Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2282

"It's another thing. It's because of one of the people who came back." It seems that Chen Wu hasn't mentioned it for a long time, so when he mentioned it, he suddenly fell into the memory.

"That's my grandfather, and it's just the head of every family who knows about it. At that time, we were also proud to win the competition and go to that place. But one day, one of the people who went to that place came back. He was seriously injured. The first sentence when he came back was that we should never send people to that place. He lost too much blood and passed out without saying a few words. We called all the good doctors and failed to cure him. Since then, everyone in our city has been firmly opposed to going to that competition again

"Is it just a few words from a man who escaped halfway?" Qi Tian felt that this was too arbitrary. He always felt that Chen Wu was hiding something from him.

"That's all I know. You don't have to doubt anything. I've told you everything. Since you have the zhenhunzhu of the Xu family in your hand, you must have been entrusted by them. I hope you can get them back. " It seems that Chen Wu won't reveal anything any more. Qi Tianyu thinks that kissing again has no effect.

"Well, we'll talk about these things in the future. If you believe me, lend me the other bead in your hand, and I'll give it back to you when I bring them back."

"This..." Chen Wu still doesn't trust this strange person, but the Xu family gave Qi Tianyu all the zhenhunzhu, which should be a complete belief in him. Now he can't rashly go out to find his son, so it's fatal for him to make a big trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Wu decided to treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. He gritted his teeth and gave the bead to Qi Tianyu. "I hope you can do what you say, please."

Qi Tianyu just took a look at him. His eyes were complicated. After taking the bead, he pinched it and flew away.

With the interaction of the two beads, Qi Tian followed their instructions and soon arrived at a place. However, when he was about to get close, the beads seemed to feel something. They stood still and hovered around Qi Tianyu, as if warning him something.

Qi Tianyu put away the bead and looked at the distance it indicated. It turned out that it was a desert. Hundreds of meters outside mufang City, the lush trees seemed to have been cut off by human beings. What they connected was a desert.

This is what Xu Xi said about the desert at the junction of Fangmu city and Shangling city. From a distance, it looked like an endless sight. Qi Tianyu thought it was very strange. According to the distance between Fangmu city and Shangling City, it was impossible not to see the end. One possible explanation is that Qi Tianyu can feel the energy from the desert. The magnetic field is very different from other places.

It seems that this is the entrance of the rosefinch forbidden area. Qi Tianyu is very sure, but how dare Xu Chang and Shu Shu boldly go here? Are they not afraid of death? Qi Tianyu thinks Xu Chang is not brave enough.

But now is not the time to think about these, find the two people can make it clear, Qi Tianyu a flying moment to the edge of the desert.

Standing at the edge, Qi Tianyu could feel that the air in the two connected places was different. Although they were very hot, it seemed that the desert was drier.

Qi Tianyu took a step. As soon as he was about to collapse, he felt the two beads shaking violently in his arms, as if to take him away from this place.

This is a spirit thing. I think they also feel the power of this place. They feel that they will threaten themselves.

Qi Tianyu put the beads into the storage bag, restrained their agitation with spiritual power, and walked into the desert without hesitation.

As soon as he stepped in, Qi Tianyu felt uncomfortable all over. Originally, his feet should be soft sand, but now he felt hard.

Qi Tianyu held his breath and noticed all the changes around him.

However, the desert has a panoramic view. In the past, there was nothing but sand. After walking for a long time, Qi Tianyu didn't see Xu Chang and Shu.

This made Qi Tianyu a little flustered. The scene that beads showed just now seemed that they were injured and helped each other. Qi Tianyu thought carefully about the background he had just seen, and suddenly found that behind them were not endless deserts, but green vegetation.

Could it be that the bead had taken the wrong way? Qi Tianyu was a little flustered. When he was thinking about whether he should leave here, his feet suddenly softened and the land he was standing on began to collapse.

Qi Tianyu jumped up with great speed. This jump was more than ten meters. Looking down, the land he just stood on had completely collapsed, and a black black hole appeared. Qi Tianyu could not see what it was when he looked carefully, and the hole just seemed to have no end.

Qi Tianyu thought that he was not in a dreamland, but this scene reminded him that he might have been in a dreamland.

Qi Tianyu converged, stabilized his body and mind in midair, closed his eyes and tried to explore the surrounding dreamland in the nothingness.In the nothingness, Qi Tianyu felt that the air around him was not very dry, and he could hear the sound of water.

Qi Tianyu trembled in his heart. He was careless. He might have been in the dreamland from the beginning. Maybe he was confused by the dreamland when Pearl just stopped. This border is too strong, even can do so quietly to capture his mind, it is unusual.

Qi Tianyu felt the mirage, made a seal on his hand, put together his xuanhuang immortal body and Emperor Zun's body, and spread out his spiritual power to the surrounding area, shouting "break!".

In an instant, the surrounding time and space began to twist, the sand at the foot seemed to be alive, dancing everywhere, and the torn space began to dissipate. Slowly, the true appearance of this area was revealed.

Qi Tianyu opened his eyes and saw that everything just now was a mirage. In fact, the real place is the same as that of mufang city. The vegetation is luxuriant, and the dry feeling in the air disappears. Although it is hot, there is still moist water vapor.

Qi Tianyu was surprised when he got to this level. He was very curious about the present situation of the forbidden area. Maybe there were more emperors in it than he thought.

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