Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6071 Getting Rich

The two looked at each other for a long time.


The man in the golden robe rolled his throat and suddenly turned around and ran!

The reason was simple, he felt danger from this old man!

He was not afraid of Chu Yan, but this old man had obviously been in the Crystal Palace all the time. He might be a guardian, and that was no joke.


However, just as the man in the golden robe was about to run, his body suddenly sank.

The old man pressed his palm down, and with a click, half of the man in the golden robe sank into the ground.


The golden robe screamed, and was extremely shocked.

What kind of strength is this?

The old man stepped forward step by step, looked down at the man in the golden robe: "Who are you?"

The man in the golden robe was sweating profusely in pain, and trembled: "I, I am a gold robe level of the purger, you can't kill me."


The old man frowned and murmured alone.

The golden robe nodded repeatedly: "Yes."

"I haven't heard of it." The old man shook his head.

Golden robe: "..."

The old man hesitated and suddenly said: "Do you know Chu Xiaoyou?"

The golden robe was slightly startled: "You, you are talking about Chu Yan?"

The old man nodded: "That's right."

The corner of the golden robe's mouth twitched slightly, and for a moment he didn't know whether to say he knew him or not.

Because he could clearly feel from the old man's tone that the old man and Chu Yan had a good relationship.

Seeing the golden robe silent, the old man frowned and said: "Don't you know him? Forget it, just kill him directly."

After speaking, he used his hand as a knife and slowly raised it.


The golden robe suddenly screamed: "Know! We know!"

The old man's hand knife stopped immediately. He stared at the golden robe for a while, suddenly picked up the golden robe, turned around and walked towards the book pavilion.



In the book pavilion.

Chu Yan was still reading.

The more he read, the more obsessed he became, and the more intoxicated he became.

It's wonderful!

The road of idealism!

However, the more he read, the more regretful he felt.

Because he couldn't practice!

Although the idealistic method is recorded here, only people in the Tianku universe can practice it.

He wants to practice, unless he gives up the universe and connects the avenue to the Tianku.

But this is not his original intention.

In his opinion, the path of the universe is the right way.

Moreover, if he does this, he may be able to advance to idealism and take another step forward, but the rest of the universe will be useless.

Now, most people in the universe regard him as the root of the Tao. Once he gives up the universe, the human master and others will be in trouble.

If he does that, the human master and others will be useless.

Chu Yan can't do this.

Xiao Jiu comforted: "Don't worry, Tianku is also the universe, then sooner or later we will find the way to advance to the universe."

Chu Yan nodded and said helplessly: "I believe it too, the problem is... there is no time in this era."

"The barriers are loosening, I can't even go home now."

Chu Yan rarely said, but he understood in his heart.

His current situation is very embarrassing.

He can't go back to the new era.

Because once he returns, the barriers of the new era will immediately be broken because of him.

At that time, whether it is gods and demons, ancient times, or the scavengers, they will all come directly to the new era.

This is the most dangerous.

Otherwise, he would not come to the era of gods and demons.

The problem is that Chu Yan still can't find a way to solve the problem.

He doesn't even know how long he will wander like this.

Will he keep wandering outside?

Xiao Jiu's eyes dimmed slightly.

It can't help with this.

At this time, Chu Yan took a deep breath and smiled: "It's okay, let's take it slowly! Besides, although I can't practice, my puppet can."

Xiao Jiu was stunned when he heard it: "Boy, you..."

Chu Yan said happily: "Xiao Jiu, if I create a puppet again and then integrate the avenue into the sky cave, can I practice the idealistic path above?"

Xiao Jiu was stunned, and then his throat became dry!

Not necessarily!

The puppet before Chu Yan became the only self in this way.

But why did it become the only self realm?

Because he didn't know how to practice the idealistic path.

It's different now.

The true idealistic path is recorded in this library.

That means that Chu Yan's puppet can also do it.

The more Chu Yan thought about it, the more excited he became: "My puppet will be promoted to Wei I, and its combat power will be increased several times. Once it is promoted to Wei Xin, how strong will it be?"

Xiao Jiu said: "It will definitely surpass the Supreme."

Chu Yan nodded and said excitedly: "Let's do it."

"What about resources?" Xiao Jiu asked: "You want to build a puppet, and you need a lot of resources."

If it is an ordinary person, it doesn't take much resources to cultivate from zero to the peak giant.

But Chu Yan...

That's another matter.

Each realm of Chu Yan is more solid than others, layer by layer, and when it comes to giants, it is completely geometric.

It's a gold-eating beast!

Astronomical figures.

Even if he has two top-grade origin veins in his body, it is still not enough.

Chu Yan was silent for a while, nodded and said: "Indeed... resources... are a problem."

At this time, Xian Luo suddenly walked to Chu Yan's side and stretched out his hand to pull Chu Yan's sleeve.

Chu Yan was slightly startled and half squatted down: "What do you want to say?"

Xian Luo said in a childish voice: "Come."

After that, Xian Luo turned around and walked out of the library, heading towards another palace.

Chu Yan was stunned, but he quickly followed.

But when he arrived at the palace, he was stunned.


Chu Yan rubbed his eyes hard, but still felt it was not real, so he raised his hand and punched himself again.


The real pain came, and Chu Yan was sure that he was not dreaming.

"I... got rich."

In this palace, there are piles of... ore spirits!

Yes, ore spirits.

This building is not big, just an ordinary one-story small house. If it is just ordinary origin ore, there is not much even if the building is filled with it.

The problem is...

What is piled here is not origin ore, but countless ore spirits!

Chu Yan even clearly saw that there were several blue fat boys inside, playing games together.

Suddenly, a fat mineral spirit saw Xian Luo and became happy: "Oh, Xian Luo is back, let's play together. This time, Xian Luo will be a ghost and come to find us."

"Okay, okay!"

"Come on, come on!"


Chu Yan's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but look at Xian Luo: "Are these... all mineral spirits?"

Xian Luo nodded.

Chu Yan was speechless.

He looked again, at least dozens of them!

The point is, only the best mineral veins can give birth to mineral spirits.

That means there are dozens of best mineral veins here!

Suddenly, he remembered the mineral spirit he met in Daotongying. At that time, the mineral spirit said that he had many companions under the sky cave.

Chu Yan had thought about it before, but he thought that because of the change of times, those mineral veins had disappeared.

Unexpectedly...all of them turned into spirits, and then gathered together...and started playing hide-and-seek?

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