Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5465 Restrictions


Chu Yan suddenly became angry!

This time it was real anger.

He did not expect that Tianhai Bodhisattva and the others would actually attack the east and west. He came to the Blood River, but they found someone to go to the universe.

At this time, the Blood Ancestor was a little confused when he heard this. He grabbed Chu Yan and said, "What are you afraid of? Aren't they looking for death when they go to the universe? Isn't that one in the universe?"

The spirit of the universe!

The Blood Ancestor almost laughed out loud when he heard that Tianhai Bodhisattva and the others were looking for someone to go to the universe.

In his opinion, the most dangerous place for nothingness now is the universe, right?

The Spirit of the Universe is here, let alone Buddhism, if the masters of these forces personally take action, is it enough for the Spirit of the Universe to defeat them with one hand?

Chu Yan shook his head helplessly and said in a low voice: "She may not take action."

The Blood Ancestor was startled: "Why?"

Chu Yan was silent.


He actually wanted to know why.

Regarding the spirit of the universe, he has never been able to figure it out. Until now, he doesn't even know whether the two people are enemies or friends. Anyway, which one behaves very casually.

If you are in a good mood, come out and help. Just like this time, if you are in a bad mood... you may be destroyed by the universe.

There have been several civil strife in the universe, including the division of the nine realms. Wasn't it all caused by the spirit of the universe itself?

Therefore, Chu Yan would not place the safety of the universe on the spirit of the universe.

He couldn't afford the gamble.

If the spirit of the universe doesn't take action, the human master and the others will be really in danger.

When the Blood Ancestor learned about the situation, his expression changed and he immediately shouted: "Everyone, listen to the order, let's go!"


In an instant, everyone in Xuehe withdrew.

Chu Yan stared at Tianhai Bodhisattva and said coldly: "If the universe is damaged in the slightest, I want all the Buddhists to be buried with you!"

After saying that, he turned around and flew away.

Tianhai Bodhisattva narrowed his eyes slightly.

But soon he whispered: "Follow me."

The others nodded slightly.

After experiencing this time, they did not dare to let Chu Yan live. Once Chu Yan did not die, they and other forces would be unlucky.

At this time, one of them asked: "What exactly is happening in the Blood River?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Didn't you discover something?"

Everyone was confused.

Tianhai Bodhisattva said: "Before, it was the spirit of the universe that took Chu Yan down to the river of blood, but now, only Chu Yan came out, and the spirit of the universe did not appear."

Everyone was startled, it seemed true.

They were only surprised at Xuehe's surrender and had forgotten about the spirit of the universe.

Tianhai Bodhisattva said: "Then there are two possibilities... First, Chu Yan sold the spirit of the universe, and Xuehe captured the spirit of the universe and gained a lot of benefits from it, so he was willing to follow Chu Yan this time. "

After speaking, he paused and said: "Of course, this possibility is very low. The spirit of the universe has been sold, and Chu Yan is not Blood River's opponent at all, unless they reach some kind of agreement and turn it into interests." Community. But the most coveted thing in the universe is the mystery of the universe. Now it is in our hands, so this possibility is not high. Chu Yan has nothing to give to Xue He. "

Everyone nodded slightly.

"What about second place?" someone asked.

Tianhai Bodhisattva was silent for a while and said solemnly: "Secondly... after the spirit of the universe went down, one person defeated Xuehe, and he had no choice but to surrender to Chu Yan."

As soon as these words came out, countless people's pupils shrank.

"is it possible?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva was silent and did not speak.

Because he doesn't know either.

The spirit of the universe is not weak, and it has brought huge pressure to them before.

Especially that one hand that moved the universe, and one person teleported everyone present from the universe.

This hand alone is very terrifying.

But even so, they still think it's ridiculous to say that a person has been convinced by Xuehe.

Blood River... one of the hidden forces!

Although it is not the strongest, it is definitely the top existence of nothingness.

You know, what is seclusion?

Anything that makes up the word "reclusive world" must have reached the extreme of nothingness, and there must be at least a strong person who is more than half-step self-centered. Because he is too strong, he is rejected by nothingness, so he chooses to live in seclusion.

Otherwise, if you have such a powerful force and don't show off, why should you hide it?

There must be a reason for the people in this world who have abilities but hide them.

If not, who would choose to live in seclusion?

Just like Chu Yan said before, I have worked hard to cultivate my skills, why can’t I pretend to compete?

I have the strength, so I should be brave.

If you don’t dare, it must be for some reason.

All the hidden world-level forces are repelled by the void. They don't dare to expose too much for fear of being targeted by the void, so they choose to hide.

Like the tipping point before the universe.

It is too strong and is repulsed by the universe. Anyone who dares to take action will be immediately destroyed by the catastrophe of the universe.

So is nothingness.

Although there is no critical point in nothingness, and there is no limit to the situation where only I can't take action, but if it is too strong, it will still attract the jealousy of heaven.

A long time ago, there was a super force that was very powerful and very public. However, it suddenly suffered an inexplicable disaster.

Was killed by a group of mysterious people.

A long time ago, there was a rumor about nothingness.

Nothingness may be spiritual.

The spirit of nothingness is different from the spirit of the universe. The spirit of nothingness may have raised a group of people, and it has its own influence. Once someone reaches the level of being jealous, this group of people will appear.

All the hidden forces are hiding from this group of people.

Because they are too strong.

But now, Tianhai Bodhisattva said... The Spirit of the Universe was defeated by a hidden force alone?

Is this... really possible?

After a while, Tianhai Bodhisattva said solemnly: "I'm not sure, but the Spirit of the Universe gives me a very dangerous feeling. That woman was born because of the Lord of Refining Heaven. The Lord of Refining Heaven... the founder of this era, I'm really not sure what level he is."

Everyone was silent.

At this time, someone suddenly said in a deep voice: "If this is true... If we go to the universe now... Isn't that a trap for ourselves?"

The Spirit of the Universe was defeated by the Void alone, so why are they going to the universe now?

Tianhai Bodhisattva thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Not necessarily! The Spirit of the Universe is strong, but he is just the spirit of the universe after all. He may be subject to some kind of restriction in the Void, otherwise why didn't he come out with Chu Yan?"

Everyone thought about it and nodded slightly.

There is such a possibility.

Tianhai Bodhisattva said again: "In the past 200 million years, the spirit of the universe is so powerful, but have you ever seen him take action?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Tianhai Bodhisattva said again: "Why is that?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Tianhai Bodhisattva said: "It must be because he can't! So I guess he can't take action infinitely, otherwise Chu Yan wouldn't be so nervous."

The people around thought about it and nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

Tianhai Bodhisattva said: "Let's go, let's go and take a look first."

Everyone took off together and chased Chu Yan and the others, but after flying for a while, Tianhai Bodhisattva suddenly said: "That... is he flying the wrong way? The universe is not over there, right?"

Everyone: "..."

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