Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1000

Cold sky ice bear doesn't care what Qi Tianyu says. Cold sky ice bear has a strong sense of territory. For thousands of years, all the creatures who have strayed into the sea of flowers have been killed by cold sky ice bear. Just look at the thick layer of bones on the ground.

Now, in the face of invading Qi Tianyu's territory, these ice bears will not be soft handed.

Seeing that the ice bear didn't eat his own way in the cold weather, Qi Tianyu had to bring up the golden sword to meet him.

Looking at the cold sky ice bears rushing towards him, Qi Tianyu was a little dizzy by the patterns on the cold sky ice bears.

It seems that the patterns on these ice bears can not only prove that they are the overlord of the flower sea, but also can be used to psychede and distract their opponents.

In the face of the ice bear who has already adapted to the environment of the flower sea, Qi Tianyu did not dare to be careless. Let your eyes look away as far as possible, not to see the bright pattern on the ice bear in cold weather.

With the approaching of ice bear in cold weather, the temperature around Tianyu suddenly became piercing cold, which made Qi Tianyu shiver. If it wasn't for the strange fire of heaven and earth, Qi Tianyu would have been frozen into a piece of ice.

In this short moment, the ice bear blasted out a large piece of ice and snow out of thin air. In the ice and snow, there were endless murders.

"Lying trough, that's too damn fierce." Qi Tianyu fiercely launched the shackles of the human body at his feet, and his body dodged the blow.

Qi Tianyu dodged the attack of ice bear several times. In the eyes of ice bears in cold weather, this is undoubtedly a naked provocation.

In cold weather, the ice bear was furious and yelled at his back. Suddenly, several ice bears who had been watching in the rear ran straight to Qi Tianyu.

"I'll go, damn it." Qi Tianyu couldn't help complaining in his heart. One or two ice bears said that there was not much chance of victory in Qi Tianyu's heart because of so many ice bears' riots.

Qi Tianyu turned around, and the golden sword in his hand had been straight to his nearest ice bear.

Although the ice bear is huge in size, it has excellent flexibility. At the moment when Qi Tianyu's golden Battle Sword cuts to the ice bear, the ice bear has stretched out its huge hairy bear paw and cuts to Qi Tianyu's golden Battle Sword.

In cold weather, ice bear's thick paw, with sharp palm wind, cleaves Qi Tianyu's golden sword.


A huge sound of collision came from the collision between the golden sword and bear's paw. A strong anti earthquake force shook Qi Tianyu and cold sky ice bear back and forth.

Qi Tianyu's right hand holding the golden sword even slightly trembled, but it was obvious that the ice bear was not so good in the cold weather.

Qi Tianyu took the golden sword in his left hand and gently threw down his right arm. He felt OK now. No matter how strong the ice bear's ability is in cold weather, it's just that he can use brute force.

However, it is obvious that these ice bears will not make Qi Tianyu any better. After escorting their leader to the rear, several ice bears attack Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu's face was frozen. He took out the bone soldiers from the xuanhuang Tianbei. The golden sword and the bone soldiers attacked and defended, and went straight to the cold bears.

Qi Tianyu's golden sword and bone soldiers constantly collide with the attack of ice bear.

Although it was more than a dozen, Qi Tianyu didn't fall behind for a while.

"This human friar is strange. Although he is only the cultivation of the eighth order, why can he do so many moves under our hands without any damage?"

Not far away, the leader of the cold sky ice bear who had just fallen in Qi Tianyu's hands, squinted at Qi Tianyu coldly.

Originally thought it was just a friar who didn't know how to die. Now it seems that this person is not as simple as it seems.

At this time, the inside of the bear's paw in the cold weather is still aching, which can't make much strength.

This cold day ice bear did not expect that it was just a human friar who looked strange and unattractive, and there was so strong power in his body.

"Chief, what are the recent days? Why do some human friars always set foot here?"

"That is to say, we have lived in this sea of flowers for thousands of years at least. There were no human friars before. Recently, there are one and two problems. Is there anything to happen

The other two bears guarding the leader of the cold sky ice bear chirped.

On a cold day, the leader of Ice Bear looked a little gloomy. This sea of flowers is the result of all the hardships of the ice bears. No one is allowed to touch it.

Although Qi Tianyu was in the middle of the battlefield, he could hear the conversation clearly.

Qi Tianyu raised his eyebrows. Could the human friars mentioned in the mouth of these ice bears be Tang Yiyue and Chen Yuxin.

There was no time to think about it. The attack of ice bear in cold weather came to Qi Tianyu.Qi Tian started the power of human shackles under his feet and kept dodging. He dodged a long distance.

"I said that you big guys are unreasonable. I didn't want to come to the flower sea. I just accidentally entered here. Can you force me so hard?"

Qi Tianyu yelled at the ice bears around him, but he was thinking about how to get more useful words from these ice bears.

"Don't be cheated by this guy's sweet words. Don't forget that the human friar is very crafty. He can't beat us any more. He must be afraid to make excuses like this."

"That is, who knows if this guy has secretly informed other human friars to come here. If you let this guy go, I'm afraid there will be endless trouble in the future..."

All the cold days of ice bear talk, is not put Qi Tianyu words in the eye.

Qi Tianyu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. How could these ice bears live in such an isolated sea of flowers, but they are so smart that they can't get oil and salt.

The changeable look on Qi Tianyu's face. In the eyes of ice bears in these cold days, it seems that Qi Tianyu is guilty. It's obvious that Qi Tianyu is the only one who has been torn down by them.

"In any case, you can't let this guy go today. Brothers, let me kill him..."


In a flash, several ice bears attacked Qi Tianyu again.

Qi Tianyu wants to cry without tears. It seems that if he doesn't give these ice bears a little pain today, he will not be able to do good.

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