Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 26 Death of the Lone Wolf

"Kill me? Do you think your Qin family is worthy?" Chu Yan glanced at Qin Xuan indifferently.

"Chu Yan, after the wilderness, it's really scary, but so what?"

Qin Xuan licked his lips bloodthirstyly: "If I'm to blame, I blame you for not staying in the wilderness and insisting on coming to this distant Tianyong City, so you must die today."

Chu Yan felt chilled in his heart, but he did not act impulsively. Qin Xuan was truly in the moving dust realm, and his strength was far beyond his imagination. Now, his strength may be invincible in the moving dust realm, but once he faces the moving dust, then he There will be tremendous pressure.

Therefore, fighting Qin Xuan was definitely not a conscious choice. Chu Yan began to look around, trying to find a way out.

If it were another open land, he might not have any chance, but now, here is a barren mountain. He has lived in the mountains and forests for many years, and has a very tacit understanding of the mountains and forests. If he takes advantage of the terrain here, maybe he can.

But the next second, his heart sank again, because he suddenly discovered that there were all figures hiding in the mountains and forests in all directions.

"The Qin family, did they really go to great lengths to kill me?" Chu Yan said coldly.

"Chu Yan, you must die today. As long as you die, the Liu family will lose their protection. Then it will not be difficult for my Qin family to return to Tianyong City. When the time comes, the Liu family will no longer exist." Qin Hao left. Coming out, with him were many elders of the Qin family who were above the moving dust realm.

Chu Yan took a deep breath. This scene was very unfavorable to him. It was almost impossible to escape from the hands of Qin Xuan, Qin Hao, and many elders of the Qin family.

"It's a good idea, but if you kill me here, you should know very well that the wilderness will not let you go." Chu Yan said.

"The barbarians are too strong, and our Qin family is naturally not as good as them. But boy, in this world, there are forces that can check the barbarians." Qin Hao sneered, and looked at Chu Yan carefully: "Back then, Qin Ruomeng was The best elixir in the world, she left a shocking mystery in your body. Rumor has it that it is a mystery that can shake the world. If I kill you and find out the secret and tell it to the world, guess how many people there will be. Is the power willing to protect our Qin family? "

Chu Yan frowned. The secret Qin Hao mentioned was the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. Countless battles between heaven and earth were caused by the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

After all, there are countless mysterious treasures in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower that rank among the top 10,000 on the eternal list. Any one of them will make people crazy.

If it was because of the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, then there might really be some unworldly forces that would choose to become enemies of the wilderness.

"But I underestimated the news that your little Qin family knew." Chu Yan snorted coldly.

"Okay, things will change later, let's do it!"

Qin Hao waved his hand, and the next moment, countless strong men suddenly emerged from the mountains and forests. Any one of them had strength above the moving dust realm, and they were all elders of the Qin family's elite.

Chu Yan understood that the Qin family had been preparing for today's incident for a long time, and they had probably started preparing since they were driven out of Tianyong City.

"kill him!"

Many elders of the Qin family sacrificed their vitality and took out mysterious weapons.

Facing the many elders of the Qin family, Chu Yan also clenched his fists at this time, with Lone Wolf standing beside him.

"Are you afraid?" Chu Yan glanced at Lone Wolf.

"Ouch!" The lone wolf let out a long roar. He was seriously injured, but he didn't have any fear at this time. This may be the nature of wolves.

"Young bastard, I like you if you have a bloody spirit, then fight with me!"


"Little brat, if you and I don't die today, then one day, I will be the king of this world, and I will let you be the number one demon king of this world! Haha!" Chu Yan was not afraid, but laughed wildly.

"Return to the King of Heaven and Earth in the next life! Today is your day of death, do it!" Qin Hao waved his hand, and all the elders set off immediately.


Chu Yan and Xiao Lang also fought out. Both of them were very familiar with the mountains and forests, so they immediately shuttled into the mountains and forests.

The elders of the Qin family held swords in pursuit, and martial arts skills immediately appeared in the sky.

Chu Yan was extremely fast and kept shuttling through the mountains. Once he found an opportunity, he struck out a sword in the void, and stars flashed in the sky. It could be said that every sword was very powerful, but it was a pity that if the opponent was mortal Even if he is in the ninth level of mortal world, if he comes into contact with Chu Yan's sword, he will definitely be killed on the spot. However, the opponent is in the moving dust state and looks like a phantom. Chu Yan's sword cannot hurt the opponent at all.

Seeing the sword skills performed by Chu Yan, Qin Hao's old eyes became even more excited.

"Is this your secret? Quick fix!"

The Qin family elders approached again, and Chu Yan and Lone Wolf were chased to a dead end.

Qin Xuan was the leader: "Boy, I have sworn a long time ago that I will kill you with my own hands. Now I will send you down personally!"

"Ouch!" Lone Wolf roared beside Chu Yan. Seeing Qin Xuan approaching Chu Yan, he pounced on him.

"Get out!" Qin Xuan kicked the lone wolf hard on the ribs. Hearing a howl, the lone wolf flew into a tree and broke his ribs.

"The seventh-level monster is a good war rider. Follow me and I will spare your life."

Qin Xuan glanced at the seriously injured lone wolf, but the lone wolf got up and immediately showed its fangs.


"Idiot beast, since you want to die for this kid, then I will give you a ride."

Qin Xuan stepped on the wolf's head and aimed the three-foot sword directly at the lone wolf's throat.

"Qin Xuan, if you dare to kill him, then I will make your Qin family have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth!" Seeing this scene, Chu Yan's eyes turned red, and he almost roared ferociously.

"Then let me see how you made the Qin family have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth." Qin Xuan glanced at Chu Yan disdainfully, and then stabbed him mercilessly with the sword in his hand.


The lone wolf's neck was pierced, his eyes widened, he twitched on the ground, and then there was no more news.

"Little Wolf!"

Chu Yan's eyes were about to burst at this moment, his eyes were filled with fire, and behind him, a raging flame suddenly rose, and an ancient pine was immediately burned to ashes.

Chu Yan couldn't bear it. Although this little wolf only had a one-night relationship with him, he worshiped him as his teacher and shared the joys and sorrows with him. In the end, his protector was killed, and his eyes burned with overwhelming anger.

"I'll kill you!"

Chu Yan rushed forward fiercely, and a monstrous light group gathered in his hand. The nine-story mysterious tower and ten years of vitality were all gathered in Chu Yan's punch.

"Soul Capturing Technique!"

Seeing Chu Yan's changes at this time, Qin Xuan also frowned. Although he still had the power of the ninth level of the mortal realm, now he actually burst out with an aura that made him feel dangerous.

Qin Hao was getting more and more excited in the distance. The stronger Chu Yan was exposed at this time, the more it proved that his guess was correct. There must be some shocking mystery in Chu Yan's body, otherwise he would never Maybe, in just a few days, Chu Yan turned from a waste to the genius he is today.

Qin Hao believed that as long as he got this secret, he could open up the world of mortals and even dominate the entire Changlong Kingdom.

"Don't follow him, kill him!" Qin Hao roared again.

Many elders immediately stepped forward and fiercely surrounded Chu Yan.


But in the face of countless elders in the moving dust realm, Chu Yan simply ignored them. There was only one person in his eyes, and that was Qin Xuan. He wanted to use Qin Xuan's blood to commemorate the death of Lone Wolf.


Chu Yan bowed his waist fiercely and shot out again. The power actually made the mountains and forests roar. All the elders of the Qin family were also shocked. They didn't expect that Chu Yan, who was only on the ninth level of the mortal world, could actually exert his power. Such terrifying speed.

"You all get out of my way, this kid, I'm going to kill him!"

Although Chu Yan burst out with terrifying speed and power, in Qin Xuan's view, he was still not afraid.

He also arched his waist, and the two of them rushed out at this moment. In the face-to-face confrontation, the long sword in his hand was pointed directly at Chu Yan's heart. Faced with such an attack, Chu Yan could not dodge. , the dagger in his hand was also pointed at Qin Xuan's throat.

Qin Xuan frowned suddenly. He did not expect that Chu Yan would kill him in such a commanding way.

"You want to fight with me?" Qin Xuan became anxious, but when he tried to hide again, he couldn't.

"Desperately? Your life is not worth trading for me, Chu Yan."

But just when the two were about to meet, Chu Yan suddenly showed a mocking sneer, and nine silver needles suddenly appeared in his hand. These nine silver needles disappeared from Chu Yan's hand and pierced his nine acupuncture points.

These nine acupuncture points are the nine life gates on the ninth level of the mortal realm. Once broken, they will be disabled for life, so let alone piercing them with silver needles, even in normal times, everyone will try their best to protect these nine acupuncture points. , but now Chu Yan has done such a puzzling thing.

The method of acupuncture was taught to Chu Yan by Qin Ruomeng. Its function is to use silver needles to forcefully open acupuncture points, which can make him reach the state of moving dust in a short time.

Chu Yan is already familiar with this method, but he rarely uses it, because every time he uses it, it will cause huge damage to his nine acupuncture points. But this time, Chu Yan used it. The reason is very simple, that is, he Want to kill Qin Xuan.


The nine silver needles disappeared, Chu Yan's vitality surged, and his whole body was like a leaking balloon. His vitality was released crazily, forming white mist in the air.


Chu Yan's body shape changed, and he grabbed Qin Xuan's wrist with one hand and pressed it hard. There was a sound of bones breaking. The next moment, Chu Yan kicked out and kicked Qin Xuan to the ground. The three-foot long sword was suspended directly on Qin Xuan's throat.

Everyone was shocked. It all happened so fast. No one expected that this would be the result.

Qin Hao also stared. Although he hated Qin Xuan for Qin Li's death, Qin Xuan was also his son after all, and he was his only son now.

"Chu Yan, let him go, and I will spare your life today." Qin Hao gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't you dare let me live!"

Chu Yan glanced at Qin Hao ridiculously. The next moment, the long sword penetrated Qin Xuan's throat, pierced the ground, and directly took Qin Xuan's life. However, his eyes did not close, and he refused to rest in peace.

Qin Xuan's death was exactly the same as Lone Wolf's, being killed by Chu Yan himself.

All the elders of the Qin family had their throats rolled and their chests heaved. They did not expect that after sending ten elders to kill Chu Yan, one of them was actually taken away by Chu Yan.

They all underestimated Chu Yan.

But at this moment, Chu Yan's power also dissipated. The silver needle method could only last for a short time of one stick of incense, and then there was a long-term loss of vitality.

"Chu Yan, if I don't kill you, I will never be a human being!" Qin Hao was furious, his vitality was burning, and his eyes fell firmly on Chu Yan. Two sons in a row all died because of Chu Yan. Today, he Chu Yan must be killed at all costs.

"Ye Xun! You son of a bitch, if you don't come out, I will destroy your Ye family sooner or later!" Chu Yan leaned against a tree weakly and yelled angrily.

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