suddenly sounded, and there was no kindness in his eyes looking at 363 Wu Yayun, only full of disgust.

"I see your father's meritorious deeds that allowed you to control the salt vein industry for many years. How come the quality of the salt produced is so different from that produced by Li Tang? Now the quality is better than yours, and the price is higher than yours. Low, come to me and cry, do you really think you have no reason for this matter?!"

"This..." Wu Yayun was stunned for a while, her face trembling uncontrollably.

He thought that he would come to cry this time, and he would definitely let Khan stand on his side and ban the refined salt of the Li's Chamber of Commerce, but he did not expect that Yi Nan would be furious with him!

"Don't think about making progress! Enjoy the success! It's plain that Xue Yantuo people have suffered for so many years! Wu Yayun, do you know the guilt?!"

Yi Nan snorted coldly, picked up the salt block on the table and threw it in front of Wu Yayun.

Wu Yayun didn't dare to look at Yi Nan again, so she lowered her head and said, "I... I don't know what method Li Tang used to purify..."

"Then don't cry to me, I'm determined not to interfere in this matter," Yi Nan said coldly, "Besides, even if I have the heart to help you, the people of Xue Yantuo will not agree!"

Chapter 925 The beginning of the collapse

"Not to mention that the army has always been less salty... In short, I will not ban refined salt!"

Wu Yayun was stunned when she heard the words, and the next second she screamed with her head grabbing: "Khan, save me! In the salt mine under my name, many artisans have quit their jobs and went to work at the Li's Chamber of Commerce. !"


Yi Nan was annoyed by Wu Yayun's crying, so he waved his hand and let the attendant drag him away from the camp.


Although Li You didn't know what happened on Yi Nan's side, he knew very well that Xue Yantuo's business had begun to collapse as quickly as he planned!

In the face of the attack of new and novel things from Datang, Xue Yantuo's old industry is not only not as good as Datang's new products, but also more expensive than Datang's new products. How can they compete?

And Li You is not surprised that refined salt produced by improved production methods will quickly occupy the market of Xue Yantuo.

Because he had seen the salt sold by Xue Yantuo merchants before, what kind of salt are those yellow-brown crystals?

However, in Xue Yantuo, even rubbish salt of this quality dares to buy sky-high prices and is often snapped up.

The refined salt of Li's Industry is different. It is not only of higher quality but also purer. The taste basically eliminates the bitterness.

More importantly—such a good thing actually only sells for fifty cents a pound!

If it doesn't sell well, that's the most unreasonable thing to do.

It's just that Li You didn't expect that this matter would go so smoothly. He originally thought that Xue Yantuo Xungui, who was in charge of the salt industry, would fight back through various means.

Li You didn't expect that not only did Xungui not hear anything, but Su Lie, the general under Xue Yantuo's account, went to the salt factory to order a huge amount of salt in person!

"Hey...I knew earlier that the price of salt should be set higher 々~"

This is the third day that the food salt produced by the Xiazhou Salt Factory has been on the market. Basically, all the salt will be swept away as soon as it is shipped to the market.

In front of Xue Yantuo's local salt store, which is only one store away from them, business was cold.

Although their price has dropped from one hundred cents a pound to ten cents a pound, it is useless. After all, eating those miscellaneous salts after eating Li's refined salt is simply a veritable act of self-abuse.

In fact, to say that the business is cold is to flatter them. According to the reports of the merchants, since the salt produced by the Xiazhou Salt Factory began to be sold, no one from Xue Yantuo has ever entered the door of the local salt store!

Even the shopkeepers of the local salt shops have also bought Li's refined salt secretly among the crowd.

As the saying goes, people go to high places and water flows to low places. When the price is not much different but the quality is different, who would not choose something better?

"The subordinate also discovered an interesting phenomenon."

Gongshu Changlin, who was reporting to Li You on the progress of his work, suddenly seemed to remember something funny, and said with a smile, "There are still a group of people who came to work this morning, does Your Highness know what their original jobs were? "

Li You said casually, "Could it be Xue Yantuo's local salt miner?"

Gongshu Changlin opened his mouth, but he was no longer surprised by his miraculous His Royal Highness's ability to predict things like a god.

"As expected of His Highness, it's really a clever plan! They are the salt miners of Wu Ya's family who controlled the salt lifeline before Xue Yantuo, so I kept my mind and asked a few more questions."

"It turns out that Wu Ya's business, which was hit by our refined salt, can't be done at all, and all the mining work in the salt mine has stopped! It is said that a large number of craftsmen who used to mine salt mines in Wu Ya's life were idle at home. I can't even keep up with Ben's life recently."

Li You nodded, he was not surprised by this situation.

Because he can control the salt mine industry for so many years, the lord of Wu Ya's family must have some business acumen in addition to his honorable status.

And seeing their commodities being squeezed across the board, and continuing to mine when they can't find a way out, that's what a stupid person would do.

But this time it just happened to express Li You's heart. After all, so many people are idle at home, and if there is no business they can rely on to make a living, wouldn't they come to work here in the end?

Li You still remembers that when the water factory was fully operational, the price of kerosene lamps was extremely low. A few days later, countless artisans who originally made candles brought their families to work here!

A radish has a pit, and a radish without a pit will definitely find another pit.

"." You can take the initiative and hold a job fair on Xue Yantuo's side. After all, although we have a lot of manpower now, we want to fully seize all Xue Yantuo's markets with the products of our flow factory. Our output is still not enough. ."

"Yes!" Gongshu Changlin replied solemnly.

"You can appropriately increase the welfare of Xue Yantuo workers. On the one hand, you can attract their idle craftsmen, and on the other hand, you can make the young and middle-aged laborers of Xue Yantuo's department move, and let them give up the industry they used to do instead. Come and work for us."

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