Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2453

After he was locked up, he naturally hated his father's obstinacy. If his father repented immediately, he might be able to find a way to save his father's life. However, if his father persisted in his obstinacy, his father would almost die. Although he and his father had different ideas, after all, his father taught him to grow up, and if he let himself look at his father If you die in the hands of the other party, you really can't do it yourself.

"Little Lord, little Lord, I've come to deliver food to you. You can come to the door and pick it up." Chen Wu's voice came from the yard outside.

He didn't want to talk to each other at all. After all, he was once again under house arrest by his father, and he couldn't do anything. Originally, he wanted to save his father only by relying on his contribution to the other side, but now it seems that the family is really going to end.

"Young master, you can come out and take it. No matter how you eat, there will be solutions to your worries. But as long as you take good care of your body, this family will depend on you after all." Chen Wu has been with his young master since childhood. If anyone has the best relationship with his young master, he can nod his head and admit that he is himself. But now, seeing that his family has such a body that treats him badly, Chen Wu can only be miserable, but he can't do anything. After all, he is just a boy, and nothing can help him My Lord.

"Chen Wu, why do you think my father is like this? Although our family is not one of the best, it's also good. Why can't my father keep his present state? Why does he have to do something strange? The key thing for him to do is not to achieve it through his own hard work, but through some deviant ways. It is clear that I have told him today that the strength of the other party can not be underestimated. Even the group of people in black he relies on have failed, but my father doesn't believe what I said. What do you think I should do? "

The statement was originally intended to be undertaken by one person. After all, no one could understand what they said to the outside people, but now they are trapped in this small room, and no one can communicate with them, so they can't help saying something to the outside guys.

"Young master, although I don't understand what you mean, you should believe in yourself. As long as you work hard, you can get the result you want." Chen Wu didn't know how to persuade him. After all, he didn't know anything about it and couldn't help at all.

"You said why my father didn't believe what I said, then why was he so stubborn? Obviously, I have told him that those people in black have failed, but he firmly believes that as long as he gives more money, those black people can continue to work for him and defeat each other. Isn't it impossible The statement is not to let the outside people give their own advice. After all, they know exactly how powerful the outside people are. They just want to find someone to talk to.

"Young master, I don't know what you mean, but I think the master should be for the good of our whole family, or for your own good. After all, you are the only son of the master. Even if the master is hurting anyone, he won't hurt you." After all, they grew up here. People here are pretty good to themselves, so they don't want Father and son to quarrel.

"I'm afraid that what my father wants to give me is not what I want at all. Even if he can do something great, am I so sure that I will like those things? If compared, I hope our family will stay here safely, so I will be satisfied. " Statement can not help refuting the other side, after all, that kind of good is not their favorite.

"I don't understand what you said, young master. I only know that if my father is still there, I like whatever he gives me. And if I really don't like it, I will explain it to him. I believe my father will understand me." Chen Wu can only think and persuade by transposition.

"My father will really understand that it is impossible for us. My father has come to a dead end now. He doesn't hit the south wall, doesn't look back, doesn't cry when he doesn't see the coffin!" When he was a child, his father thought that he was possessed by the devil, but now he didn't want to make a statement at all.

"Young master, it's up to you. After all, the future of the family depends on you. Take good care of your body first. At least when you are in a desperate situation, you can take the responsibility of the whole family here." Chen Wu doesn't know so much about it. He just hopes that the young master can have a good meal and have a good rest. Only in this way can he do great things.

"Well, I don't eat when you are like this. You want to talk at my door all the time. Well, you give me your meal. Now go out and find out what's going on in my father's study. Do you want to see if those people in black have come back and what did my father say to those people in black? If you can listen to me clearly, I won't treat you badly in the future. Go quickly. " After all, the Chen family will be destroyed if they don't care about it at all."All right, young master. I'll go right now, but you must have a good meal. Otherwise, when I ask about it, you'll be hungry and faint next time you come back, and no one will listen to the news I ask about." After hearing the words inside, Chen Wu was very happy and ran out. After all, it would be bad for the young master to change his mind after a while.

The statement is secretly calculating the future direction in the room. Now it seems that those people in black and Qi Tianyu have already stood aside. Although they don't know what happened in detail, everyone knows the result. If so, the later things will be much simpler. It's a pity that father is stubborn, otherwise he will persuade his father.

Now let the people around you to inquire about the current development of things, and then decide how to cooperate with each other. Even if you protect your father, you must protect the whole family. It's your responsibility and obligation as the next generation owner of the family. Even if you can't satisfy your family, you must take up this responsibility, or you will lose your ancestors I can't even close my eyes when I die first.

I close my eyes and feel tired, but I can only solve these things.

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