Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6026 Black Knife Death

Swish——In an instant, a shocking sword energy appeared, and the clouds suddenly sank, and the sky seemed to be split in half.

Hei Dao's face changed, but he just raised his hand to resist, and with a bang, the whole person flew out thousands of feet with the sword.


As soon as Hei Dao stopped, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were full of shock.


He couldn't understand!

Even if there was an auxiliary god, didn't Chu Yan just absorb it?

You know, Hei Dao himself has a god, a sword god. Let's not talk about how long it took him to subdue this god. Even after subduing it, it took a long time to master it.

Ten thousand years!

What about Chu Yan?

One second?

As a result, he became proficient directly?

This is too outrageous, right?

At this time, Hei Dao even wanted to ask Chu Yan, is this a god from the God and Demon Era, or his Chu Yan's god?

Unfortunately, he is destined not to have such an opportunity.

Chu Yan slashed out with a sword, not giving Heidao a chance to react, and rushed out again.

In an instant, the distance of a thousand meters was directly shortened.

With the help of the gods, his speed increased by more than double.

Slashed out with a sword.

Heidao's eyes narrowed, but this time, he did not choose to fight hard, but quickly retreated.

Since the weapon spirit mastered the body, Heidao has been on the offensive, but now he realized one thing, if he continued to attack, he was afraid that he would lose.

So at this time, the weapon spirit also chose to delay.

Because it also noticed one thing.

Fifteen seconds!

At most fifteen seconds.

Shura God will arrive, so he doesn't need to fight with Chu Yan to the death. As long as he waits for Shura God to come, everything can be solved.

Chu Yan sneered: "Is the weapon spirit also afraid?"

Heidao's face sank, snorted coldly, and said nothing.


But the next second, Chu Yan stepped on the sole of his foot, and the space in front of him collapsed, and then he rushed straight into it, and came to Heidao again.

Hei Dao was startled, but when he tried to resist again, it was too late.

Swish - a sword energy passed through his throat.


Hei Dao roared.


Then, everyone saw clearly that a bloody head flew out.


However, even so, Hei Dao was still not dead, but a wisp of black smoke flew out from the place where his throat was broken.

In the end, the wisp of black smoke turned into a sharp long knife!

To be precise, Hei Dao was dead!

The moment Hei Dao's head fell to the ground, his eyes were wide open.

Because the body was his.

But the weapon spirit was not dead.

The long knife reappeared, full of fear, and then he turned around and wanted to escape.

But at this moment, Chu Yan spread his palms, and a nine-story small tower flew out.

Jiu Tian Xuan Tower!

To kill Hei Dao, he still needed some means, but to deal with a weapon...

He didn't need to worry at all.


In an instant, the black knife was suppressed by the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, and the blade trembled wildly, constantly making a sharp sound.

However, no matter how hard it tried, it could not break free from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

Many people seemed to have forgotten one thing.

When Chu Yan first opened the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, he only knew that this tower had one function, which was to seal thousands of divine objects inside!

The Eternal Divine Object List was carved in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

This tower is naturally suppressive to weapons.


After the black knife was suppressed, it sometimes became a knife and sometimes became a human. It looked at Chu Yan and screamed, "Boy, let me go! You can't kill me! I'm not from the Divine Court, I come from the Clearer. If you dare to kill me, the Clearer will never let you go!"

When this was said, Chu Yan was slightly surprised: "You are the Clearer's magic weapon?"

At this time, Xiao Jiu said, "No wonder, I don't have the aura of the era on it."

Chu Yan also suddenly realized: "That's not strange."

He was still curious before, it was just a magic weapon, it was a little abnormal to be strong.

You know, even the Heavenly Sword and the Refining Heavenly Sword, once they leave Chu Yan, they may not be able to exert the tenth level of combat power.

Weapons are weapons.

In the final analysis, how strong a weapon is depends on the owner who uses it.

But this long knife is different.

When the black knife was defeated by Chu Yan, it would rather give its body to a weapon, which is very strange.

Now, everything makes sense.

"The purger?"

Chu Yan sneered: "It's okay, I'll wait for them."

After that, he raised the Liantian Sword.

The Tianshen Sword was almost enough to destroy this sword, and he could only rely on the sharpness of the Liantian Sword.

However, just as he was about to make a move, Xiao Jiu suddenly stopped him and said, "Don't kill it first."

Chu Yan was slightly startled, and the long sword hovered in the air: "Why?"

Xiao Jiu said: "This sword is wrong, don't you find a problem?"

Chu Yan asked in confusion: "What?"

"The Black Knife is dead, but the God of Knife has not appeared." Xiao Jiu said.

Chu Yan was stunned, and then he thought about it and it was true.

The Black Knife is the controller of the God of Knife. It stands to reason that the God of Knife will appear when the person is dead, like the assistant of Zuo Xiang.

But now it is not.

Xiao Jiu looked at the knife spirit in front of him: "The God of Knife is in this weapon spirit, and this weapon spirit has swallowed the God of Knife."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, is that so?

The god of swords...

Chu Yan didn't really care, because he didn't use swords himself.

Besides, he already had four great gods.

But he never forgot what Yin Shan said.

In the Era of Gods and Demons, when all the gods come together, they can summon the spirit of the avenue.

Master the ultimate divine method.

Chu Yan originally had no idea in this regard, but in the blink of an eye he had four gods.

Just keep it.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan looked at Heidao: "Save your life first."

Daoling was relieved.

Of course, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided.

Chu Yan's thoughts moved.


The sword spirit was instantly sucked into the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda and suppressed.


There was a loud noise, followed by endless silence.

At this time, the entire Shenting war zone was as silent as death.

Obviously there are still many living people, and few of the strong men in the Divine Court are dead, but at this time, each and every one of them is holding their breath and not daring to breathe.

At this time, Chu Yan put away his sword and let out a long breath.

it's over!

Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, you should go! There are still ten seconds left!"

Chu Yan murmured: "Ten seconds?"

He didn't leave immediately. He even sacrificed his puppet for this battle. How could he gain nothing at all?

He has never been the kind of character who would injure his enemy by a thousand and lose himself by eight hundred!

There are not many original mineral veins in the Shenting general battle area.

Because this is just the edge of the Gods and Demons Continent.


This is a treasure house, and the harvests from various war zones are sent here every year.

He learned this in the Demon Palace.

The next second, Chu Yan looked at a place where the Shenting Treasure House was located.


One punch.

Immediately afterwards, the corners of Chu Yan's mouth raised slightly and he laughed.

"It's okay, no loss!"

In the treasure house, there are hundreds of millions of source minerals. With these, he can re-create a solipsistic puppet!

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