Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5467: You won’t run away, right?

The faces of the three people of the human master changed dramatically.

Because they clearly felt that there were vast forces approaching rapidly from all directions of the universe.

The human master's face sank: "Something happened!"

"What's wrong with this group of people?"

The old Taoist was speechless: "Need I say more? It must be that Chu kid is causing trouble outside again."

The human master: "..."

The emperor: "..."

Yes, it seems that there is only this possibility.

However, the three people really wronged Chu Yan this time.

It was not Chu Yan who caused the trouble.

It was the spirit of the universe.

At this time, the human master said in a deep voice: "Now is not the time to joke. Chu kid has not come back yet. With the current strength of the universe, it is not a match for this group of people."

The emperor and the old Taoist's faces sank.

What to do.


At this time, the first batch of hidden strongmen arrived in the universe.

There were bursts of dragon roars and tiger roars from the east.

Orc Valley!

This is a group of half-orcs. Of course, they are called half-orcs, but they are actually very handsome, handsome men and beautiful women. This is also the special feature of the monster race. After the monster race transforms into human form, they will be very beautiful.

This is why there are rumors of fox spirits in the world.

But at this time, the Lord and others knew clearly that these strong men were not from the human race, but from the Orc Valley.


At this time, a man stepped out from the crowd. He looked no different from an ordinary human, but when he stepped down, he actually made the huge Ghost Island shake.

And left a huge bear paw print on the Ghost Island.

The faces of all the people in the universe sank: "So strong..."

Just this one kick has reached the level of a zero-level giant.

And this is just the beginning.


The next second, a golden light suddenly flashed in the west.

Then a Buddhist gate fell from the sky.

The Buddhist gate came in person.

A group of Bodhisattvas walked out of it.

At this time, a Bodhisattva looked at the Orc Valley and said lightly: "Donors from the Orc Valley, long time no see."

A man from the Orc Valley smiled and said: "Meet the Bodhisattvas."

For the Buddhist gate, Xu Wuren usually gives some respect.

At this time, someone from the north also arrived. It was a woman with an evil aura all over her body. The woman was very charming and smiled, "Master, long time no see."

The Buddhist looked at the woman and bowed slightly: "Amitabha, people from Guigu, today our target is the universe, how about we target the universe first?"

Yes, the woman came from Guigu, which is also a hidden force.

And Quan Xuwu knew that Guigu and Buddhism had never been on good terms.

If Buddhism represents good, then Guigu represents evil.

Of course, there is another party that represents evil...


At this time, the void in the south of the universe exploded.

A group of demon cultivators flew over in a domineering manner.

Demon Sect!

In an instant, the four directions of the universe, east, west, south and north, were all blocked.

The strength of each party was extremely powerful.

The faces of the three masters were extremely gloomy.

At this time, the woman from Guigu smiled and said, "Master, you are right. Today the universe is the master."

After speaking, the woman looked at the three masters.

The master looked at her and was shocked.

Because he just glanced at it, he suddenly felt a little lost.

This woman seemed to have walked into his heart, making him feel like surrendering.

But in just a second, a golden dragon energy rose from the human body, making him sober.

The woman was slightly surprised and smiled charmingly: "You can actually wake up from my ghost magic by yourself? Little man, are you not very capable?"

The human master's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "Do you have something to do in my universe?"

The woman smiled: "Aren't you asking knowingly?"

The human master said in a low voice: "I don't understand."

The woman said lightly: "The universe has always been the goal of the Void, do we need a reason to come here?"

The human master was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "That was in the past, but not long ago, the mystery of my universe has been taken away by Buddhism. Do you still want to take action against the universe?"

As soon as this was said, many people frowned slightly.

The woman from Guigu was also quite surprised: "You said the mystery of the universe has been taken away?"

This time it was the human master who was stunned: "You don't know?"

The woman from Guigu was silent.

They just received a message from their clansmen, asking them to quickly go to the universe, but they didn't say that the mystery of the universe had been taken away.

The Lord said seriously: "It was taken away. Not long ago, it was taken away by Tianhai Bodhisattva of Buddhism."


In an instant, the three forces looked towards Buddhism together.

The Bodhisattvas of Buddhism frowned slightly, and one of them, called Wendao Bodhisattva, said in a deep voice: "This donor, you must provide evidence when you speak."

The Lord sneered: "Don't you recognize Buddhism? Quan Xuwu can now testify for me about this matter. Everyone here has seen it before. Even our Emperor Chu was taken away by you."

Buddhism frowned.

At this time, the Lord suddenly said again: "You don't believe it?"

No one responded.

The Lord hesitated, and suddenly roared: "Is there anyone in Bailing Hall?"

At first there was no sound, but after waiting for a while, a phantom suddenly appeared.

It was the one in Bailing Hall.

The master looked at the shadow and bowed slightly: "Bai Ling Tang is known as the know-it-all in the void. Can you tell us where the mystery of the universe is now?"

At this time, countless people looked at the shadow.

Bai Ling Tang... still has a very high status in the void.

The shadow glanced at the master and sighed.

If possible, he didn't want Bailingtang to be involved in this incident.

But he had been found out. He hesitated and nodded slightly: "Not long ago, something was indeed taken away by the Buddhist sect. It was said to be the mystery of the universe, but whether it was true or not, I don't know at Bailingtang."

Everyone narrowed their eyes slightly.

At this time, the master sneered: "If it was false, why did Tianhai Bodhisattva of the Buddhist sect run away?"

The woman of Guigu suddenly looked at the Buddhist sect: "Master, where is your Tianhai Bodhisattva? Where is he?"

Wendao Bodhisattva fell silent.

At this time, the master suddenly said: "I am very curious, you want the mystery of the universe, why did you suddenly come to my universe?"

After that, the master said to Wendao Bodhisattva: "May I ask, who asked you to come? It can't be Tianhai Bodhisattva?"

The woman of Guigu looked at Wendao Bodhisattva.

Bodhisattva Wen Dao was silent for a while, then said calmly: "It was Tian Hai, he said it involved the mystery of the universe, and asked us to come to the universe quickly."

The Lord was stunned, then laughed: "How funny, the mystery of the universe has been taken away by him, but he is so good, and a villain came to complain first!"

Bodhisattva Wen Dao said in a deep voice: "Tian Hai will not betray."

The Lord sarcastically said: "Then let me ask you, he has already got the mystery of the universe, why didn't he take it back to Buddhism directly? Instead, he asked you to come to the universe?"

Bodhisattva Wen Dao was silent.

Because he didn't know either.

At this time, the Lord suddenly said: "They won't run away, right? There were many people there at that time, they joined forces, they wouldn't lead you all to the universe, and then they took the opportunity to run away, right?"

Everyone's face changed.

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