Gongshu Changlin was suddenly hesitant, as if he was about to say something but stopped (Li Zhaozhao).

Li You asked with interest: "What's wrong?"

"That..." Gongshu Changlin hesitated for a while, "My subordinates don't understand, why does His Highness have to develop this matter in an all-round way?"

Li You raised his eyes and looked at him, and asked lightly, "You can start to think about this, not bad... Tell Gu first, do you know what kind of impact this will have on Xue Yantuo?"

Gongshu Changlin guessed: "My subordinates think... it will bring a fatal blow to the original market model of Xue Yantuo and their backward manufacturing industry!"

"Although we have a bilateral trade partnership with them on the surface, in fact their business lifeline is already in our hands! With the development of time, our products will further erode the production industry of Xue Yantuo Department!"

Chapter 926 Currency devaluation!inflation!

"When Xue Yantuo's manufacturing industry is completely dependent on us, if we withdraw immediately, Xue Yantuo will completely collapse in the market for a period of time - because they can't make anything without us!"

Speaking of which, Gongshu Changlin said coldly, "It's just ridiculous that those people don't even realize it. Under His Royal Highness's seamless technical secrecy, once we withdraw, Xue Yantuo will have nothing left!"

"Very good, although only a part of it is right, but you already have a qualified idea, and it is worthwhile to be optimistic about you."

Li You nodded with satisfaction. In fact, his business model is very similar to the "dumping" of later generations, placing a large number of cheap but high-quality products in one place on a large scale.

If there is a huge disparity in productivity, there will be no price war at all, and the local industry will stop R&D, factories, and workers because no one buys it!

After such a vicious circle, these dumped products have completely destroyed the original economic model of the country. Once the dumpers no longer provide cheap and high-quality products, the economic crisis will break out sooner or later!

Dumping is strictly prohibited by law in later generations, and once found, there will be serious penalties, which shows the terrible consequences of dumping!

It's just that it's in the Tang Dynasty now, and Li You is facing an enemy, so he doesn't need to pity Xue Yantuo at all.

This is the case with success and failure!

When Li You thought of this, the warm sunlight projected through the gap in the window and shone on Li You's face.

Li You just felt warm, and his thinking couldn't help but start to leap, thinking that Chang'an City at this time should be the most livable time of the year, right?

In fact, Li Shimin sent an envoy to deliver a letter yesterday, and the letter was all concerned about Li You's situation, which made Li You suddenly miss his home in Chang'an.

But when he goes back, it's time for Li Ke to get out of Chang'an City!

Li You couldn't help laughing at the thought of seeing Li Ke's shriveled face.

Gongshu Changlin was taken aback by Li You's sudden smile, and thought in his mind (ajac), "Could it be that Your Highness has a better idea? No wonder the knowledge I have gained over the past [-] years is far less than following His Royal Highness. Growth in dozens of days!"

"Changlin, it's almost time for the spring outing in Chang'an, right? It seems that Gu has to settle this matter quickly, and maybe he will be able to return to Chang'an for the spring outing with his father and concubine."

"His Royal Highness is homesick, and his subordinates can understand it, but it's not yet warm." Gongshu Changlin suddenly became a little worried.

He was afraid of Li You's achievement in front of him, so he thought that he would really be able to completely defeat Xue Yantuo-although they had already grasped Xue Yantuo's business lifeline, they were still a little short of defeating Xue Yantuo in an all-round way!

"You misunderstood, Gu is not impatient..." Li You said with a sneer, "because as long as Gu starts the following plan, Xue Yantuo's good days will soon come to an end!"

Gongshu Changlin's heart twitched slightly, and he was extremely excited and looking forward to what shocking plan Li You would have next!

"Xue Yantuo's people trade with us using real gold and silver, but what we give to Xue Yantuo people is using Tang money. The biggest difference between this Tang money and gold and silver is that it will not keep its value!"

Li You said slowly: "In the Tang Dynasty, the Kaiyuan Tongbao we use has the corresponding precious metals as collateral in the treasury of the imperial court, rather than just producing and distributing it for no reason."

"It is because the corresponding precious metals are used as collateral that the value of Tang money is very strong. As a result, few people use gold and silver in Datang now. But just imagine, if we issue Tang money insanely and uncontrollably, What are the consequences of that?"

Gongshu Changlin was a little stunned. It was the first time he learned about currency. He couldn't turn around for a while, so he chose to keep his mouth shut and be taught with an open mind.

Li You explained: "The consequence is that it will get out of control! There will be inflation! Money will become worthless!"

"In the beginning, a penny can buy a lamp; later, a bag of money can buy a lamp; at the most terrifying time, a car can buy a lamp! At that time, the people of Xue Yantuo will obviously have every room. Zhongdu has accumulated a lot of Tang money, but can't afford anything, what do you think will happen?"


Gongshu Changlin didn't dare to think about it anymore, this result was too terrifying!

Uncontrolled "money" will lose its value as currency and become the most common and useless thing, and Tang money that has lost its value is like scrap metal!

"We have been forcing Xue Yantuo people to use Tang money for commercial transactions. For example, when entering the market built by the Li's Chamber of Commerce, they need to exchange real money for Tang money, and then they can use Tang money to buy our things, so that It's done a great job.”

Gongshu Changlin asked tentatively: "After that, we will use the Tang money that has been passed through their hands once, so it is recognized as valuable, to buy a large amount of their grain, livestock, and gold, silver and jewelry?"

Li You smiled and said: "That's right! Even the money that our factory uses to pay migrant workers is this kind of worthless Tang money, but instead, all real gold and silver have been exchanged into our treasury. in!"

"At that time, their gold and silver will be ours, their grain, cattle and sheep will be ours, but what they have is only Tang money that has lost its value because of our crazy issuance!"

When Li You said this, Gongshu Changlin was already dripping with cold sweat!

"In addition, we have controlled Xue Yantuo's business lifeline, and broke through a large number of industries that destroyed Xue Yantuo... Under the heavy blow, they have no other way out except for a dead end!"

"This...this..." Gongshu Changlin was so shocked that he was speechless!

But after a while, he suddenly realized a serious flaw.

Chapter 927 It's really a no-brainer!

"But since then, isn't the value of Tang coins in our Tang Dynasty destroyed together? Although we can withdraw immediately, if a large amount of copper coins all pour into Xiazhou City, wouldn't that be..."

If this is not resolved, it will not be surprising to become the most fatal flaw in this strategy!

"You worry too much, the Tang Qian used by Gu in Xue Yantuo's transaction is a one-off Tang Qian specially made by Gu, called Sanzhu Qian! It's just that you have been in the management and you haven't personally contacted the underlying transactions, so you didn't realize it. It's just a subtle difference between the three animal money."

Gongshu Changlin was taken aback: "Is there such a thing?"

Li You smiled lightly and said: "This kind of thing can't be advertised with great fanfare, so if you're not careful, you won't even be able to find it. We only need to do a little bit of tricks to distinguish it from the current new Kaiyuan Tongbao. already."

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