Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2436

They were talking in front, and Qi Tianyu was listening in the back. Although their voice was not big, Qi Tianyu's ear power could not be compared with that of ordinary people. What they said fell in his ears. Since this is his headquarters, should they follow in the past? If they found out, wouldn't they be in trouble? Now when Qi Tianyu is entangled, they have come to a place In front of the house in the farmyard, it was very hidden. At first glance, anyone felt that it was just an ordinary person's home. Those people swaggered into it.

Qi Tianyu didn't show up until they went in for a while. As soon as they entered the courtyard, they were bounced back by an invisible object. As expected, there was a border nearby. When Qi Tianyu took out Taiqing Tianjian and was ready to cut the array, there was a sudden sound inside.

He flashed to the woods nearly ten meters away from here and hid in the tree. He saw the short man he had just followed came out, and his mouth was still murmuring, "Hey, I heard something just now, why there was no one?"

He looked around. Qi Tianyu hid behind the thick leaves and didn't let him find out. Then the tall man came out and said, "what are you talking about here? Maybe it's a little rabbit, a little wild dog. Do you need to check here? If I don't say you, you're a man with a lot of troubles. "

"You know what? If someone comes in, I'll be very angry."

"I don't know who said just now that our strength is different from that of the people outside. In this case, how can we be followed by others? Relax. "

When the tall man said that, the short man's manner relaxed, but he still set up a new array around him, and then followed the tall man into the farmyard. Qi Tianyu admired the vigilance of these people. No wonder they were able to appear and disappear in the rosefinch forbidden area all the time without being noticed. The detection at any time and any place opened his eyes The world, know Qi Tianyu can't go in to explore what, Qi Tianyu turned away.

And at this time, in the farmyard. Through the front door of the hut, the two men went directly to the door of a dark stone room, where a huge rosefinch totem was carved. From the outside, it's impossible to see the layout inside. It's really unique. Looking at the vivid rosefinch totem, the tall man could not help sighing. "It's too old for him to think about anything."

"Don't talk too much in front of big brother. Just stand quietly and listen to my report."

"If you know, if you know, you can say it. I promise to shut up and not say a word more." The tall man glared at him discontentedly, but he didn't say anything. Two people took out a dark stone like thing from their storage bag and put it on the two eyes on the rosefinch totem. The door opened itself and they went in.

The layout inside is a little unsatisfactory. It's just a common secret room, a bed and a table. The elder brother they said was sitting at the table, drinking tea in boredom. When they saw them coming in, they didn't lift their eyes. They just pointed to the two seats next to them, so the two people sat down with interest.

The short man began to talk. "How are you doing, brother? Can I help you? "

"What can I do? I'm just passing the time. What about you? In recent days, you have spent more time outside than before. Is there anything interesting

The man hidden in the dark spoke, his voice was loud, but it was indistinct, so that people could understand what he was saying. It was like a broken vocal cord, like a radish. But these people under him had been used to the way of big brother's speech, and they understood what he was saying.

The tall man's expression is a little wrong, he is very nervous and afraid, "does big brother know something?"

The short man quietly stepped on the tall man under the table to remind him to pay attention, and the tall man immediately sat upright. The short man said to him with a smile, "big brother, nothing's wrong. Don't we just look for the things you said outside? It's just that this time I came to this city, it's very interesting. We've been playing here for a while. "

"It's up to you. I can't compare with you young people, but I can tell you to play and get down to business."

"I know. We're very cautious. We've been doing it all the time. Brother, you can rest assured." The short man and the tall man spoke at the same time. After hearing this, the man seemed to be very satisfied. He nodded slightly, picked up the tea on the cup again and began to drink, "if there is nothing else, you can go."

The tall man was stunned for a while. He didn't know if he should tell his elder brother about the strange place they went to recently, but the short man immediately said, "well, let's go first. Brother, we'll see you again in a few days. " Then he took the tall man away from the stone room.

Out of the farmyard, the tall man broke away from the short man's hand, his face was a little bit bad. "You said what to report, but you didn't say anything. Although we can't say all about that, there are still some things that can be said. The place is very strange. There are so many powerful people in it. If the elder brother knows, he will be very happy I'm interested. ""Are you stupid? If this matter is exposed, elder brother will doubt why we go to such a place. It's better not to say anything. You can rest assured that no one knows. Elder brother hides in it every day, and he doesn't know anything about things outside. We're very easy to cheat. " The short man said triumphantly and went straight ahead.

But the tall man's face was very ugly. He couldn't pass the barrier in his heart. He stood still and looked at the door of the stone room for a while, but he left.

After returning home, he couldn't sleep and waited in his room for the men in black to come back. At dawn, the two men in black came back.

He ran out of his room and pretended to meet them. He was surprised and said, "Hey, two brothers, why did you come back from outside so early?"

The tall and the short are still laughing in their hearts. This silly boy is still acting with him in front of him. Forget it, don't tear him down. Let's see what he wants to do.

"Naturally, I don't have to report everything to you. Although you are the young master of your family, do you have to tell you everything after I collect your money?" Said the short man.

"No, no, you two misunderstood me. I didn't mean that, but didn't we make an appointment to go out together last time? No, I'm still talking about it. "

"Go out and play. Where are you going? I don't think you're a ragged city. It's so hot. " Tall people are interested.

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