Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2576

"Why are these two here together?" Qi Tianyu originally followed Liao Wen, but he didn't expect to see another person he knew very well.

Qi Tianyu wants to go in, but he feels that there are people who are not inferior to the Liao family guarding around the Huang family. If he acts rashly, he may let the people who are guarding outside find out. If he does, it will be different from his original purpose. Therefore, Qi Tianyu can only turn around and return after watching the two people go in, and think of other ways.

"What, Liao Wen took Feifei to Huang's house? What on earth do they want to do? " Hong Feng had been trying to figure out how to get more news from her grandfather, but she didn't expect to hear such news from Qi Tianyu.

"I was puzzled about this matter. After all, although Liao Wen is really the young master of the Huang family, he changed his surname to be a bodyguard in your family when he was very young. Feifei has nothing to do with the Huang family, so I didn't understand it at all. I came to see you. If you don't understand, I don't even know." Qi Tianyu shook his head.

"No, what's more, Feifei's soft buns are so big that she almost never went out of the door. How can she suddenly run to Huang's house? What do they want to do? " Hong Feng even began to smash her head with her hand. She thought it was just her grandmother's business, but now she increasingly finds that there are other relatives in it. Hong Feng doesn't know what to do.

"I wanted to follow them to see what they wanted to do, but I felt that the troops near the Huang family were not inferior to those near the Liao family. So for the sake of the continuation of the plan, I thought about it carefully. Finally, I didn't go in. I wanted to come back and ask you if you have any new discoveries." Qi Tianyu felt very sad when he saw that the other party was worried, but now it's not the time to be worried to solve the problem.

"I really don't know what's going on now. I thought I could get revenge for my parents after I came here. As a result, so many things happened after I came here." Hong Feng really felt uncomfortable. After all, after she came here, she not only failed to achieve her parents' desire for revenge, but also disappeared her closest grandmother.

"Don't worry, you believe we can find your grandmother, and we can avenge your parents. Don't worry, think about other clues." Qi Tianyu didn't know how to persuade him.

"I really don't understand what these things are. Although I did know that my grandfather and grandmother had some small conflicts before, I thought they were very common things. I didn't expect that they would come to this situation. What's more, although I hated each other very much, I didn't pay attention to Feifei's affairs at all Love, to know that she and Liao Wen have a little relationship, or this period of time just found out Hong Feng suddenly found that although she grew up here, she really knew little about it.

"Hong Feng, I thought about it carefully on the way back just now. You should calm down and listen to me first, and I must realize the statement. What I said is just my guess. If there is anything that irritates you, you should take it as if you didn't hear it." Qi Tianyu has been thinking about this all the time, so he has some ideas.

"At this time, what else can't be said? You have to say it. " Hong Feng now feels isolated and helpless. Even if someone can provide her with some ideas, it's very good.

"Hong Feng, let's assume that if your grandfather really took your grandmother away, it will prove that your grandmother may not be so important to your grandfather, or your grandfather already knows the information in your grandmother's mouth." Qi Tianyu carefully recalled the things that he felt wrong before.

"But I really don't know what secrets my grandmother has. If she does, I think I should know a little." Hong Feng still doesn't agree with what the other party said. After all, if her grandmother really has these secrets, she should know more or less when she grew up with her grandmother.

"If it's really like what you said, there's only one explanation. After all, I heard your grandfather say that your grandmother said that there is an army in it. Your grandfather must really want to know the location and operation method of this army. If I guess correctly, this is also the important reason why your grandfather can treat your grandmother well all the time Why Qi Tianyu firmly believes that the information he heard before is correct.

"If it's really like what you say, why is my grandmother suddenly taken away?" Hong Feng can't help but keep up with each other's thinking and think about it carefully.

"As I said before, either your grandfather knew that there was no such thing at all, or your grandfather suddenly discovered the secret, and your grandmother didn't know it at all." Qi Tianyu thinks that only in this way can we explain the current situation.

"If you guess like that, I have nothing to refute. After all, although I have always lived in my grandfather's house, my grandmother is closer to me." Hong Feng wanted to refute the other party, but found that she had no evidence at all."Personally, I don't think anything will come out of nowhere, so your grandfather's hard work should be true. Then there is only one last reason. Your grandfather thinks that your grandmother doesn't know the secret at all, and that this matter is only recently known by your grandfather." Qi Tianyu saw that the other side agreed with his idea, so he was more interested.

"You mean Liao Wen?" Hong Feng knows that Qi Tianyu will not be aimless. Qi Tianyu said before that one of the two people must keep an eye on Liao Wen. It should be that this matter has something to do with each other, otherwise he would not pay so much attention to a small bodyguard.

"If I guess correctly, it should be like this. After all, if it's really this person, this person has been around your grandmother before and should be very familiar with your grandmother's affairs. Besides, don't you wonder why a young master of the other party wants to come to your house to be a bodyguard?" Qi Tianyu felt that if he said that, everything would make sense.

"This..." Hong Feng had never thought of this before. After all, the person had been in her home since she was born. But if she thought about it carefully, there was something wrong.

"That's why I asked us to keep an eye on Liao Wen before. That's why I saw the two people go back to Huang's home together and suddenly got nervous. I guess they want to do something again." Qi Tianyu really takes these things seriously. After all, these things are closely related to what he wants to do.

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