Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5497: The Clearer


Although Chu Yan felt helpless knowing that there was a mysterious force in the void, there was nothing he could do about it.

Since it hasn't appeared yet, forget it.

If you have wine today, you will be drunk today!

Blood Ancestor glanced at Chu Yan, a little surprised, but soon he smiled slightly and whispered: "Maybe this choice will really change the fate of Blood River."

Xiaojiu looked at Chu Yan who was laughing heartily, and he also smiled slightly. This may be the power of a leader.

He clearly knew that there was a bigger crisis, but Chu Yan was able to use his power to infect some people every time.

"Let's go back and drink."

Chu Yan chuckled.

The group soon returned to the universe.

After returning to the universe, Chu Yan really made a table of delicious food.

Start drinking!

He is not the kind of character who blames others. He leaves tomorrow's affairs to tomorrow and lives in the present first today.

The master, the emperor, the old Taoist and others all gathered together and laughed happily.

That night, because of Chu Yan's personal participation, everyone drank a lot. Before starting to drink, Chu Yan specifically ordered that no one was allowed to use the power of the avenue to dispel the alcohol.

The result is……

Soon there were a lot of drunk people in the Chu Palace.

It was also on this day that the host laughed wildly at the Emperor. The Emperor kept saying that he had a good capacity for drinking, but when he didn't have to use his strength to dispel it, after two drinks, he immediately started talking nonsense.

Under the influence of wine, everyone chatted freely.

Chu Yan himself was blushing from drinking, but he did not participate in everyone's activities. He propped his chin with his hand and watched everyone chatting together.

Suddenly, his eyes dimmed for a while, and two beautiful figures appeared in his mind.

Liu Qingcheng and Qingyi.

He rubbed his eyes and said with a smile: "Wine... is really magical. It makes people cry and makes them nostalgic."

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "It will be fine, you will definitely be able to find them, and it is not necessarily a bad thing if they leave."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

He actually understood that when Liu Qingcheng said that Qin Ruomeng's first plan in the world was to get him married, he actually had a premonition in his heart...

He might lose Liu Qingcheng.

That was Qin Ruomeng's layout. He had been trying to break it for 500 years, but without success.

This time there is no exception.

For a long time, Chu Yan waited until everyone had drunk too much, then he took a deep breath and then stood up alone.


There was a wave of power in his body, which quickly dispelled the alcohol.

Then he didn't go to rest. Although his attitude was very optimistic, he was not the kind of person who would only think of a solution when the crisis came.

He has always been a very proactive person.

He is celebrating today because he does not want to put pressure on the rest of the universe. He is now the new emperor of the universe, and his words and deeds directly affect the entire universe.

If he is afraid, what about the others?

It will only make you more afraid.

So he must be strong.

But now that everyone has been reassured, do you really want to ask Chu Yan, are you worried?

Chu Yan was not careless. He killed 90% of the hidden giants hundreds of millions of years ago. How could he not be worried at all about such mysterious people hiding in the dark?

Chu Yan took a deep breath.


Suddenly, Chu Yan disappeared from the place.

After a while, he came to a mysterious area in the universe.

There is a suspended crystal palace here.

Chu Yan landed on the palace with one step and stepped into it.

After he entered the palace, there was a woman whose appearance could not be seen clearly sitting at the head of the palace.

It is the spirit of the universe.

The spirit of the universe said without even raising his head: "Is something wrong?"

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "Senior, you know who the Blood Ancestor and the others have been hiding, right?"

The spirit of the universe looked up at Chu Yan and said with a smile: "Hey, are you still worried? I saw you were drinking so happily, I thought you had already thought of a solution."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "What else can I do if I don't drink? I am the backbone of the universe now. I can't show fear. If I am scared, what should they do?"

The Spirit of the Universe was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly: "That force... I actually don't know either."

Chu Yan was shocked: "Senior doesn't know either?"

The spirit of the universe rolled his eyes: "Do you think I am omnipotent?"

Chu Yan smiled helplessly: "That's not what I meant, I just think that senior is so powerful, nothing should be hidden from senior in the void."

The spirit of the universe sneered: "Okay, don't flatter me here...I didn't lie to you. Xiaojiu should have told you that 100 million years ago, he and I were not separated, and he also had memories of that time. , at that time... I was not very strong, nor was I fully enlightened."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then thought about it...

Then he felt a little disappointed.

Even the spirit of the universe doesn’t know about this, so who in the void would know?

At this time, the spirit of the universe glanced at Chu Yan and suddenly said: "Although I did not participate in that era 100 million years ago, I have met some of them in these 100 million years, and I can probably guess who they are. who is it."

Chu Yan was startled and hurriedly asked: "Who is it?"

The Spirit of the Universe thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure exactly how many people there are and what their strength is, but they have a collective name called: Cleaners."

Chu Yan couldn't help but be startled: "Purge? What is that?"

The spirit of the universe calmly said: "How do you feel about the nothingness now?"

Chu Yan recalled it and said truthfully: "It was very chaotic, unspeakably chaotic."

The spirit of the universe nodded slightly: "Yes, it is very chaotic. The major giants and forces are all in a mess. There are no rules at all. If we look at order alone, it is not even as good as the universe."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "How can it be inferior? There is no comparison at all."

The Spirit of the Universe said: "But the original nothingness was not like this."

Chu Yan was confused: "What do you mean?"

The spirit of the universe said lightly: "No one can explain how the void was born in the first place. Anyway, when there was life, the void had already appeared. And the void at that time was actually like a baby, although There are no rules, but there is no chaos either.”

After finishing speaking, the Prince of the Universe paused and said: "The nothingness at that time was the most primitive nothingness. Just like a child, no matter how you educate it, it will eventually become something. But you also saw that the nothingness now... …It was very chaotic. In the beginning, countless creatures were born, and they did whatever they could to become stronger, leading to the current chaos of nothingness.”

"But if there was no nonsense at that time, nothingness could develop better, create an order, create a rule, so at this time someone came up with an idea!"

Chu Yan raised his head: "What do you think?"

The power of the universe said seriously: "Recreate nothingness!"

Chu Yan was startled: "Recreate nothingness? What do you mean?"

The spirit of the universe said lightly: "It means to kill all the people in the void, let the void fall into silence and develop again! And these people named themselves the purgers."

Chu Yan was shocked: "Kill them all?"

Universe nodded slightly: "Yes."

Chu Yan's pupils shrank: "What a cruel heart."

He said solemnly: "Void is wrong, you can change it, why do you have to kill them all?"

The spirit of the universe laughed: "Change? You are thinking too much. It is just like that sentence. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Can it really be changed? Hundreds of millions of years of habits and greed, nothing can be changed. If the roots of a tree are rotten, can it be saved?"

After saying that, the spirit of the universe added: "And... even if it can be changed, how long do you think it will take to change? This world has been rotten to the root. If you want to change... it has taken too long, too long, and it is too difficult. So instead of changing the current nothingness, it’s better to destroy it and reshape it.”

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.


Sometimes it is easier to overthrow something than to change something.

But he still couldn't agree with this approach.

At this time, the spirit of the universe looked at Chu Yan and suddenly smiled mysteriously: "And I can also tell you a shocking secret."

Chu Yan looked at the spirit of the universe in confusion.

The spirit of the universe smiled slightly: "Do you know how the great catastrophe came about?"

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then his pupils suddenly dilated, and he couldn't help but say: "Senior, you don't mean to say... that the great disaster was caused by this purger, right?"

The spirit of the universe smiled and said: "Correct answer!"

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched involuntarily.

Then sluggish!

The vast catastrophe that everyone is fearing now... is actually created by man?

That’s too scary, right?

The spirit of the universe chuckled: "Are you surprised? Have you never thought that the great catastrophe is created by man?"

Chu Yan shook his head helplessly.

He really hadn't thought about it.

Of course, he had thought about a possibility... that he was the disaster.

Because he does look a lot like him. Wherever he goes, bad luck follows him...

The spirit of the universe said strangely: "Didn't you guess it? In fact, this is quite easy to guess."

Chu Yan was confused: "Why?"

The spirit of the universe suddenly chuckled: "Have you always thought that the vast catastrophe was a catastrophe?"

Chu Yan nodded.

The spirit of the universe laughed, and then he looked at Chu Yan and asked: "Let me tell you this, let's not talk about nothingness, take the universe as an example, do you think if I want to bring about a disaster now, do you think anyone in the universe can stop it? Or did he survive?"

Chu Yan was startled and shook his head slightly: "No!"

It turns out that he didn't know how powerful the spirit of the universe was.

Now that I know it, I’m still alive!

Not to mention others, Chu Yan... there is a high probability that he will not survive.

The spirit of the universe is so powerful!

The spirit of the universe chuckled: "Look, you also know that I really want to destroy the universe. No one can stop me, and no one can survive. But the catastrophe of the universe is different. It has happened several times. Yes, but there are always people who live in vain in every era, why? Because this disaster is not a natural disaster at all."

Chu Yan's expression changed.

Indeed, he understood...

But after a while, Chu Yan said strangely: "Actually, it's not necessarily... I have thought about Qian Tian before."

The Spirit of the Universe: "..."

The spirit of the universe looked at Chu Yan with a smile: "Well, it's a good idea, don't think about it again."

Chu Yan was silent for a while and said: "Is it true that no one can surpass the sky?"

The spirit of the universe said calmly: "Yes, but those people...maybe they are no longer in this world long ago, right?"

Chu Yan fell into silence.

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