Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5498: Being strong is also a sin


Chu Yan learned about the mysterious force that Xue Zu and the others mentioned through the Spirit of the Universe.

The point is that the Great Tribulation was created by these people.

This is a bit scary.

Chu Yan thought for a while and said, "Then I heard that someone wanted to survive the tribulation. Since this tribulation is man-made, why do you still want to survive it?"

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled, "Because many people don't know that this tribulation is man-made, and... who told you that there is no real tribulation except man-made tribulation?"

Chu Yan was startled and said strangely, "What do you mean?"

The Spirit of the Universe said, "I just told you that the Great Tribulation was created by the Eliminators, right?"

Chu Yan nodded.

The Spirit of the Universe said, "This sentence is correct, but it is not completely correct."

Chu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

The Spirit of the Universe said indifferently: "There are actually two great catastrophes. Of course, most of what people say now are fake, that is, they are created by the purgers. This catastrophe cannot be overcome, or it is useless to overcome it. Overcoming the catastrophe is to overcome the heavenly thunder. Overcoming this catastrophe... is equivalent to being electrocuted by a person with thunder, which is useless."

After speaking, the Spirit of the Universe said: "In some mortal worlds, some people will not die after being struck by thunder, and suddenly awaken superpowers. That is because the heavenly thunder contains the power of heaven. But have you ever seen anyone who was electrocuted by man-made electricity and then awakened?"

The Spirit of the Universe laughed and said, "Some mortal worlds have some electric poles that are specially used to transmit electricity. Have you ever seen anyone who was electrocuted by an electric pole and awakened?"

Chu Yan shook his head helplessly.

Then he would be electrocuted to death directly, and there is no need to awaken.

The Spirit of the Universe said: "The same is true for the Great Heavenly Tribulation. In fact, there are two. One is the real Great Heavenly Tribulation, and the other is a fake one. Of course, those before were actually fake, but the real tribulation also exists."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped: "Real or fake Great Heavenly Tribulation?"

The Spirit of the Universe nodded: "You can understand it this way."

Chu Yan thought for a while and said: "Then someone said before that as long as you hide in the universe, you can avoid the Great Heavenly Tribulation. Is this true or false?"

Hearing this, the Spirit of the Universe's eyes turned cold and sneered: "Neither true nor false, the universe is the universe, it is powerful because of the perfect rules, but if there is a real tribulation, it can't be stopped."

Chu Yan was stunned: "The universe can't stop the Great Heavenly Tribulation?"

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head: "Not necessarily, it depends on how strong it is. If the man-made one is weaker, I can still resist it."

Chu Yan frowned: "Why did the void say this?"

The Spirit of the Universe's eyes turned cold, and he snorted: "Putting blame on others, what a simple truth. Let me tell you this, the Eliminator has always wanted to destroy the universe. He has always felt that the universe is their biggest threat."

Chu Yan frowned: "Why? They want to reshape the void, isn't it because the void is chaotic and has no rules? The universe clearly has rules, why do they want to destroy the universe?"

The Spirit of the Universe was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Maybe it's jealousy?"

Chu Yan was stunned: "Jealous?"

The Spirit of the Universe nodded: "Human hearts are like this, they can't stand the bad, and they can't stand others' good! They want to eliminate the void and reshape a perfect void with perfect rules and order, but they don't want this thing to belong to others!"

Chu Yan suddenly understood.

The Eliminator wants to recreate a perfect void with rules and order.

But the premise is that this void belongs to them.

Chu Yan sneered: "Human hearts, it's really ridiculous."

The Spirit of the Universe looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said calmly: "Senior, do you think that after they create such a universe with rules and order, they will follow the rules and order themselves?"

The Spirit of the Universe was startled, thought for a while and shook his head slightly: "It shouldn't be?"

Those purgers are very strong, even in the current nothingness, they are carefree, there is no need to build a cage for themselves.

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, they create rules and order themselves, but they don't follow them themselves, what's the point? They just make rules for the weak, in the final analysis, they are still a group of selfish people."

The Spirit of the Universe thought for a while and nodded: "That makes sense."

Chu Yan said: "It is said that the emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people, but to this day, I dare not say how long I have lived, but I have never seen an emperor who makes mistakes and is guilty of the same crime as the common people, even if I am called the new emperor of the universe today."

Let me ask, if Chu Yan really made a small mistake now, will anyone ask him to be punished like the common people?


To put it bluntly, the only thing that can restrain Chu Yan now is his own heart.

He restrained himself from doing things that violate his conscience and principles.

"As for the so-called rules... it's even more ridiculous. They just want to use an order to contain the weak and provide a convenience for themselves."

After Chu Yan understood all this, his eyes were slightly cold: "Such people are not worthy of admiration."

The Spirit of the Universe glanced at Chu Yan and suddenly laughed: "I didn't ask you to admire them, and even if you admire them, they will beat you up anyway."

Hearing this, Chu Yan's face darkened: "No, why did they beat me?"

The Spirit of the Universe looked at Chu Yan and smiled happily: "Have you forgotten your current identity?"

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth couldn't help but twitch. Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the spirit of the universe: "Senior, tell me the truth. Did you notice it when I went to the void? But did you deliberately not stop me?"

The spirit of the universe smiled: "You really guessed wrong."

Chu Yan frowned: "Isn't it?"

The spirit of the universe smiled mysteriously: "You go to nothingness... In fact, it was all me who pushed you. I was in a difficult situation at the time. I see that you did a good job in the founding period, and you also did the same thing as the King of Humans. Why? I'm so anxious that I specially arranged for someone to tell you where the void is and how to get out."

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched: "..."


The spirit of the universe smiled and said: "Look, how good it is now. It turns out that when nothingness mentions the universe, the first thing that comes to mind is me. Now it's good, everyone is thinking about you."

Chu Yan said sadly: "Senior, just be a human being."

At this time, Universe was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "You really need to be more careful. This group of purgers will do anything they can. Others may have concerns about you, but this group of people has reached a level of madness." ”

Chu Yan clenched his fist slightly.

The spirit of the universe added: "In addition, you must be careful about two things."

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the spirit of the universe.

The Spirit of the Universe said: "First, the Kingdom of Gods is actually the collective name of the last era. In the last era, the real strong ones were the twelve main gods and some supreme gods. In addition, there is also a You are not exposed to the power.”

Chu Yan was confused: "In this era? God and the others, right?"

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head: "Don't even think about those people of God. They have already belonged to the people of no era! After they break through the ego, they will no longer be affected by the era."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "What about this era?"

The spirit of the universe said in a deep voice: "Tianyan Sect!"

Chu Yan was startled: "What is that?"

The Spirit of the Universe said calmly: "The Tianyan Sect should be the strongest force in this era without transcendence. It is also a very mysterious force above the Buddhist Sect and others."

Chu Yan was puzzled: "Then as long as you don't break through the ego, won't you be subject to the upper limit of this era? The Blood Ancestor is the strongest like that, right?"

The spirit of the universe nodded: "Yes, but not entirely right."

Chu Yan was confused: "What do you mean?"

The Spirit of the Universe said: "There is an essential difference between Tianyan Sect and Xuehe. Xuehe and the others can't break through, so they are stuck there, but Tianyan Sect... I suspect that they can actually break through. It’s just that I never made a breakthrough.”

Chu Yan's face changed slightly: "Senior, what you mean is that they have been able to break through solitaryism a long time ago, but they just didn't break through?"

The Spirit of the Universe nodded slightly: "Yes! You have actually seen the Mystery of the Universe a long time ago, so you know very well that the Mystery of the Universe is not something that tells others how to break through self-centeredness."

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.


He had already obtained the Mystery of the Universe.

That's the key!

It's just that he doesn't know what the key is for.

But obviously, a key cannot help people break through solipsism.

The spirit of the universe said lightly: "I have always suspected that the fact that the universe can help people break through the self-centeredness is the news released by the Tianyan Sect."

Chu Yan suddenly said: "Senior, do you have a grudge against the Tianyan Sect?"

The corner of the Universe Spirit's mouth twitched: "There's a fart!"

Chu Yan said helplessly: "No, there is no hatred, so why do they have to trick their seniors like this?"

The spirit of the universe glanced at Chu Yan and said calmly: "Then let me ask you, do you have enmity with Buddhism and Blood River? Or do you have enmity with Orc Valley and Ghost Valley?"

Chu Yan shook his head.


The spirit of the universe asked back: "Then why do they want to kill you?"

Chu Yan subconsciously said: "Because you tricked me, senior! The mystery of the universe is your business."

The corner of the Universe Spirit's mouth twitched and he cursed in a low voice: "What does it have to do with me? That is something left by the master, okay? I was also framed, okay?"

Chu Yan was startled.

It seems true.

He looked at the Spirit of the Universe strangely: "Senior, tell me the truth. Are you feeling unhappy because you took the blame for the Lord of Heaven Refining, and that's why you tricked me like this?"

The spirit of the universe rolled his eyes: "You think too much. In the final analysis, you are strong, which is original sin. This is the world. In the eyes of crows, swans are also guilty. Being strong is a sin, and being weak is also a sin. The only one who wants to be free from the influence of the world is The way is to become invincible and make everyone speechless. If anyone dares to resist you, you will kill them all with one punch. "

Chu Yan was silent for a while and nodded slightly.

The spirit of the universe said: "Anyway, you should be careful, the universe... because of the master, too many people are staring at this place."

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