Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6027 Blood Lord's Determination

Chu Yan stretched out his hand and swept away all the origin ores in the treasure house.

Then, he looked into the distance.

It's time to go!

10 seconds have passed.

This means that the seal can only last for one minute at most.

Chu Yan can't wait until the seal is unlocked before leaving. He must leave himself some time to escape.

Otherwise, when Shura God arrives, he will not be as fast as the other party and will not be able to escape at all.

"Xiao Jiu, point a direction."

Chu Yan said.

Xiao Jiu pointed out immediately.

It was exactly the opposite direction of Shura God.


The next second, Chu Yan took a step into the air and flew away.

Throughout the whole process, he ignored the rest of the people in the Divine Court.

Because there was no need.

Just a group of ants.


Soon, Chu Yan disappeared.

Below, countless strong men in the Divine Court clenched their fists.

At this time, someone said in a deep voice: "Just let him go?"

"What else? The Black Knife Deputy General is dead, who can stop him?"


A strong man in the Divine Court said helplessly: "If he leaves, the Shura God will arrive and know that we didn't stop him, and he will definitely blame us."

"I heard before that the kind God killed everyone in the Daotong Camp because they didn't take action."

As soon as these words came out, the strong men in the Divine Court showed fear.

"Now we can only hope that Shura will not die."

They have no choice.


At this time, one minute has passed.

The general war zone trembled violently.


Immediately afterwards, everyone clearly saw that a huge crack appeared in the sky, like a cracked eggshell.

Then, the crack became larger and larger, and finally completely shattered.

The seal opened!


Almost at the moment the seal was broken, the space in the general war zone began to vibrate and twisted directly.

Immediately, everyone saw a blue portal emerge.

Two middle-aged men walked out of it.

Burning with anger!

The people who came were Shura God and Xingjun.

Xingjun came out and saw the body of Heidao, his face sank: "Damn it, it's too late!"

Shura God followed behind, his face was also extremely gloomy!

The general war zone was defeated!

This time, it was really embarrassing!

Not only was the Divine Eagle Camp blown up, but the general war zone was also attacked. It can be said that the Divine Court was completely defeated this time.

Xingjun said in a deep voice: "Shura, what should we do now?"

Shura God said in a low voice: "Find him! One minute, he can't run far!"

Now, not only does he have to report to the cleaner, but if Chu Yan doesn't die today, his Divine Court will completely become a laughing stock.

In the future, they don't have to fight with the Demon Palace, they don't have the face to fight.

So Wuyong must kill Chu Yan no matter what!


is Chu Yan's talent and potential.

Today, Chu Yan was just a puppet, and he almost seriously injured him. If it takes time, it will definitely become a disaster for the Divine Court.

Xingjun nodded slightly and quickly said: "Where is the person?"

The strong man of the Divine Court suddenly came back to his senses, and someone pointed his hand: "He ran in that direction."

Xingjun looked at Shura God.

Shura God said gloomily: "I will chase him! You go back to the Divine Court and tell the Divine Ancestor everything that happened here, so that the Divine Ancestor can make more preparations."

Xingjun's eyes narrowed: "Are you worried about the Demon Palace?"

Shura God sighed: "Too many people died, I have to worry!"

Xingjun thought for a while and nodded slightly: "Okay!"

Soon, the two of them acted separately.


Shura God flashed and quickly chased in the direction where Chu Yan fled.



A corner of the Divine and Demon Continent.

Chu Yan was running fast.

Continuously tearing the space and shuttling through it.

The plan succeeded!

Xiaojiu was a little shocked.

What a madman.

But now, new troubles have also come.

Xiao Jiu said: "They are chasing me!"

Chu Yan's face darkened. He knew that the Divine Court would never give up. Shura God would definitely chase him.

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Xiao Jiu, can you calculate the distance?"

Xiao Jiu's mind moved: "One million meters, but the speed is too fast. The distance between you two is rapidly closing."

Chu Yan frowned: "Have you recovered from your injuries?"

The moment the puppet exploded, it hurt Shura God.

But now it seems to have recovered.

Chu Yan asked: "How long will it take to catch up with me?"

"Half a minute!"

"So fast?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "Also, the God and Demon Continent has been sealed!"

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.

This means that he has nowhere to escape now.


At this time, the space in front suddenly twisted.

Chu Yan's face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to draw his knife.

But then, a beautiful figure flew out.

The person who came was wearing a red long skirt, and it was the Blood King.

When Xue Jun saw Chu Yan, he was startled at first, and then he was endlessly shocked.

Because she knew one thing, meeting Chu Yan here meant that he succeeded!

Xue Jun cursed: "You lunatic!"

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "Senior? You shouldn't have come."

Xue Jun hesitated, and suddenly pulled Chu Yan: "Follow me!"

Chu Yan was startled, but was not pulled, instead he asked: "Where are you taking me, senior?"

"Demon Palace!"

Blood Lord said in a deep voice: "You attacked the Shenting general battle area, Shura will not let you go! I just received the news that Xingjun returned to the Shenting headquarters, and the Divine Ancestor even took action directly to seal the Gods and Demons Continent! Now, the Gods and Demons The mainland is an endless prison for you! It’s useless for you to go anywhere except the Demon Palace.”

Hearing this, Chu Yan hesitated.

Going to the Demon Palace?

This may be an opportunity!

Now that the Continent of Gods and Demons is sealed, he has no other place to go.

Only the Demon Palace has a chance to save Chu Yan.

Moreover, once the Demon Palace takes action, he may even have a chance to kill Shura.

But after a long time, Chu Yan took a deep breath, finally withdrew his hand, smiled at Lord Xue and shook his head: "Senior, I appreciate your kindness, but the Demon Palace... forget it."

Lord Xue begged: "Chu Yan, believe me once and come with me!"

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "Senior, I believe in you, but I don't believe in the Demon Palace!"

Lord Xue continued: "I will try my best to convince them..."

Chu Yan still shook his head: "Senior, if one day you decide the Demon Palace, I will always be your ally! But the current Demon Palace... cannot. I will not place my life on the mercy of others."

After saying that, he said again: "Senior, please go, there is no need to get involved because of me!"

Lord Xue gritted his teeth, and then he seemed to have made a decision, and said resolutely: "That's it, if you don't come with me, I won't force you!"

After saying that, she changed the topic: "But, it was I who asked you to agree to my three conditions in the first place, and it was because of these three conditions that you fell into such danger! Then, I will also fulfill my promise!"

Hearing this, Chu Yan was slightly startled: "Senior, what do you want to do?"

Lord Xue looked at Chu Yan and suddenly smiled. That smile was very sweet: "Boy, I said it! You are my soldier. As long as you are in the Gods and Demons Continent, I will protect you. No one can think of it." Move you!"

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