Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2281

Mufang city and Shangling city have a very good relationship. They can even be said to be two cities that can be entrusted to each other. It is said that even the first city owners of the two cities were a family, and the two brothers occupied a piece of land respectively, and then developed.

In the process of the development of the two cities, people constantly shuttle between the two cities, and the two cities often marry each other. Therefore, in the long river, the two cities are not alienated from each other, but are getting closer and closer.

This is the reason why the families in the two cities have a very good relationship. Many years ago, they were probably the same family.

However, this matter gradually changed later, and the reason for the change was that Qi Tianyu knew it before.

About thousands of years ago, a group of people suddenly appeared. When they first appeared, they did not attract any attention. After all, although there are many acquaintances between the two cities, there will be strangers occasionally, so people only think they are passers-by and never pay attention to them.

However, no one thought that these people were becoming more and more powerful in the two cities, even catching up with the major families in the two cities. It was not until then that the two cities began to pay attention to these people. Moreover, we found that the time when these people appeared in the two cities was almost the same, and there was no difference in what they did in the two cities.

They usually do some business, but more importantly, they gather some people who are very interested in martial arts and try to teach them some magic.

At that time, the residents of mufang city and Shangling city were very simple. When they saw that these people were doing these things, although they still had some doubts about their origins, they gradually accepted them because of what they were doing. After all, for them, if someone could teach their next generation of magic, these people should be good.

This situation has been kept for a period of time. During that time, more and more people in the two cities began to learn magic, and achieved a certain degree of cultivation results. Naturally, more and more people would like to practice it.

So after a period of time, these people are becoming more and more popular in the two cities. Wherever they go, there will be residents who will spontaneously send them some things, hoping that they can accept themselves and let themselves practice the magic.

If things go on like this, it will be a good thing. However, things are not like this. On the contrary, after a period of time, they began to stop their original teaching. When the residents were talking about it, they announced the next thing.

This group of people decided to hold a competition in two cities. This competition will select the people who are better at mathematics or have better qualifications in recent years, and then they will focus on training these people.

After all, it's better to let some people with better qualifications practice more deep-seated magic than to gather all the people together to practice magic. This is a good thing for both cities.

In other words, a curiosity that might have existed, or a chance to drive those people out of the city, was abandoned.

As expected, the competition started as scheduled. Those who have practiced magic recently in the competition showed themselves very hard. Finally, some people were recognized by the people there.

However, no one thought that those people should take away the people they recognized. According to them, they want to take them to places with deep spiritual power to help them practice, so that they can quickly become high-class practitioners.

But as some native people in these two cities, how can they agree so easily and leave like this?

In this way, the matter fell into a deadlock, and almost no one was willing to leave with them. It seemed that those people really had no choice but to be silent for a period of time.

Until the city's several aristocratic families suddenly stand out, have expressed their support for this group of people, take their city residents to leave.

"Why? Why do you agree for us? If so, what should we do if you send out all the children in our family? " People in the city have even protested against several aristocratic families. After all, these are their own children. If they are sent away, not only the safety of the children can not be guaranteed, but also their family life will be affected.

Instead of suppressing by force, several aristocratic families put up notices to inform all the residents. However, those who were selected in this competition can return to their hometown in ten years if they want. In the process of these years, every family with children sent away will get help from others, even subsidies from some aristocratic families. After these children come back from there, they can directly take up some important positions in these aristocratic families. If they are taken away by the children in these aristocratic families, they can even come back to take over the head of the family directly.

Once such an order was released, the people below immediately agreed. After all, although the people there were not credible, these aristocratic families had been in the city for thousands of years, which was very credible. Therefore, the residents still trusted what they said. If the children were allowed to go there to learn skills, they could get some money from their families Xi, the future of the children will be brighter after they come back. Why not.After this event, all families are very happy to have their children take part in the competition and are selected. The selected families will be proud of it.

Of course, this incident did not affect the relationship between the two cities until we learned that, for some reason, this kind of competition was later abandoned in mufang city and held only in Shangling city. Since then, the relationship between the two cities has been deteriorating. Until now, there is almost no communication.

"Master, it doesn't make sense. Why did it happen? Why did all the great families agree to this and help the people there? And why is this competition held in only one city? " Qi Tianyu listened to each other's explanation, but he couldn't figure it out any more. What is all this for?

"It's still the responsibility of our family. Although I don't know whether it's right or wrong until now, I can only tell you that the people over there don't hold competitions here, not because they gave up our mufangcheng, but because several very powerful families of our family have united to resist the people over there and refuse him We're going to have competitions on our side Chen Wu gave a reason that Qi Tianyu had never thought of.

"What? What the hell are you doing? It was you who agreed before, and it was you who opposed later. What do you want to do? " Qi Tianyu can't sit still any more. There is something wrong with it.

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