Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6072 Spitting


Chu Yan swallowed again and then tried to calm down.

He turned around and looked at Xian Luo: "Xiao Xian Luo, bring me here..."

At this time, Chu Yan wanted to grab it, but his reason told him not to.

First...he couldn't beat the old man from the Immortal Clan, and secondly, with his personality, he couldn't do such a thing.

Besides...even if I want to rob it, I may not be able to rob it.

Chu Yan had experienced the strength of the original mining spirit.

Any mining spirit is capable of defeating a supreme powerhouse.

Xian Luo pointed at the mining spirit and said naively: "I'll lend it to you."

Chu Yan was startled at first, and then he suddenly fell silent.

For a moment, he stared at Xian Luo and said, "Xian Luo, do you know that I am short of money?"

He really wanted to create a puppet just now, and then connect to the Tiancao universe to cultivate the realm of idealism.

The problem is, he only communicated with Xiao Jiu in his heart and did not say it out loud. How did Xian Luo know?

Xian Luo stretched out his hand and pointed at the location of Chu Yan's heart.

"Here, I can hear it." Xian Luo said in a dry voice.

Chu Yan lowered his head and hesitated, then narrowed his eyes and said: "Xianluo, you mean... you can hear the voice in my heart?"

Xian Luo nodded slightly.

Chu Yan was shocked.

Mind reading?

This is ridiculous!

In some mortal worlds, there are indeed some people who possess some special abilities, such as mind reading. These people are also called aliens.

It is also called a strange thing by mortals.

But at Chu Yan's level, there are actually very few secrets in this world.

These so-called strangers are just born with certain avenues open to them.

It's just that the mortal world doesn't know how to practice, and the resources are poor and they can't practice, so they can only be mortals, but these people already have the ability to communicate with some great avenues.

Mind reading is one of them.

Like Chu Yan now, if he comes to the mortal world, as long as he is willing, no one's thoughts and feelings can escape his ears.

The so-called mind reading is actually just a kind of ultimate communication on the avenue of sound.

Just like now, some strong people can intercept the weak people's voice transmissions.

The question is, what state is Xianluo in?

To be precise, Xian Luo is not even alive now.

Just being hung up for a breath.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "He is a little special."

Chu Yan nodded: "I found it too."

But no matter what, with these mineral spirits, the resource problem is solved.

Chu Yan hesitated and said to Xian Luo: "Xian Luo, are you sure they will help me?"

Xian Luo blinked, then walked to the group of mining spirits and chirped for a while.

The Origin Mine Spirit listened and occasionally glanced at Chu Yan secretly, keeping vigilance in his eyes.

After a while, Xian Luo turned around and came back.

Chu Yan looked at Xian Luo.

Xian Luo suddenly stretched out his hand.

Chu Yan was stunned: "What?"

"Sweet, the one who fooled the little fat guy, give me some." Xian Luo said.

Chu Yan was startled: "Ah?"

He was a little confused.

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Tanghulu! He is talking about Tanghulu! Little Fatty... should be the Origin Mine Spirit you kidnapped and sold away in the Sky Cave before."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped: "You are the one who abducted and trafficked! Your whole family is abducted and trafficked!"

Why are you still swearing?

Is that what I call equal trading?

Xiaojiu chuckled.

Immediately, Chu Yan did not hesitate and immediately took out more than a dozen candied haws.

After Xian Luo took it, he turned around and walked back to the original group of mining spirits, and fired them one by one.

After those mining spirits ate the candied haws, their eyes suddenly turned bright and happy, showing expressions of happiness.

"So sweet!"


"Xian Luo, what is this?"

"I still want it."

A group of mining spirits immediately surrounded Xian Luo.

Xian Luo pointed at Chu Yan, and then said a few words greenly.

A group of origin mining spirits hesitated, but finally nodded: "Xian Luo believes in him, he must be a good person, we can help him."

"That's okay, but you have to have this candied haws."

"Yes, give it to candied haws!"

Xian Luo returned to Chu Yan again and pulled Chu Yan's sleeve: "They promise to help you."

Chu Yan took a deep breath.

Suddenly, he felt that happiness came too quickly.

"It seems that when I go out by myself in the future... I have to take some candied haws with me."

This trip between gods and demons, Tanghulu took the first place.

Otherwise, I might have been beaten to death by the good god in Daotong Camp.

Later, with the help of these mining spirits, it became easier to create puppets.

Chu Yan's puppetry skills have already reached their peak, and the only thing missing is resources.

It's solved now.

Soon, Chu Yan began to build the puppet.


Seeing this, a group of puppet spirits began to surround Chu Yan like fat dolls, spitting one after another...

Yes, just spit!

But as mineral spirits, every part of their body is composed of original minerals!

So is their saliva.

It just looks...a little strange?

Chu Yan coughed and hesitated: "Um... do we have to spit? Is there no other way?"

"This one looks too... too different."

A group of fat origin spirits stopped and looked at each other with confusion.

Don't like spitting?

The next second, a fat spirit walked up to Chu Yan and began to take off his pants...

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched when he saw this, and he hurriedly reached out to stop the fat mining spirit.

The Origin Mine Spirit looked puzzled and somewhat incomprehensible.

Didn't you ask us to change the method?

Chu Yan slapped his head and said sadly: "No, don't change, let's just spit..."

Spitting...at least it's okay.

Take off your pants...

Make yourself crazy again!

A group of fat spirits puffed up their mouths, seeming to complain that Chu Yan was really troublesome.

Then...one by one they started spitting again.

Chu Yan sighed.

That's it.

Chu Yan began to use the puppet method and built it under a "rain of bullets".

However, he was very disgusted with the Origin Mine Spirit's saliva at first.

But after a while... his eyes lit up, and a large-scale true fragrance law came directly.

He discovered one thing, the saliva of these origin mineral spirits... was so strong!

Because it comes directly from the mouth of the mineral spirit, it is a hundred times more powerful than the ordinary top-grade original ore!

In just a short while, Chu Yan's puppet had already taken shape, and its realm had reached the fourth dimension.

At this rate, it won't take long to reach the giants.

Therefore, Chu Yan didn't dislike it anymore. He was even thinking at this moment...saliva has already had this effect, how about...let these fat babies take off their pants and give it a try?

After all... the saliva comes drop by drop, but if you take off your pants, the speed will be very fast, swishing.

However, he just thought about it for a moment and quickly shook his head...

Forget it, otherwise this puppet will be too flavorful!

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