"Your Majesty is wise."

"Well, from then on. The first day of January of every year is the Spring Festival."

Leon : "The Spring Festival, from December 8th of the previous year to January 15th of the following year, this period of time belongs to the Spring Festival time."

"Your Majesty, a festival will be celebrated More than a month, this is too long, it will cause a lot of unnecessary productivity. It’s wasted."

"It’s okay, as a king, I normally play whatever I want, you guys These nobles, as long as they finish their work, they can play whatever they want, but what should the remaining civilians do? They work hard all year round and there is no day to rest. Therefore, the Spring Festival is to give them a break Time."


"Well, I know what you mean. The reason why the Spring Festival is designed so long is because everyone has been busy for a year. A good rest in the year, a good rest, after the rest, you can welcome the arrival of spring, and carry out the mood of the second year. Work, and then the Spring Festival is from December 8th of the previous year to January of the second year. The fifteenth, but the official holiday season is from December 23rd of the previous year to January 7th of the following year. This is the official holiday, and it was a buffer period before, except for the most urgent ones. The work department and any other unit must arrange a rest plan. Then the eighth day of December is also set as a festival, that is, the Laba Festival, and there is also a festival on January 15th, the Lantern Festival. These two days just cover the beginning of the festival. And the end of the festival, I should also commemorate it. What do you think of my arrangement?"

Leon said perfectly clear. Where can anyone else have any comments?

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"In addition to these festivals, the second day of February is a festival dedicated to the great dragon, which must be celebrated; the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May, The festival to disperse some evil spirits should also be held; there is also the Seven Moons Seven Suns Qiqiao Festival, which is a women’s festival, and must be held; August 8th, the daily youth festival, which is a men’s holiday, and is also held; August The 15th Mid-Autumn Festival, a family reunion festival, will be celebrated; the 9th layer Yang Festival in early September, a harvest festival, will also be celebrated!"

Leon threw a series of many ministers who had never heard of it. Nouns used: "Then include the previous festivals, which are also covered, and they must be done."

"Your Majesty, don't you think there are too many festivals every year?"


Before this, there were several festivals in the Star Kingdom, such as the Cross-Neck Festival, Leon’s birthday, Dragon Mother’s birthday, and many other festivals. Now these festivals have been added. It is a holiday almost every month.

"It doesn't matter, I have my own measures."

The reason why Leon set up so many festivals is to commemorate his past life.

The second reason is that although he is normally a house dragon, he also knows the lives of the people in the kingdom, knowing that they are very tired every day.

Although it is said that you can eat and wear warm clothes after hard work, it is much better than the civilians of the human empire, but it is too far behind the level of the previous life, so he set up so many festivals. , Can make the civilians a little relaxed.

It's just that these things don't need to be told to Dali and them, unnecessary things.

Because Leon is very accurate in seeing people and has experience in the psychological grasp of many people, he can easily see Dali and the others. Although he shouted "Your Majesty", they actually Simply don't care whether Leon is kind or not, or don't care about Leon's kindness to the civilians.

Because they may not be so moist before they were subdued by Leon, but they definitely do not belong to the populace, at least they are the leaders of one ethnic group.

So to a certain extent, their mental state is not much different from the noble lords of the human empire. They all feel that common people are lowly, like leeks. There is no need to be so caring about them, so Leon is reluctant to talk so much. No amount of talk can change their minds.

Anyway, he is a king, he only needs to give a strong order.

Moreover, there are so many holidays set up now, it's only a preliminary stage, and he will come up with the concept of the week later.

There is already a concept of week in the human empire, but it is mainly popular in the human empire on the fertile side of the midway, and in the human empire on the northwestern wild plain, although there are also The concept of novelty, but only the nobles will follow it, and it is also a novelty that is exclusive to the nobles. For ordinary people, they are not worthy of having novelty or novelty.

Many of them live muddleheaded everyday, and they don’t even know what day it is today.

The reason why the concept of the week is spread among the nobles is because of the influence of the church. The church specifically says that it is best to go to the church every Sunday to confess, and then you can atone for your sins. Anyway, it is a psychological suggestion, in fact, it is to lie to oneself, but the noble masters who can't stand it all believe this.

At the same time, more importantly, because the noble lords also want to be just and honorable, they have the concept of week.

Every Sunday, I just need a little time in the morning to go around in the church. Can I use the rest of the time for playing?

The key is that this is recognized by the moral level and will not be said to be excessive attention to details prevents one from making progress.

Because all the nobles think that Sunday is for playing.

And Leon’s goal is to allow all civilians to live on Saturday and Sunday, just like the previous life, even if Monday and Friday are hard, Zhou Tian on Saturday can also have a good rest.

There is no hope in life.

He actually didn't have a clear understanding of what he was going to do when he came to this world.

But as time passed longer and longer, he saw more and more things, he understood that when he came to this world, he did not only want to be ascended to peak, but not just Myriad Realms. Domination is more about leaving something and changing something.

If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

Since he has abilities, why not use these abilities to benefit some people?

What's more, these people are not outsiders, but his people.

No more civilians in other countries, he can't control, but the civilians of the Star Kingdom, just like his child, he can't bear to watch them suffer.

"Do you have anything else to report?"


"Then retreat."

"Congratulations to Your Majesty."


In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed. Leon the past few days always feel like he has forgotten something, but he always thinks about it When I get up, I always want to do not raise.

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