Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6096: Snob

The purple robe ends, and Wang Zha takes action.

Everyone witnessed the tearing of space just now, even the Demon Lord above had a gloomy expression.

too strong!

If the Demon Lord was still confident and dared to challenge some blue robes, then facing the current purple robe, he had no choice at all.

With that blow just now, the Demon Lord knew that he would be defeated, and one blow was enough to kill him instantly.

Is this the purple robe of the Purge?

Demon Ancestor looked down, with a hint of amusement: "It's time for the real fun."

The Demon Lord looked at the Demon Ancestor: "Ancestor, do you think Chu Yan can still block the purple robe?"

Demon Ancestor said calmly: "Definitely."


"He can't stop him, why is he here?" Demon Ancestor looked at Demon Lord strangely: "Death?"

Demon Lord: "..."

That makes sense.

Demon Ancestor said: "I don't know if there is a golden robe hidden here, but the blue robe and purple robe have been here for a long time. Since he still dares to come, it proves that he is very confident in his own strength!"

"What I'm more curious about now is where his confidence comes from."

"According to your words, before he entered the Heavenly Cave, his strength was not as good as Shura God. Even if he improved in the Heavenly Cave and strengthened his combat power, my upper limit is only so high. Except for the set of special skills of the Clearer, Outside the law, there is no way to improve the self-consciousness, so how can he become stronger?"

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord lowered his head slightly and fell into bitterness.

Yes, this is the greatest pain in the era of gods and demons, or even in the three eras.

Why can't the Demon Lord defeat the purple robe?

Why are the Demon Lords afraid of the Purges?

Is it because of insufficient talent?

Or is it because the realm is not enough?


Demon Lord, the first king of the Demon Palace, it can be said that his talent is not inferior to anyone else. The problem is... he can't make progress.

His road has long since come to an end.

He is a level 10 solipsist, and he is also a semi-saint. Moreover, 200 million years ago, when the era of gods and demons collapsed, he was already a level 10 solipsist, with king-level combat power.

But two hundred million years later, he still has the same strength, which is very helpless.

He believed that if he was given a way to continue practicing, or a set of skills from the Purge, he would definitely not be weaker than the purple robe now, and would even be stronger.

But he didn't.

For these two hundred million years, he has been working hard to improve his combat power and raise the upper limit.

However, on an inherently wrong path, even if you try hard, it will be limited.

It's like a blocked stream. No matter how he widens or builds it, a stream is a stream and can never be compared to a river.

Apart from him, the same goes for the rest of the gods and demons.

It's not that they are inferior to the Clearers, it's just that they have no way out.

This is also the reason why they must attack Chu Yan, because they are looking for a new way.

If Chu Yan is also a self-centered person, it would be the same as him.

Even if the combat power is further improved, the ceiling is still there.

What can you do?

At this time, the Demon Lord suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the Demon Ancestor: "Ancestor, there is something I don't understand."

"Curious about my strength?" Demon Ancestor looked at Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord nodded slightly: "The ancestors should be able to fight the golden robe, right?"

Demon Ancestor thought for a moment and said, "I haven't tried it, but I should have a chance."

"Why?" The Demon Lord was puzzled: "Which technique of the Purge did our ancestors practice?"

Demon Ancestor shook his head: "The Purge's control is very strict. If I had really practiced that technique, I should have put on a golden robe by now."

"The same goes for the Divine Court. Even though the Divine Ancestor has never stopped the cooperation between the Divine Court and the Cleaners, no one in the Divine Clan practices the Cleaners' skills."

"Why?" The Demon Lord was puzzled: "The Gods have always acted like dogs to the Cleaners. If you want that skill, the Cleaners should give it to you, right?"

Demon Ancestor shook his head: "I don't know whether the Clearers will be given to me, but I know one thing. Even if they are given, there is a high probability that the God Clan will not be able to practice. I don't know about others, but the God Ancestor will definitely not be able to do it."

The devil wondered: "Why?"

Demon Ancestor thought for a while and said: "We suspect that the set of exercises of the Purge... may not be good exercises, and there may be some problems."

"What's the meaning?"

"The Cleaner's technique is very strange. It does not require any realm or talent. As long as you get the technique, your combat power will immediately increase."

"To be precise, that power does not seem to come from cultivation, but more like... it is given by someone, or is it a gift? Borrowed power?" Demon Ancestor said.

The Demon Lord was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "Borrowed power?"


"Who borrowed it?"

Demon Ancestor looked at Demon Lord like a fool: "Do you think I will know?"

The Demon Lord scratched his head in embarrassment: "Then why does the Ancestor God keep getting so close to the Purges?"

Demon Ancestor shook his head: "I don't know, maybe it's like our cooperation with Chu Yan at the beginning, using each other and testing each other."

The Demon Lord nodded, understandable.

Then he said: "Ancestor, the fighting power between you and the Divine Ancestor is..."

Demon Ancestor glanced at Demon Lord and said calmly: "It's actually very simple. The method... you have actually seen it just now."

"Already seen it?"

The Demon Lord had a question mark on his face.

Where did you meet?

Demon Ancestor stretched out his hand and pointed to the young men in Aomori and Demon Palace below: "Let me ask you, in terms of realm, who is higher between you and them?"


The Demon Lord answered without thinking.

Demon Ancestor said calmly: "What about combat power?"

The Demon Lord's pupils shrank: "Ancestor, you are saying... the reason why you and the Divine Ancestor are stronger in combat is because you and Chu Yan gave Aomori and the others the same method? The so-called Imperial Way?"

"Not really."

Demon Ancestor shook his head: "The Imperial Path... is too difficult, including Aomori and the others. We, at best, are little Imperial Paths."

"Little Emperor Dao? What do you mean?"

"The so-called Imperial Way refers to the perfection of the avenues. Three thousand avenues are connected to each other to form a perfect circumference."

"But that would be too difficult. As for us, we are just Xiao Zhou Tian. We found some of the three thousand avenues that are more suitable for fusion, and then weaved a simple version of the Imperial Way."

Demon Ancestor said, paused and suddenly said: "This cultivation method has actually been clearly described in Liantian Universe. It seems to be called...system?"

"Yes, it's a system! For example, the five elements, yin and yang, and these small heavens, practice together to enhance combat power."

"As for the Great Emperor's Way...it's too difficult."

After saying that, Demon Ancestor looked at the people in Aomori and said with envy: "These little guys are so lucky. What they practice is the Great Emperor's Way. That is something that I and Shenzu have not studied for hundreds of millions of years." thing."

As he said that, he glanced at Chu Yan on the battlefield: "I don't know what this little guy has in his mind. Such complicated things, three thousand avenues, are arranged together in tens of trillions of ways. How could he find the perfect combination?”

The Demon Lord was confused: "The Great Emperor's Way, doesn't it suffice to have three thousand avenues at the same time?"

Demon Ancestor rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking? I said, if you practice the three thousand avenues indiscriminately, it is called chaos! Only by sorting out all the three thousand avenues, and then putting them in the most suitable place and piecing them together, can this be the emperor." road."

The Demon Lord was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

But he knew one thing, Chu Yan seemed to be really powerful.

Suddenly, the Demon Lord looked at the Demon Ancestor.

Today he discovered that his ancestor seemed to know more than he thought.

But so is the thought.

This is the Demon Ancestor, the being who led the demon race to survive the catastrophe of the era.

Demon Ancestor suddenly said: "You can take a look at Chu Yan's next battle and learn from it. It may be helpful to you."

"As for the Purge's set of skills... don't worry about it. It's not suitable for us, and the borrowed power will never belong to you and will never be practical."

The Demon Lord nodded.

Then, he looked down at the battlefield.

At this time, he was also a little curious.

Does Chu Yan have the ability to defeat the purple robe in front of him?

Purple Robe... is no longer simple. His combat power has far exceeded the so-called supreme level. Even the deputy palaces of the gods and demons are probably no match for him.

Chu Yan...can he really win?

Still just relying on passion.

On the battlefield.

After Chu Yan retreated, his expression was solemn.

He just has an idea now.


Really strong!

He had seen the golden robe, but at that time he had been subdued by the immortal elders, so he didn't have a very intuitive feeling.

But the current purple robe put a huge pressure on him.

It seems like there is a mountain of 10,000 tons on my back.

The purgers immediately relaxed when they saw the purple robe.

On the other side, it was just the opposite. Aomori, including Lord Blood, all looked worried.

Lord Xue was still shaking his head desperately and crying: "Let's go, let's go!"

Chu Yan moved for a moment, then suddenly looked at Blood Lord and chuckled: "Xue Lady, don't worry, I will take you home soon."

Zipao sneered: "Go home? You'd better go back to the underworld first."


Suddenly, a terrifying arrogance surged out of his body, making him look like a tiger descending from the mountain.

Some people always say that a tiger going up the mountain is not scary because it is full and not murderous.

But once you encounter a tiger coming down the mountain, you really have to run as far as you can.

Because they were going down the mountain to look for food.

At this time, Zipao was like a tiger descending from the mountain.

However, as soon as the purple robe erupted, Chu Yan was unceremonious. He spread his palms and let out a loud sword!

God Sword.

Immediately, a series of golden mark totems began to flash between his eyebrows, and then each mark turned into a special power, constantly wrapping Chu Yan's body.

Everyone in the divine court was shocked when they saw this.

"Is this...a god?"

"Are they all gods?"

"Wo Cao, how many gods does he have?"

"That's...the Shura God! As expected, the Shura God died in your hands." Xingjun growled.

Chu Yan didn't pay attention at all.

People in Shenting were wondering why Chu Yan could have so many gods at the same time.

Doesn’t it mean that one person can only control one kind of god?

The Divine Ancestor looked at it and said sadly: "The world is unfair! Forget about humans, are even the gods so snobbish now?"

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