Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2454

"Two heroes, we have seen the money and my sincerity. It's time for us to talk about the follow-up cooperation." Chen Wu just deliberately coughed and was directly ignored by the two people in front of him, so he no longer pretended to be polite and spoke directly, hoping to go straight to each other instead of playing Tai Chi.

"What goes on..." The tall man in black hasn't said a word since he came into the room, and he's already a little worried. After all, if the short man in black takes all the money back by himself after he goes back, if he has to take the big head, and he can only take the small head, then he's very uncomfortable, so he can only get into the hole and speak quickly, hoping that he can also play a role A little bit of it works.

But before the tall man in black finished his sentence, he was directly interrupted by the people in black around him: "that's the sincerity of your side. We've seen it. If you have any plans behind you, just tell them. Anyway, you have to change everything to this extent before you want us to do anything. As long as we do so, we can discuss everything."

When the short man in Black said this, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, as if he was really telling the truth.

"Second, you said..." The tall man in black retorted directly. After all, although he really didn't want to admit the new boss, he was so much more powerful than himself and his second brother. Even if he and his second brother didn't want to admit it, the new boss had no way. If he admitted the new boss, he could only act according to the new boss's orders. After all, the new boss was not like the old one Come on, boss.

Moreover, in the war just now, I have already seen that the other party's character is not as good as usual. If the other party catches his mistakes and punishes himself as before, he may really lose his life, so I can't help refuting the second person's words.

"I don't know what the hero wants to say. I think you've been trying to speak since just now. Is there anything hard to say? It doesn't matter. If you really have a problem, you can say it first. " Chen Wu is no longer nervous at this time. After all, the ability of these people in black is clear in his heart. Although his son and himself say that they have lost, from his own point of view, it may be just a process or a stratagem. You can't believe it, otherwise you may be trapped by the other party.

Judging from the current situation, the short man in Black said that he would continue to cooperate, which means that the short man in black certainly didn't take refuge with Qi Tianyu. As long as he kept the short man in black that day, those under his own hands would have a chance to win. As for the tall man in black, his subordinates It seems that there are not many people aware of it, so even if the tall man in black has something to disagree with, it's not a big problem.

"You're joking. I don't have any other problems. I just want money. As long as you give us enough money, we can say anything. But you know, if you bully us as before, we will not continue to cooperate with you in the future. We will even dig three feet of the ground in your house and take all the things we can I don't believe you can find us if you take away the gold and silver found

The short man in black is not saying this to help the tall man in black. It's just that he is outside now. In other people's eyes, he and his eldest brother are standing at the same end. If he really abandons the tall man in black, it may arouse other people's suspicion, so now he can only help the other side round the words.

"It's easy to say that what you want is money, but I'm poor now. You can take as much as you want. In this way, as long as we have a good cooperation, you can go to my basement and take as much as you want. In the future, we won't separate our families. As long as I have, it's equivalent to all you have, and you can take as much as you want I won't stand in my way. Is that ok? Are you satisfied? " Now Chen Wu can only rely on this way to win over the two people in front of him.

Chen Wu knows that the two people in front of him may have other employers or bosses besides himself. However, as long as he gives enough money, the two people in front of him depend on their wealth, so he will feel more secure at that time. After all, no one can afford such a high price except himself.

The tall man in black was overjoyed when he heard this sentence. He didn't remember what he wanted to say before. After all, he couldn't even count how much money he had in front of him. The whole basement was full of money. If it was really like what the other party said, he would have inexhaustible money all his life.

When the short man in black heard this, he was cold. After all, his desire for money was not less than that of the tall man in black. It was just that his heart was more crooked than that of the tall man in black, so he would not be so superficial.

"It's easy to say that you have shown so much sincerity. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask. Let's go to your basement to have a look. That's OK." The short man in black is too lazy to talk any more. He can't wait to see his money.Although Chen Wu had ordered his subordinates to take out all the money in his pants, how could he easily carry all the things in the basement, so the big head is still in the basement.

When Chen Wu saw the greedy look of the two men in front of him, he was more and more reluctant to eat. However, the face was still a scene. After all, only these two people love money so much can he be completely relieved. As long as they have enough money, they will never betray themselves.

"Two heroes, go now. Anyway, I don't have anything on my side. You are going to do it now." Chen Wu nodded. He didn't feel distressed at all. He was the only one who knew what he thought.

"Sure enough, we are the masters of a family. Sure enough, speaking is atmosphere. Let's go ahead and have a look. We will never do it this time. We will not do it until we finish the task you have assigned us. But the money in your study belongs to us now, you won't You don't mean what you say. " The short man in black couldn't wait to go to the basement to have a look, but he couldn't bear to see so much money in the study.

"Naturally, I don't mean what I say. Since I have promised to give it to you, there will be no mistake. I will move all these things to your residence immediately after you leave." Although Chen Wu didn't want to give all these things to the two men in black in front of him, compared with the big things he wanted to do, what is the small amount of money? What's more, I put more money in the inner bank, so how can I simply put it in such an unsafe place as the basement.

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