Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2437

"You don't know. Where hasn't one or two distinctive ones? Although our mufangcheng has little money and simple people, all the girls in it are very smart. Haven't you seen them all these days? "

Speaking of the tall man, he came to the spirit. His eyes lit up and he asked, "you're right. I haven't been here long. I see that your maids are really more and more beautiful, just like a Muggle. They don't talk much about how funny they are."

"Brother, you said that. They are all serious girls. Naturally, they don't want to talk to you, but there are many people here who are willing to serve you and amuse you. I just don't know if you are interested in hanging out with me. " In any case, the statement belongs to the children of the rich family and the aristocratic family. Although he is not interested in these places of entertainment, he knows more or less. Since the tall man is so interested in this aspect, he naturally has to give in to what he likes, so that he can take them out.

The tall man hardly hesitated, so he nodded and agreed. He was bored to death here. Chen Wu paid them money, but he didn't let them go out. Hiding them like anything every day made him feel bored. Now that he had this opportunity, he should go out.

However, the short man didn't agree. "We'd better not run out. If Chen Wu knows, he'll nag. Although I'm not afraid of him, I'm afraid of him. Simple things have to be said several times. Don't be boring. Just stay in the house."

"If you don't want to go out, I'll go by myself and ask my brothers if they want to go with me." Then the tall man went to call his brothers. After a while, more than half of the people in black jumped out.

The short man looked at his heart, but he didn't say anything. He waved his sleeve and went back to his room. Seeing that the second in command was not happy, the men in black who were ready to be did not know whether to start or not. The tall man gave them a slap and said, "you see what he looks like. I'm your elder martial brother. If there's anything, I'll carry it and go."

Hearing his elder martial brother's words like this, other people in black naturally have no opinions. They are about to leave happily. The statement quickly said, "guys, wait a minute. You can't just go out in this way. Your dress will frighten people."

Dressed in black paint and wrapped tightly, this mufangcheng is really a strange scenery. After all, the scorching heat makes all the people in mufangcheng wear very little.

The tall man hesitated when he heard this sentence. They didn't want to dress like this on purpose, but they really didn't want to show up. They all looked strange and ugly. He could see them like this. These brothers all took off their arms and scared the girls away.

So the tall man said, "it doesn't matter. How do you like to wear it? Can you still use it? Don't be so fussy. Take us with you. "

The statement saw that they were so insistent that they didn't dare to persuade them any more. They led them to the outside of Chen's house together. Such a huge momentum didn't affect Chen Wu. He was still sleeping there. He didn't think that his son, who was always on his own, would do such things.

When he walked out of the door, while the people in black didn't pay attention, he handed a note to the guard he had bought, winked at him, and the guard walked away with a deep understanding. So he relaxed and took those people to the best sales nest in the city.

The statement took them to turn left and right into a small alley. The tall man thought he was still playing with them. What could be in such an ordinary alley?

But I didn't expect to walk into it for a short time, a fragrance would come to my nostrils. On both sides of the alley are decorated restaurants. On the windowsill, at the door, there were women dressed in cool clothes, scratching their heads and smiling at them.

These Negroes immediately lost their minds and could not wait to get inside. The statement immediately stopped them and said, "these are just ordinary goods. Come with me, brother. There are better things in them."

"Seriously." One person's saliva is about to flow out. He stares at the naked belly and arms of the ladies. For the first time, I began to appreciate the hot temperature of Fangmu city. Even if they want the high temperature to last forever, these girls will no longer have to wear those complicated fabrics.

"Of course, brother, come on." The statement took them to the third from the bottom of the alley. This is a bigger brothel. The decoration in it is very noble and elegant. It is different from those ordinary brothels. On the contrary, it has more scholarly atmosphere.

But the people in black didn't like it, and some dissatisfied people said, "what kind of dress is this? Is it difficult that all the ladies in this room can only play and sing for us? "

"Brother, you don't know. This is the most famous brothel in mufang city. All the girls in it are the best. I promise you won't be disappointed." The statement led the group of people just ready to go in, a bustard swayed his waist and rushed over, said with a smile, "isn't this Mr. Chen? What brings you here? Fast forward, fast forward, ouch, with so many people. Mr. Chen, it's the first time that you take care of my business"Stop talking nonsense and call me all your best girls."

"Good, good, no problem, but those girls are accompanying the guests now, or you will wait a little longer."

"Wait for what!" The man yelled at the back, which made the boss pale. She leaned to the ear of the statement and said, "Mr. Chen, where do these people come from? Aren't you afraid to cover the rash with these strange clothes? "

"Where do you get so many words? Give me the money and I'll give it to you now." Then he took out some medium spirit stones from his pocket and put them into the hands of the procuress. This is a big hand. The boss's face suddenly bloomed and said with a smile, "OK, guys, please come in. I'll call someone here."

The boss went to call people, took a look at the layout of the whole brothel, and led them to a fairly prominent position. The tall man was a little dissatisfied, "this man can see everything, and when he wants to do something, he won't be seen out."

"Don't worry, elder brother. No one dares to look at us. They all know who I am. Anyone who dares to look at me will dig out his eyes."

"It's the first time that you've heard your cruel words. It's the little Lord, but it's different." Tall people talk sour, they are all desperado, otherwise they will not do these things for the sake of a few money, some people are different, they have everything in their life, even if they are nothing, they can still hold a firm position without any ability, which is not like them.

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