With the golden sword in hand, no matter what big changes happen, Qi Tianyu can react in the first time and kill the opponent.

There are still endless crying around, like to disturb Qi Tianyu's mind, so that Qi Tianyu can't be quiet, but Qi Tianyu is still unmoved, vigilant looking at everything around.

Crying sound and image have the power to penetrate the spirit. If you don't pay attention, the mind will fall into it.

Qi Tianyu's face was dignified, and he released his unique spirit, which kept countless crying voices away from the outside world.

A quarter of an hour later, the world was quiet again. There was no sound, but Qi Tianyu always felt that something was wrong.

"Turning heaven and earth into a cage is clearly an array, but why is it an array arranged by fierce beasts?" Qi Tianyu's Benming rune is finally aware of the power of the array.

It's just that the power of this array is not the same as that of the usual array, because it's an array arranged by fierce beasts. Although it has something in common with the array arranged by human friars, it's actually two completely different arrays.

If you want to break the fierce beast's array, you need to observe the problem from the point of view of the fierce beast. Qi Tianyu's golden sword is buzzing, and the array forces are constantly impacting each other's array forces.

Human friars pay attention to the power of the five elements array, but fierce beasts pay attention to the power of nature, so Qi Tianyu has only noticed the array they set up until now.

The power of the five elements can be found in a regular way, but the power of nature is too messy to be found in a regular way.

Qi Tianyu empties his mind, forgets the power of the five elements, and allows himself to completely integrate with the power of nature. Benming rune is constantly changing, and the subtle Rune inside is constantly rotating.

There are broken swords and red horn dolls around. Qi Tianyu doesn't have to worry about the power of the array attacking him.

An hour later, Qi Tianyu finally knew something about the fierce beast's array.

This array is to stimulate the lust of the fierce beast and let the fierce beast play its most primitive power. However, for the human friars, this array shields the friars' senses.

Qi Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief. At last, he could see something in front of his eyes. The power of the array was all around him. Qi Tianyu carefully carried the golden sword and cracked the fierce beast's array with the power of the human friars.

After the array was broken, Qi Tianyu looked around and saw that the ground was full of ruins bombed out by him with his martial arts.

"It seems that I have to be cautious in the future. It's my bad luck that such a big movement didn't attract the fierce beast." Qi Tianyu was relieved and remembered this place in his heart.

Around Qi Tianyu, it seems like a sea of flowers. In the sea of flowers, Qi Tianyu is like a code word, and each petal is as big as an airplane, blocking the sky and the sun.

"What is this place? What's the matter with them, Tang Yiyue? " Qi Tianyu was very anxious, but he couldn't do anything.

as like as two peas in the equinox flower, Qi Tianyu's flower petals in the flower sea are very fast. They are very interested in Qi's life. They are extending their tentacles to Qi Tianyu, just like the flowers on the Bank of Huang Quan road.

"What's my luck?" With a wry smile, Qi Tianyu took out the golden sword from the bone of the sword, released a thousand swords, and cut down countless plants in an instant.

When the plant falls, it directly blows the dust and fierce animals on the ground to the sky.

For a moment, all the flowers were quiet, and countless vines began to move and grow. One by one, they continued to spread, forming a circle around Qi Tianyu.

Like building a grotto, it encircles Qi Tianyu in the middle, and the vines rotate constantly, completely closing Qi Tianyu in a sealed space.


Qi Yu frowned.

Around the sparse sound constantly, in these vines, it seems to be growing something, Qi Tianyu looked carefully, the vines actually grow flowers, each flower with a big mouth, stretched out to Qi Tianyu.

"I remember huokemu. I don't know if you want to try the burning feeling." Qi Tianyu chuckled.

Originally, Qi Tianyu wanted to use the land line to go underground, but in the underground, the roots of countless vines would be more terrible.

Qi Tianyu released a strange fire of yin and Yang, and the growing flowers around him suddenly stopped, as if they were afraid of Qi Tianyu.

But all of a sudden, the vine trembled again. From top to bottom, it began to rain, and it was corrosive rain.

Qi Tianyu's face coagulated. He opened the only divine orifice, and the fire spirit jumped out of the xuanhuang Tianbei, just like a fire breathing baby, constantly spouting out the inner earth fire.

In Qi Tianyu's palm, there were also wisps of yin and Yang strange fire, which quickly ran to the vines. In a short time, the corrosive rain also turned into water drops and was burned more vigorously.

On Qi Tianyu's hands, a huge flame kept gathering.

"Huoling, wait a moment, you just spray fire in front of us. This vine grows faster than it burns. We need to go out first." Qi Tianyu said."Good!" Huoling looks excited and thinks that he is playing with fire. He doesn't know that he and Qi Tianyu are at a critical moment.

If the vines fill the space, they can't escape any more. Qi Tianyu has just tried, but the sword Qi doesn't work for these vines.

Qi Tianyu's heart moved. The power of the human shackles under his feet opened, and the whole person suddenly shot forward. The strange fire of yin and Yang and the fire spirit opened the way above his head. Qi Tianyu's whole person was like drilling a hole and ran to the outside world.

Qi Yu has been trying to run out of the sky, but now he is trapped in the sea.

What makes Qi Tianyu feel relieved is that although there are countless white bones in the sea of flowers, there is no spirit of Tang Yiyue and Chen Yuxin, which proves that they are not trapped here.

Qi Tianyu was thinking, suddenly, a huge ice bear came face to face, straight to him.

There are countless strange patterns on the bear, just like the overlord of the flower sea.

In the sea of flowers, hundreds of ice bears with patterns on their bodies come out and run in the direction of Qi Tianyu to encircle him.

"Cold ice bear is the overlord of this sea of flowers? OK, brother, I'm wrong, OK? " Qi Tianyu wants to cry, but he doesn't want to fight at all. He just wants to find out Tang Yiyue and Chen Yuxin.

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