Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 27 Chu Yan cannot be killed


The mountain stream trembled, and nearly a hundred figures riding war horses immediately surrounded the forest from all directions.


The leader was Ye Xun, who was wearing a silver armor and holding a nine-foot-long spear. He was very majestic. When he was about to approach Chu Yan, he turned over and jumped off the war horse and landed beside Chu Yan.

"It's too late." Ye Xun took a look at Qin Xuan's body and took a breath.

Qin Xuan was a genuine Dongchen Realm, but he didn't expect... Chu Yan could kill him.

"Qin family, I want no one to survive! Can you do it?" Chu Yan roared like a beast.

"It will be as you wish." Ye Xun nodded, turned around and looked at Qin Hao coldly: "Qin Hao, fifteen years of blood debt, today you will pay blood debt with blood!"

Looking at the Ye family's hundred iron cavalry, the Qin family elders all frowned and were forced to gather together. They never expected that the Ye family would suddenly send troops at this time, and it was a hundred iron cavalry, which was far more than their Qin family.

Qin Hao looked at the most senior elder of the Ye family present: "Ye Wuya, what do you mean? Are you really going to turn against my Qin family?"

"Don't tell me that today's military order was led by Xun'er, and I am just a soldier under him." Ye Wuya said disdainfully.

Qin Hao's old face was gloomy. Fifteen years ago, he killed Ye Xun's mother. This incident made him worried, especially after seeing Ye Xun awaken his talent and become stronger day by day. So when Ye Wuya said that today's incident was led by Ye Xun, he knew that it would be impossible to end it peacefully today.

"Old dog Qin Hao, I, Ye Xun, endured my mother's vengeance for fifteen years. Today, I will personally use your blood to pay tribute to my mother's soul!" Ye Xun roared, and all the guards of the Ye family gathered around him.

"Ye family guards, listen to my order. The Qin family will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes!" The Ye family guards roared immediately, and the long spears in their hands were thrust out without hesitation at this time.

In a short moment, the blood dyed the mountains and forests red, and the blood flowed like a river. Under the trampling of the Ye family's exquisite iron cavalry, the elders of the Qin family seemed so vulnerable, and one after another died tragically in the hands of the Ye family guards.

Seeing the elders of the Qin family fall to the ground, Qin Hao's eyes also turned red, but he did not act impulsively, but was looking for an opportunity to escape.

For him, it didn't matter if a few elders died. As long as he was still alive, the Qin family would have the hope of making a comeback. If he died, the Qin family would really perish.

"Qin Hao, prepare to die!" A Ye family guard's spear approached Qin Hao.

But Qin Hao looked at the Ye family guard coldly, and with a wave of his withered hand, a strong wind came out, and he actually grabbed the Ye family guard's spear in his hand.

"Get off!"

Qin Hao exerted force on his arm and threw the Ye family guard off the warhorse, and then he blasted with a palm, and the Ye family guard vomited blood and died on the spot.

"Ye Xun, today's revenge, my Qin family has remembered it, and your mother... was really good back then, haha! Goodbye!" After killing a Ye family guard, Qin Hao jumped onto the warhorse in one step.

Qin Hao looked at Ye Xun with a wicked smile, squeezed his legs hard, and rode the warhorse towards the outside of the forest.

"Want to run?" Ye Xun's eyes were red. He had waited for this day for fifteen years, so no matter what, he would not miss it. Qin Hao must die today.


Ye Xun slapped the horse's back fiercely and flew towards Qin Hao in one step.

Only those above the level of Juechen can fly, so it is absolutely impossible for the Mortal Realm to do it, but Ye Xun actually relied on a good set of body skills, taking several steps in succession with the leaves scattered in the air, as if running in the air, and stabbed the long sword in his hand hard, stabbing Qin Hao's back.

"You are looking for death!"

Qin Hao's old eyes flashed coldly, and he suddenly stopped. Ye Xun has always been a thorn in his eyes. Now that Ye Xun is chasing him alone, it is also a great opportunity for him to kill Ye Xun, so he hesitated for a moment and immediately decided to kill Ye Xun first and then run.

Seeing Qin Hao's action, Ye Wuya's old face sank: "Xun'er, don't be impulsive, come back!"

"It's too late to let him come back now! Ye Wuya, your Ye family forced me, so today, I will destroy your Ye family's talent!"

Qin Hao turned around on the warhorse, and clenched the air towards Ye Xun, grabbing Ye Xun's throat, and then he showed a hideous murderous intent: "Boy, do you know, your mother was really slutty back then, and she told me that she hoped you were my son, haha!"

"You fart!" Ye Xun roared in pain.

"Whether it's fart or not, wait until you die, go ask that bitch and you'll know." Qin Hao smiled triumphantly, and his palm was about to exert force.


But at this moment, suddenly a figure rushed forward from a distance, and hit Qin Hao hard with a palm.

Qin Hao frowned fiercely, and the power of that palm was very strong, and there was a gust of wind around him. Under pressure, Qin Hao had to let go of Ye Xun and turned to look at Chu Yan.

"You ignorant kid, you got a life, but you dare to come here and die."

"The Qin family will die today!"

The one who attacked was Chu Yan. Although he was exhausted, he still used his breath to blast out the last soul-capturing spell.

"Ye Xun, if you want revenge, kill him with your own hands!" Chu Yan roared.

"Thank you for giving me the chance to kill this old dog with my own hands!" Ye Xun turned in the air, and a long sword pierced Qin Hao's throat directly.

Qin Hao was full of shock. His eyes widened even before he died. He didn't believe that the head of his family was actually killed by Ye Xun and Chu Yan together.

"Bang!" The next moment, Ye Xun swung his sword and cut off Qin Hao's head.

Killing Qin Hao with his hands was what kept Ye Xun alive for the past fifteen years. Now, he finally succeeded. He grabbed Qin Hao's head with one hand, bent his knees, and knelt on the ground. He burst into tears.

"Mom...did you see it? The child finally avenged you." Ye Xun kowtowed three times on the ground.

Qin Hao died, and all the elders of the Qin family were defeated and immediately died under the trampling of the Ye family's cavalry.

Chu Yan sighed. At this time, he had reached the limit of exhaustion. He first fought with three mercenaries, and then used acupuncture. When the last palm was blasted, his vision went black and he fainted. , the second before he fainted, his eyes were still looking at Xiaolang.

This time, Xiaolang was considered an innocent person. He was killed by Qin Xuan in order to protect his master.

Ye Xun glanced at Chu Yan, stepped forward and hugged Chu Yan.


At this time, hundreds of Ye family's cavalry gathered beside Ye Xun.

"Are all the Qin family members dead?" Ye Xun asked breathlessly.

"According to the young master's request, no one will survive."

Ye Xun nodded with confidence, and then looked at Chu Yan: "I have done everything I promised you."

At this time, Ye Wuya saw Chu Yan unconscious, and his mind turned quickly. In his eyes, a very vague murderous intention flashed.

"Third uncle, I know what you are thinking, but Chu Yan cannot be killed." Ye Xun suddenly said.

Ye Wuya frowned: "Xun'er, have you thought clearly? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If Chu Yan dies now, he can easily blame the Qin family. When the time comes, the Qin family will be destroyed and the Liu family will lose Protect me, my Ye family is the only one in Tianyong City, no one will compete with me anymore, your future will be bright too!"

Ye Xun still shook his head: "He didn't kill me that day, so how could I take advantage of his weakness to do villainous things today? There is no need to talk about this matter again!"


Ye Xun took out the military order: "Third uncle, don't forget, I am the general today. The military order is here. Do you want to rebel?"

"I...!" Ye Wuya clenched his fists unwillingly, but finally lowered his head: "I don't dare!"

"Let's go, send Young Master Chu back." Ye Xun sighed, and hunched Chu Yan behind his back, then he glanced at Chu Yan who was sleeping and laughed: "Chu Yan, I will spare your life today, I hope you won't let I'm disappointed. Five years from now, ten years from now, let me see how you drove me crazy in this earthly continent and how you made this world surrender."

"Take that wolf cub with you to see if he can be saved." Ye Xun explained again.

Looking at Ye Xun's back, Ye Wuya sighed. He knew that today was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for his Ye family. If he missed today, there would never be a second chance. However, Ye Xun did not do this after all, and let him Some dumbfounded.

"Third Elder, do you want to assassinate me on the way?"

Hundreds of cavalrymen stood beside Ye Wuya. Ye Wuya shook his head: "Xun'er is a general today. Since he has given the order, that's it. Maybe Xun'er's choice is correct. Chu Yan is an unknown quantity. In his body , everything can happen, I just don’t know... whether today’s choice is right or wrong.”

Ye Wuya didn't know that his choice today seemed wrong, but in fact it was right. It was also because of this choice that when the Changlong Kingdom no longer existed ten or twenty years later, the Ye family had not yet been destroyed. Instead, he became the overlord who dominated this world, named: Ye Meng.

Hundreds of cavalrymen all nodded, and Ye Wuya ordered: "Withdraw the troops and take the wolf cub with you."

The Ye family cavalry collectively retreated to Tianyong City.

This unexpected change finally came to an end. When the Ye family's military guards returned, a huge change also occurred in Tianyong City in the following day.

That is to challenge Qin.

About the Qin family's conspiracy against Chu Yan, word spread in Tianyong City in just one day. Overnight, the Liuye family joined forces, including some small families who were originally good friends with the Qin family, all joined in this crusade against Qin. family organization.

In just one day, the Qin family was destroyed. All the shops, markets in Tianyong City, and some of the collateral descendants in the army were all killed overnight, and no one survived.

The Qin family in Tianyong City finally sleeps forever today.

This also made the world understand a truth. If you provoke Chu Yan, you will only perish.

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