Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6097 Under siege

Yes, snobbery!

At this moment, the gods between Chu Yan’s brows looked like snobbery to the ancestor of the gods!

Others may not be able to understand the choices of these gods, but as the ancestor of the Divine Court, he also led the Divine Race to persist in existence after the fall of the era. He himself is the king of the Divine Court.

He has a deeper understanding of all gods.

He could even hear the voices of these gods...

At this time, a chirping sound came from his ears...

It was the gods in Chu Yan's eyebrows, all of them, like the little ladies competing to eat, crowded there desperately. It seemed that whoever could grab the best position could become the empress of the palace. .

The Shura God burst out with divine power, blessing Chu Yan with a layer of Shura power, and then showed off with a look on his face.

But before it even started, the god of swordsmanship showed off his divine power, and coupled with his familiarity with the Celestial Sword, he coated the Celestial Sword with a terrifying golden light, making the Celestial Sword suddenly sharper.

"What a crime...!!!"

The Divine Ancestor slapped his forehead.

On ordinary days, if a divine ancestor wants to get help from the gods, he has to make offerings like an uncle.

It's great when we get to Chu Yan, but all the gods are rushing to show off to others.


The ancestor of the gods had a look of despair.


At this time, the Divine Ancestor's eyebrows also flickered, making his face suddenly darker.

He looked at the golden god in his eyebrows who was eager to jump out with a dark face: "What? You also want to change the master?"

This golden god seemed different from the ordinary gods, but after shaking it from side to side, it turned out to be that way.

The Divine Ancestor sighed: "What kind of thing is this happening every day!"

On the other side, Demon Ancestor laughed so hard that he punched the ground when he saw this scene.

"Haha, hahaha..."

"That old boy of the Divine Ancestor, I'm afraid he never thought in his whole life that a god who was worshiped as a true god in his divine clan would actually be jealous of a boy."

However... before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped laughing!

Because at this time, a black totem suddenly appeared between his eyebrows, and he looked at Chu Yan curiously.

He looked like... Do you want me to take a look?

Demon Ancestor: "..."

Yes, the divine ancestors have gods, and the demon ancestors also have demon seals!

In fact, they are the same thing, just the spirit of the great road.

Chu Yan had learned before that the gods and demons equally divided the avenue of an era.

The gods are blessed by gods, so the demon ancestors cannot be weak, as these demon seals are.

The Demon Ancestor said to the Demon Lord with a dark face: "Look at our demon seals from now on and don't lose them."

The Demon Lord looked confused, but nodded anyway.


Below, Chu Yan's blessing is getting stronger and stronger.

Gods don’t count.

At this time, he waved his arms, and Dao patterns of seven colors appeared all over his body.

Like seven colorful dragons surrounding Chu Yan.


After doing everything, he looked up at the purple robe opposite and said with a ferocious smile: "Come here, you bitch!"

Zipao narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "Boy, I will soon make you understand what life is worse than death!"

In an instant, the purple robe disappeared in a flash and took the initiative to kill Chu Yan.

Chu Yan immediately clenched his fists, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Even though he was full of firepower, he still didn't dare to be careless.

This is a purple robe!


The next second, the war started!

Zipao rushed in front of Chu Yan and punched him. Almost instantly, Chu Yan sidestepped and dodged, and then a sword flower emerged from the God Sword in his hand.

Under the sword flower, countless sword marks were left, and then all of these sword marks seemed to come alive, and the swords stabbed towards the purple robe like thousands of swords returning to the clan.

Zipao snorted coldly, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and a special golden light shield was born around him. Then one of his hands turned into a dragon claw and grabbed Chu Yan's throat.

Chu Yan didn't dare to be careless because he felt the danger in the dragon's claws.

You know, he is now driving the Overlord Body, which means that the attack power of Zipao has the opportunity to threaten the Overlord Body.

Chu Yan did not choose to resist forcefully.

It stands to reason that he now has the Yin and Yang Dao Marks and can withstand a blow from the purple robe. If he takes this opportunity to change his moves, he will definitely gain a lot.

But he didn't.

Although it was useful to change his moves, he was even confident that he could kill this purple robe directly when the purple robe was careless.

The problem is...this purple robe is not the only one coming to be purged.

Chu Yan clearly saw that there were four more people around Zhui Ri.

Change your moves... at most one of them will die.

Taking a step back, if the Yin and Yang Dao patterns each blocked the attack of one purple robe, then only two of them could be replaced at most. What to do with the remaining three?

Changing moves... is a sure-fire trick.

What Chu Yan has to do now is to polish himself bit by bit.

Fortunately, he discovered one thing. After Zhui Ri asked one purple robe to take action, the other four purple robes did not take action.

I don't know if he wanted to observe Chu Yan intentionally or because of the so-called pride of the strong, but no matter what, it was a good thing for Chu Yan.

Otherwise, with one against five, he is definitely no match now, so he might as well just break through and forget it!


It’s not time yet!

Purge, is there really no golden robe coming?

He doesn't believe it!

Now all he had to do was delay.

Bang bang bang!

The two sides were on the verge of breaking out, and they exchanged thousands of moves.

After the two of them took action, they also used ruthless attacks, all of which were killing moves.

No one would deliberately retain this level unless they no longer wanted to live.

Zipao kept taking action, but he was also surprised in his heart: "Boy, you are stronger than I thought."

Chu Yan smiled evilly: "You are a little weaker than I thought."

Zipao snorted coldly: "Are you still stubborn now?"


A punch was thrown, and Chu Yan tried to block it with his sword, but he and his sword flew a thousand meters away. But as soon as he stopped, the purple robe approached again.

At this time, Chu Yan lowered his head and glanced at the long sword in his hand, and suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Your strength... is not quite right."

Zipao frowned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan was silent and did not speak.

Because he couldn't see through it, he just felt that the purple robe was very powerful, but very frivolous...

It feels like, not very familiar?

Yes, proficiency is not enough.

Otherwise, the combat effectiveness of this purple robe should be stronger.

The purple robe now makes Chu Yan feel like a child carrying a huge peerless sword.

The sword is a good sword, but the purple robe is not powerful enough and is very clumsy to use.

"What's going on?"

Chu Yan was curious, but Zipao didn't give him a chance to think.

Kill again.

However, when he took action again, Zipao's face turned gloomy.

Because he discovered one thing, Chu Yan seems to be stronger than before?

At least from the initial suppression, the two sides are now even.

Chu Yan even had a faint intention of gaining the upper hand.

Above, Demon Ancestor looked at it and suddenly said: "He has adapted."

The Demon King was confused: "What do you mean?"

"The battle with the purple robe."

Demon Ancestor sighed: "What a genius! In just a few thousand moves, he has figured out the fighting method of Zipao and adapted to the battlefield! Is this kind of person born to fight?"

Demon Lord also discovered that Chu Yan became more comfortable in this battle.

It was also at this moment that Zipao got close again and punched Chu Yan.

Faced with this punch, Chu Yan did not hide. Instead, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Zipao's punch with his palm.

Chu Yan then let out a muffled groan.

This punch is still very strong.

Ask him to take a few steps back.

But then, Chu Yan suddenly laughed ferociously: "You bitch, you've exposed your flaw."

Zipao's eyes changed, but just when he was thinking about how Chu Yan would attack...

Suddenly, Chu Yan moved his head forward and bumped into Zipao in an extremely rough way.


The two heads hit each other directly.


But then a pitiful scream was heard.

Purple robe.

He covered his head and flew out, blood flowing down his face.

This time, Chu Yan almost smashed his head!

Zipao looked at Chu Yan in shock.

Chu Yan sneered: "Although I don't know what tricks you purgers are doing, it seems that these powers do not belong to you! But it is also true that although you have borrowed power, your bodies are too weak. ”

Yes, the physical body is the defect of the Clearer.

On the contrary, the physical body is Chu Yan's greatest advantage.

Even compared with some of the demons who are best at the physical body, they are not as good as Chu Yan.

Chu Yan found a way to deal with Zipao. He rushed out and directly faced Zipao.

Close quarters, hand-to-hand combat.

One punch.

Zipao's eyes shrank and he also punched.


The two fists collided, and the sound of explosion sounded. The surrounding space directly shattered and opened a huge black hole, and a thick layer of dust was rolled up on the ground a thousand meters below the two people.

But the next second...


With a scream, Zipao's arm shattered into pieces and hung down directly from his waist.

This isn't over yet.

The moment Chu Yan retracted his fist, one foot had already been kicked out.

At this moment, he just wants to use his own strength to fight against the flaws of the purple robe, his physical body!

Zipao's eyelids jumped, but the distance between the two was too close, and it was obviously impossible to dodge, so he could only grit his teeth and fight back.


The next second, the sound of bone cracking resounded throughout the world.

One of Zipao's legs is broken!

Immediately, Chu Yan wanted to take action.

But Zipao immediately roared: "Do you still want to watch? Do you have to wait until I am beaten to death?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Purge turned gloomy.

Falling Sun also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Chu Yan already possesses the combat power of Purple Robe.

But he couldn't figure out how Chu Yan did it?

The self-centered approach is wrong, and the upper limit is only the supreme level.

He didn't understand, but he knew that he couldn't let Zipao die, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

Soon, Zhui Ri turned around and looked at the other four purple robes, and said in a deep voice: "Take action, let's go together!"

The four purple-robed men frowned slightly. Obviously, they felt that this was a bit shameless.

Zhui Ri gritted his teeth and said: "You guys think about it, take down Chu Yan, it's a great achievement. When you go back, everyone can upgrade to a color, and you can get the golden robe skill! On the contrary, the Holy Lord is furious, can you withstand this result?" ?”

The expressions of the four purple-robed men changed slightly, and then they disappeared in a flash.

Chu Yan was still grabbing the purple robe in front of him and beating him, but his expression suddenly changed, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

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