Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5466 The True Emperor of the Universe

Chu Yan flew out of the blood river, his eyes were red.


At this time, the blood pool in his body began to boil, and some of it was out of control.

Xiao Jiu became very quiet in his body.

Because Xiao Jiu knew that this person might go crazy...

The Blood Ancestor and the strong men of the Blood River followed around, and their faces changed slightly when they felt the terrible blood energy.

The Blood Ancestor glanced at Chu Yan, and his heart was shocked.

What a weird power!

He knew that his blood energy was absorbed by the blood pool at that time.

He was a little curious, but he didn't ask.

At this time, he and Chu Yan flew for a while, his eyelids twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but say: "Emperor Chu... where are we going?"

Chu Yan roared: "To the universe!"

Blood Ancestor: "..."

At this time, Blood Ancestor blinked: "Emperor Chu, can I ask you something first?"

Chu Yan suppressed his anger and turned to look at Blood Ancestor: "What?"

Blood Ancestor whispered: "That... you, how did you come to our Blood River?"

Chu Yan subconsciously said: "The Spirit of the Universe brought me here, what's wrong?"

Blood Ancestor laughed: "Then you... do you know how to go to the universe now?"

Chu Yan was startled, and his face suddenly darkened.


I really don't seem to know.

Chu Yan looked at Blood Ancestor: "Am I going in the right direction?"

Blood Ancestor shook his head vigorously.

Chu Yan: "..."

The next second, Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "Then why don't you remind me!"

Blood Ancestor said innocently: "The main thing... I didn't know you didn't know the way."

Chu Yan didn't have time to joke, and said coldly: "You lead the way!"

Blood Ancestor nodded slightly, then stepped on the sole of his foot, accelerated in one step and rushed to the front, and began to lead the way for Chu Yan.

Chu Yan has been following behind, anxious in his heart.

Don't get into trouble!

Don't get into trouble!


At the same time.


At this time, the universe has just experienced several wars, and it is very chaotic and dilapidated.

The ghost island that had just been dragged from a long distance was now devastated. There were several deep pits on the mainland, all of which were directly penetrated.

The Lord of the Human World, the old Taoist and others saw the spirit of the universe taking Chu Yan away.

At this time, they were also a little nervous.

The Emperor said in a deep voice: "Is Emperor Chu okay?"

Everyone was speechless.

The Lord suddenly said, "It shouldn't happen. The Universe Spirit is very powerful. With him, the Emperor Chu should be fine."

The Emperor was speechless: "It's because of the Universe Spirit that I'm worried..."

The Lord: "..."

The Taoist: "..."

Don't say... this worry is still somewhat reasonable.

The Universe Spirit is not a friend either.

Chu Yan had been instilling in them that they would fight the Universe Spirit in the future.

The Lord said in a deep voice, "It shouldn't happen. If the Universe Spirit wanted to harm Chu, there would be ten thousand ways. Chu might have died before he left the universe, but he didn't, so it shouldn't happen."

The Taoist nodded, "Indeed..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his pupils shrank.

At this moment, the space in front of the few people suddenly twisted, and then a beautiful woman walked out of it.

The woman... was the Universe Spirit.

The Universe Spirit blinked her lively big eyes and looked at the few people and smiled, "Are you talking about me?"

The Emperor frowned at the Universe Spirit and said in a deep voice, "Where is the Emperor Chu?"

The Universe Spirit sneered, "Dead."

The faces of the three people changed.

The Emperor growled, "What did you say?"

The Spirit of the Universe laughed, "He's dead. I killed him. I took him away and dealt with him directly."

The Emperor's eyes suddenly turned red, "I'll fight you!"

At this time, the Human Lord held the Emperor down, and he bowed slightly to the Spirit of the Universe, "Senior, please don't tease us. You won't kill Emperor Chu, will you? If you do, there's no need to take him to the Blood River."

They knew where the Spirit of the Universe took Chu Yan.

At that time, the Spirit of the Universe specifically asked Changhe about the location of the Blood River.

The Spirit of the Universe glanced at the Human Lord and said with a smile: "Why not? I went to the Blood River because I didn't like them, so I went over and beat them up, but I also didn't like Chu Yan, so why not kill him together?"

The Human Lord narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Although I don't know what the senior's intention is, you don't want Chu Yan to die now, right?"

The Spirit of the Universe glanced at the Human Lord and chuckled: "You are worthy of being educated, you are better than these two fools."

Emperor: "..."

Old Taoist: "..."

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe looked at the Human Lord and suddenly smiled: "Let me tell you something, do you know why you became the Human Lord?"

The Human Lord was puzzled: "What do you mean, senior?"

The Spirit of the Universe smiled and said: "You are the original master of this universe The heir of the universe, or in other words, if Chu Yan hadn't been there, the universe would be yours now. "

The Lord frowned slightly: "Senior, are you provoking me?"

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head: "It's not provoking, but the truth. When you were born, I paid attention to you. When you appeared, it was the most dilapidated time of the universe. It was the universe trying to save itself, so all the luck was concentrated on you. Facts have proved that you are also very successful. Unfortunately... someone forcibly interfered with your fate, otherwise you would not have been held outside the Changhe for 10 million years. "

After speaking, the Spirit of the Universe smiled and said: "Do you think it was the three tribes who betrayed you and delayed you in the Changhe? That time, someone actually sealed you, but the method of sealing was the three tribes. "

The Lord's eyes shrank.

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe smiled and said, "In fact, you have already sensed it, right? You found something wrong a long time ago. You are the Lord of the People, the Lord of the People. You bear some power and have a certain ability to calculate, but you find that no matter how you calculate, the result is different from what you calculated, right?"

The Lord of the People was silent for a while.

Because this is the fact.

He actually guessed something a long time ago, or felt something wrong.

But he didn't know what was wrong.

The Spirit of the Universe smiled and said, "Now you know, do you hate it?"

The Emperor and the Taoist priest changed their faces.

The Emperor said in a deep voice, "People, this can't be true, right?"

The Lord of the People ignored it. After a moment, he smiled slightly: "Senior, you worry too much. I never hate anything. My great way is the great way of the people. As long as the human race is good, I don't care who the monarch is."

The Spirit of the Universe smiled slightly: "Interesting."

Then he looked at the three people and said, "That kid is fine. He will be back soon."

The three people were relieved when they heard it.

At this time, the corner of the Universe Spirit's mouth slightly raised, raising a strange arc: "Although he is fine... you may be in some trouble."

The three people were stunned.


The next second, a vast force emerged from all directions of the universe and began to gather towards the universe.

The faces of the three people changed drastically.

The Universe Spirit laughed: "You take care of yourself."

After speaking, he took a step into the air and flew into the universe, leaving only three people to face it alone.

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