"You did a great job."

"Many thanks Your Majesty."

"From now on, follow your draft Carry out the implementation, and then in the formal promotion, if there is something that is not suitable, then adjust it. In short, fine-tuning should be enough, no need to use the knife."

"I follow the edict."

"In addition, the soldiers are fighting to protect the Star Kingdom, so not only do they need to pay them some resettlement and funeral expenses, but also pay them monthly. Some gold coins or some food and other items are considered their wages."

The Fang was the first to retort: ​​"Your Majesty, I have never heard of soldiers still having wages!" You know, these soldiers fought for the king and died for the kingdom. This is their honor, and even more of their glory! If they get paid, wouldn’t their taste change?"

" What honor is not honor, glory is not honor, this is actually a lie!"

Leon: "You don't need to say more! I have already seen through the set of human nobles, they are just Not wanting to pay, but also wanting others to sell their lives to them is really shameless! I have decided that soldiers are working hard for the kingdom, I must not let them chill, you just do what I say, when The time comes how much expenditures are in the treasury, all are recorded in my account."

"Your Majesty mercy!"

Dali also has objections: "But once it is opened This kind of precedent, in the future, it will be like a big dam bursting, and it can't be stopped at all!"

"No need to say more, I have decided, you just follow my orders. "


Although Dali disagrees in his heart, since Leon has already said what he has said, he dare not continue to refute it.

And Leon has his own abacus.

First, he really feels that the soldiers who are fighting for the kingdom, bleeding and wounding, are really unbearable, so he wants to improve their treatment a little bit better, and this is also considered as doing A good thing.

Secondly, because he increased the treatment of the soldiers, but the treatment of the soldiers of the human empire will not increase.

In this way, first of all, his soldier morale is much higher than that of the soldiers of the human empire, because the nobles of human beings can only draw big cakes, only talk empty words, what honor is honor to listen to it again Two times, there may be blood on the head, and people become numb after listening too much.

How can the real benefits come to make people excited?

And third, if the soldiers of the human world know that the soldiers of the Star Kingdom have such good treatment as soldiers, they can also get wages and other various benefits, they are looking back. Seeing that they are working hard for the nobles of mankind, they will not get any benefits. Can they be willing, can they be willing?

Definitely not!

When the time comes, because this is a Transcendent World, they can hardly resist, so they will only hide resentment in their hearts, but resentment hidden in the heart will not be erased, but buried deeply. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, it will explode.

Leon now has a preliminary idea.

He plans to unite with the Holy See of the Red King to clean up the other sects in the Zichuan Empire, and then introduce the belief of Dragon Mother, the dragon father.

By then, he will not only annex the Zichuan Empire in terms of economic and financial resources, but also annex the Zichuan Empire from the foundation and faith. At the same time, he will corrode the nobles by improving the treatment of his soldiers. The tooth found in his hand, and then swallowed all the way to other countries with the Zichuan Empire as the center.

Since this way, he can achieve his goal not only in the fastest speed, but also in the safest way.

The reason why Dali would oppose it is because he is the prophet of the earth. Although he is very smart, no matter how clever he is, no matter how smart he is, it is also based on the cognition of this world, and he cannot understand Leon at all. What are the things that people who have lived in two lives and have experienced the washing of the new era in the previous life will think.

The most important thing is that Leon has a lot of wise thinking, and people who are related to him, if IQ is lower than him, then needless to say, if IQ is higher than him, he will be directly suppressed. At the same level as him.

Once the IQ reaches a level with him, he can rely on the accumulation of previous lives to raise his cognition to a level, so that it can produce a dimensionality reduction blow to a certain extent.

In fact, he is not sure whether Dali’s IQ was originally higher than him, but now he can be sure that Dali’s IQ is definitely not as high as him, at most it is equal to him, and because there is no His previous life knowledge is much worse than him in cognition.

Although the Divine Item normally does not make a sound, Leon almost wants to forget him, but he is very different from other Divine Items, just like autumn rain moistening things silently. It can affect others, the situation, and the entire world unconsciously.

This is probably why Qianxiu the Wise has a very high level, but only has one passive skill.

Otherwise, the wise Qianxie will be too defying, I am afraid that Divine Item can hardly be comparable.

"In addition to this matter, all the citizens of the Star Kingdom must register for household registration for easy management. You can imitate the standards of the human empire. In the human empire, all are All lords, large or small, will be reported together after counting. There are no lords in our Star Kingdom, so there are a few of you who have your own ethnic household registration statistics, and then by the way the household registrations of other races in the nearby area. The statistics are also good. Just divide it according to the nine places due south, due west, due north, due east, northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast, and center. It happens that the nine of you can each lead one."

"Your Majesty, we don’t have a problem. It’s just that Zijing is alone. He does not have his own race to help. The workload will be very large, and it will be difficult for one person to complete."

"It's up to you to help him, your ability I understand that after you have counted your piece, you can help him count it. And if you add purple eyes, there are ten people, so I didn’t count him in, but since you want him to help, it’s okay. Same"


"Are the administrative geographic divisions and maps I mentioned last time ready?"

"Not yet, because The land in the kingdom needs someone to think about it inch by inch, so the workload is very large and the timeline is long. It has only been a month, but it has just started, and there is no result yet."

"In that case, take your time, don't worry, the key is not how fast, the key is quality."


"In addition, except for the statutory In addition to the Jiaojing Festival and other festivals, I plan to set up a few more festivals. What do you think?"

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